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Great Library destruction

I conquered the world as Attila/Barbarians once. It was ... educational.

Red (Barbarian) Settlers can build roads and other improvements in a square, but will pillage the square when you try to make them leave! But they can also build cities.

I created half a dozen Barb Settlers and used them to build half a dozen strong cities in Mongolia, China and the Russian Far East that could each pump out a Legion every turn. Legions were all I could build, unless I cheated further and tweaked city production to make other things. On the bright side, my cities never went into disorder and I had so many units that no AI civ could withstand me or get close to my cities. I needed that massive unit production, though. I clobbered the Mongols down to one city, but then spent something like128 Legions ("We can't support so many units, sire" became tiresome) trying to destroy the last Militia defending Samarkand! The game doesn't like Barbarians taking a computer civ's last city. I tried converting the defending Militia to a Diplomat - and lost another dozen Legions (yes, Legion v. Diplomat) that turn before, on the next turn, the Diplomat vanished and I was able to walk into the now-undefended city.

The trick, I learned, was to capture/destroy the enemy capital early, storm as many other cities as possible, then use a Barb Leader to subvert the last city since the game would not let me storm it.

I didn't keep the save files, unless they're in a zip somewhere, but reading this, I am inspired. I believe I shall create a new Barbarian empire and try to make it build a spaceship (tweaking city production to build parts instead of Legions). I'm betting it won't work!
Ready to build my Barbarian Seven Cities of Gold! But I'll make a new thread for my Barbarian Adventure, to avoid making a mess in this one.

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