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Great Wall Ceasefire Insistance ?


Jul 5, 2001
Earth , Sun , Milky Way , Second Star on the right
We are playing ZCC and this is becoming a problem.

In ZCC the only way we can get walls is to
capture the city that has The Great Wall Wonder.

Everytime we try to capture the Great Wall wonder city,
the coward adviser make us sign a ceasefire &
when we send a dip to capture the city by revolt
it damages our reputation.

Is there any way to get the Great Wall Wonder City without
having to violate a ceasefire & damageing your reputation ?
The advisor can only make you sign a cease fire if there is a unit of the AI civ that is next to one of yours. So, make sure you are not next to any of their units, attack the city when you can kill all the units in there in one turn, and march into the city.

If you attack and let a turn pass, any unit in the city can try to force the talk and the cease fire. You can always try to refuse to talk to them, but, IIRC, it still forces a cease fire on you.

Oh, and to get around the cease fire without damaging your reputation: You have to 'trick' them to attack. Leave a weak unit (warrior, diplomat, etc) next to one of his strong units. Usually the AI will be so tempted, they'll attack the unit. The other way is if you have an alliance with someone they are at war with, talk to that Civ and they should force you to end the cease fire. IIRC, that way doesn't hurt your reputation either.
Reputation means little in Civ II.

They'll attack you reguardless.
Not really.The Senate is unpredictable.I wait for an oedo year then throw myself into Anarchy for a turn.
They'll attack you reguardless.

The odds of sneak attack against a good reputed human are lower, all other things being equal. But the problem with statistics is that they don't do a 20% attack, LOL. If the AI decided to attack, that's 100%. But eventually, even a peaceful neighbor will be attacked by the AI.

The converse is also true. At times, the AI should attack but does not.

Put the word "eventually" before "attack" and you've hit the nail on the head. Be ready, and take several cities when thy attack!

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