Greek Misery


Dec 20, 2001
OK, I am too addicted to give this game up...

Emperor level, normal world map, started in Europe, 8 civs. I'm greek, English start in north africa, Egyptians somewhere on the russian plains, Romans lurk down in India. The rest battle over America.

4000 BC: Athens founded, the empire of the Greeks is born. One settler, one hoplite,temple and then The Great Library. My second city, Sparta, starts producing settlers at a painfully slow rate. However, I do expand over Europe.

1000 BC: Around this date, the Egyptians, may the Gods curse their race for all times, declare war on me. I havn't got a chance! I am force to buy them off for a crippeling sum. Meanwhile, I loose the colonization race. English and Egyptians settle all around me, blocking me completely. Any attempt to break out of this iron grip, settling somewhere else, leads to war. My cities can hold,as soon as I got some Hoplites, but Egyptian chariots devastate my lands, reducing all land improvements to rubble.

I am used playing the babs, where the might culture makes it impossible for any ednemy to build close to my cities without having them revolt. Also, on earlier maps, I have been within spitting distance of my enemie, sorry neighourgs capitols, making war quite easy. This is not the case for the greeks.

How do I break this stalemate?:confused:
you have various options,you can ally with another civ and hope if you go to war they bear the brunt of it.You can sit and wait building up your army then lunching a blitzkreig style attak taking a substatial amount of their cities within one turn.Tthe possibilities are endless the questions you've got to ask yourself are do you have a chance of winning the war in the end and will you be fighting more than one civ.
Yes, it would seem like your best bet would be to draw the AI into war with itself. You'd have to wait for Nationalism (and MPP's) for that. In the meantime, no wars for you!
OK, had a midnight go last night. Started the game for real, and played it all again. This time the Romans and English attacked me in a disgusting way...

"give us 250 gold (all I had) World maps and 50 gold/turn!!!!! You can bet I had that messanger hanged, drawn and quartered!

Anyway, I start the war on the defensice, fighting off a vast army of warriors, I counted at least 15 in one stack. Thanks to hoplites and a few gunmen, I managed to beat them off without too bad losses. A rather large army of knights penetrated my kingdom, simply bepassing my border forts and cut off my roads and my supply opf iron. Luckily they all got slaughtered as they assaulted Athens. I now had three knights, and decided to use them attacking the closest Roman city. It fell without me taking any losses, and I could buy off the Romans. I then set these three knight out to raid England. Ignoring all cities and armies on the way, I headed straight for London, and took it, sold it back for a jucy peace deal and then struck again., this time taking another three English cities.

Well, I'm waaaay behiund in tech and culture, but at least I am alive...
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