• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

[GS] GS impressions/random observations thread.

My apologies to all for invoking Industrial Era technology in regards to modern suspension bridges. In my defense, when I was model railroading years ago, I had no interest at all in diesel locomotives or anything after what I consider the real "Golden Age" of American railroads: about 1912, and well before diesel engines . . .
No apologies needed, and so much of the fun went away with the steam!
Regarding disasters, does anyone else think that naval units that survive a hurricane should get some xp? Scouts get xp for discovering new features, and historically ships that sailed through rough seas ended up with crews that were more experienced as a result. Seems like a reasonable feature for hurricanes to give xp, much like land-based disasters grant fertility and such.
Regarding disasters, does anyone else think that naval units that survive a hurricane should get some xp? Scouts get xp for discovering new features, and historically ships that sailed through rough seas ended up with crews that were more experienced as a result. Seems like a reasonable feature for hurricanes to give xp, much like land-based disasters grant fertility and such.

No. Because the Law of Unintended Consequences indicates that players will steer their naval units into the path of Hurricanes for free XP, when the intention is that units should flee from storms.
No. Because the Law of Unintended Consequences indicates that players will steer their naval units into the path of Hurricanes for free XP, when the intention is that units should flee from storms.

So what's wrong with that? People already manipulate their units for max xp. Got 2 swordsmen attacking a city and one is close to a promotion? Attack with that one for the levelup rather than the other one, even if it has higher health. It's a risk/reward situation. Your unit could perish in that hurricane, but if it doesn't, you get some xp. Seems legit.
Edit: Plus ships can't heal at sea, so if they're far from home you risk losing them to enemies if not the hurricane before they can find a safe port. Again, risk/reward balance
Regarding disasters, does anyone else think that naval units that survive a hurricane should get some xp? Scouts get xp for discovering new features, and historically ships that sailed through rough seas ended up with crews that were more experienced as a result. Seems like a reasonable feature for hurricanes to give xp, much like land-based disasters grant fertility and such.

Not xp, but how about a separate promotion that makes them take less damage from future storms, because they're experienced in that?
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