Guess the Map VI: Retroactive Cartographer

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Well, Hong Kong has a different colour than China which means it must be a dataset that collects it separately. Might have something to do with the PISA Studies which is based on OECD. But there is more countries coloured than there are OECD members. So it might not be a sociological survey after all...

After looking at the map again, I don't think it's an index like Happiness, Values or something like that as much of Africa has the same values as the Northern World / (the West). So I guess they key is the differences between culturally similar countries:

What's the difference between China and Hong Kong.
Why is Hungary/Armenia/Nepal red, while the rest of Eastern Europe/Caucasus/East Asia is blue?
What does Lithuania have more in common with Belarus and Poland than with the other Baltics?
Portugal and its colonies (Brazil, Angola, Mocambique, Cape Verdes) are all blue, which is different from the rest of the European countries.
What makes Thailand special?
And why is Djibouti the only country with no data (even freaking Somalia has). That's probably an oversight ;)

Is it some sort of temporal scale? (Every colour is a different decade)?
Well, Hong Kong has a different colour than China which means it must be a dataset that collects it separately. Might have something to do with the PISA Studies which is based on OECD. But there is more countries coloured than there are OECD members. So it might not be a sociological survey after all...

After looking at the map again, I don't think it's an index like Happiness, Values or something like that as much of Africa has the same values as the Northern World / (the West). So I guess they key is the differences between culturally similar countries:

What's the difference between China and Hong Kong.
Why is Hungary/Armenia/Nepal red, while the rest of Eastern Europe/Caucasus/East Asia is blue?
What does Lithuania have more in common with Belarus and Poland than with the other Baltics?
Portugal and its colonies (Brazil, Angola, Mocambique, Cape Verdes) are all blue, which is different from the rest of the European countries.
What makes Thailand special?
And why is Djibouti the only country with no data (even freaking Somalia has). That's probably an oversight ;)

Is it some sort of temporal scale? (Every colour is a different decade)?
Djibouti could be both blue and red, but it was a mistake that i didn't color it.
The colors are categories. I'm not the only one who doesn't even have a wild guess?
Okay, to speed it up a little, a clue: After i made this map i thought that Brazil at least puts you on the right track.
The colors are categories.

What else could they be? It's normal that a map is coloured by categories.

Are you trying to say that it's not a range (e.g. from 0-100 % where 0-20 % is one colour, the next 20 are another)?

You also didn't answer me if it's a temporal scale which I take to mean it's not?

Okay, to speed it up a little, a clue: After i made this map i thought that Brazil at least puts you on the right track.

That's not really helpful... After all I already pointed out that the "Portuguese" Colonies are all blue. I'm more curious why Hong Kong is a different colour from China. Something with independence? But it's not political, right?
What else could they be? It's normal that a map is coloured by categories.

Are you trying to say that it's not a range (e.g. from 0-100 % where 0-20 % is one colour, the next 20 are another)?

You also didn't answer me if it's a temporal scale which I take to mean it's not?
It's not a range or temporal, that's what i'm trying to say.
That's not really helpful... After all I already pointed out that the "Portuguese" Colonies are all blue. I'm more curious why Hong Kong is a different colour from China. Something with independence? But it's not political, right?
Not political or independence, but history is a part of it.
Don't concentrate too much on Hong Kong, it propably would have been better too make it both blue and red, but you wouldn't have spotted it on the map anyway.
Bump to bring this back. It's fun, guys!

Russia is high. Must be communism or vodka. I'm going with vodka.

Does grey mean no data or that "it" is not present in this country?
Not debt, is it? I'm pretty sure that's wrong because of how many countries have no colour, but they could be 'no data' countries, I guess.
"It" is present in every country, so grey is no data. I'm somewhat surprised there's no data for France.

It is not related to debt, no.
Drug use?
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