Hail Jon Shafer

How did they destroy the franchise?

by milking the crap out of out :lol:

and it doesn't matter how many people are experiencing bugs...if I am not experiencing bugs(which I am not, and for that matter, never experienced any with Civ 4 either), then why should I complain about them? you still haven't answered that question...one would think you would, since you seem hellbent on preventing us from posting our enjoyment of the game.
Did they change the newest COD into an RTS or driving game?

Did they shift the development cycle over to a game per year, destroy all the creative talent at infinity ward, and begin preparations on pay to play while developing 15 dollar barebones mappacks, that incidentally are the sole reason they cut out all of the modding from the game?

That's pretty evil, greedy stuff. Imagine if Civ 5 didn't come with absolutley any modding at all because it would interfere with the now 5 dollar pre-order bonuses that Firaxis makes money off of.
by milking the crap out of out :lol:

and it doesn't matter how many people are experiencing bugs...if I am not experiencing bugs(which I am not, and for that matter, never experienced any with Civ 4 either), then why should I complain about them? you still haven't answered that question...one would think you would, since you seem hellbent on preventing us from posting our enjoyment of the game.

I agree with that.

But really I don't know how they can reinvent the music game genre without killing the current simplicity of it and reducing its mass appeal to the teenage rockstar wannabe audience.

The music game genre is also awfully shallow and simple, people play it in parties and to listen to the songs, and if the song lists are fun people are happy.
Did they shift the development cycle over to a game per year, destroy all the creative talent at infinity ward, and begin preparations on pay to play while developing 15 dollar barebones mappacks, that incidentally are the sole reason they cut out all of the modding from the game?

That's pretty evil, greedy stuff. Imagine if Civ 5 didn't come with absolutley any modding at all because it would interfere with the now 5 dollar pre-order bonuses that Firaxis makes money off of.

Well IW is virtually no more, all of its veteran staff that worked on MW1 and MW2 already left for EA.

So can't really blame IW for the new yearly development cycle to crank out new COD games, it wasn't their decision. And as for myself MW2 was the last COD I will be playing for a long time. That game was a failure comparing to MW1.
Go on. You mentioned about playing a couple of multiplayer games. Go on.

What about the fact that there is no dedicated servers. No matchmaking. No online ladder and ranking, which encourages players to leave the game whenever they wish. No unit animation. Random crashes (happened to me personally once, but complaint about this is rampant on the multiplayer forums). Random player disconnections. No joining a mid-game after disconnection, etc, etc.
I didn't get any crashes. I play with people I know, not random people, so again, I'm completely satisfied.

As for glitches, bug, lag and framerate issues, I don't even know where to begin. You only need to search around on page 1 of this forum to see the number of people experiencing these problems.

Not ME though. Why should I be obliged to see OTHER PEOPLE having problems and it changing my own perception of a game? AND WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH JON SHAFER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge the effectiveness and the ability of this new mod toolkit is yet to be seen, because the map editor hasn't been released yet.

Dale in this thread has, and the info revealed is 10x what was available in Civ 4. The internal mod browser alone is a god send for modders and I've seen this.

Again you fail to see the main extent of the whole situation. Just because you personally haven't experienced the problems, doesn't mean they aren't here. And the fact that a lot of us have experienced them already prove the fact that those problems ARE here.

WHAT does this have to do with me? Am I not allowed the enjoy the game and congratulate the designer FOR DESIGN DECISIONS just because YOU, someone I've never met, and frankly, suspect perhaps with bias that I'd dislike intensely, have problems with the game? Am I plugged into some global conciousness where you having trouble with the game is something I should personally find frustration with while I'm sat there enjoying the hell out of my own game of Civ 5? Get a grip.

Strictly speaking it IS your fault being a CIV fan for setting such a low standard for Firaxis. As the core fan base of the CIV series, the higher the benchmark we set for Firaxis, the more polished and content filled the products will be.

Setting a low standard? I have had NO PROBLEMS. How is being satisfied with NO PROBLEMS setting a low standard? Why don't you go and buy Elemental and see what low standard is pal, we could use a break around here, quite frankly.
Well IW is virtually no more, all of its veteran staff that worked on MW1 and MW2 already left for EA.

So can't really blame IW for the new yearly development cycle to crank out new COD games, it wasn't their decision. And as for myself MW2 was the last COD I will be playing for a long time. That game was a failure comparing to MW1.

The reason the creative talent left was because the parent company withheld their royalties and engineered an excuse to fire them. Thats pretty evil.
I love Civ V.
I didn't get any crashes. I play with people I know, not random people, so again, I'm completely satisfied.

Not ME though. Why should I be obliged to see OTHER PEOPLE having problems and it changing my own perception of a game? AND WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH JON SHAFER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Dale in this thread has, and the info revealed is 10x what was available in Civ 4. The internal mod browser alone is a god send for modders and I've seen this.

WHAT does this have to do with me? Am I not allowed the enjoy the game and congratulate the designer FOR DESIGN DECISIONS just because YOU, someone I've never met, and frankly, suspect perhaps with bias that I'd dislike intensely, have problems with the game? Am I plugged into some global conciousness where you having trouble with the game is something I should personally find frustration with while I'm sat there enjoying the hell out of my own game of Civ 5? Get a grip.

Setting a low standard? I have had NO PROBLEMS. How is being satisfied with NO PROBLEMS setting a low standard? Why don't you go and buy Elemental and see what low standard is pal, we could use a break around here, quite frankly.

I agree lemmy, and he won't respond to either of us directly because it is obvious we are correct that if we have no bugs, we shouldnt' be upset by them.
The thing is, I am plauged by memory sinks and crashes and framerate problems that cause me to restart every 45 minutes.

And yet I'm totally loving Civ 5.
I wish he'd go back to talking about history.
Topic change: "No sleep until everyone is as miserable as devilhunterred".


It really is depressing. It really really is depressing.

I'm so close to just leaving this community. I've written a f**k you I'm leaving post in this thread about 3 times now and thought better of it. I want to be around for the modding and the Stories and Tales but jesus, you people are SO horrible to be around infecting everything good or hopeful with bile and frustration.

Man, I hope sincerely you're not anything like this in real life or you must live a pretty depressing lonely existence.

I was in a good mood when I wrote that thread, even managing to find affection and understanding toward those I'd been arguing with before. I was in a good mood as the replies kept coming. Well done. Your goal in life to get everyone as raged as you has succeeded, I'm in a crappy mood. I hope that pleases you. Well I can only take back what I said in the OP about all the hate being born our of love. You just love to hate and love to bring everything down, it's the only explanation for you assault on this thread despite every olive branch I tried to lay out in the post to keep this from happening.

Each time I tell myself I won't rise to it, but each time you guys manage get under my skin with some indignant poisonous comment.
As for glitches, bug, lag and framerate issues, I don't even know where to begin. You only need to search around on page 1 of this forum to see the number of people experiencing these problems.

How about reporting these as bugs? You know, in the bug reporting section. They have nothing to do with gameplay. If you don't like the new gameplay changes, that's fair enough. But let me tell you that no Civ release ever has been without bugs.

Again you fail to see the main extent of the whole situation. Just because you personally haven't experienced the problems, doesn't mean they aren't here. And the fact that a lot of us have experienced them already prove the fact that those problems ARE here.

Strictly speaking it IS your fault being a CIV fan for setting such a low standard for Firaxis. As the core fan base of the CIV series, the higher the benchmark we set for Firaxis, the more polished and content filled the products will be.

Low standard? Are people not allowed to enjoy the game because you have experienced bugs?
I'm so close to just leaving this community. I've written a f**k you I'm leaving post in this thread about 3 times now and thought better of it. I want to be around for the modding and the Stories and Tales but jesus, you people are SO horrible to be around infecting everything good or hopeful with bile and frustration.

Please don't leave, we need more positivity here.

You're not the only one being depressed about all the butthurt rants clogging the forums. :(
"and can see the great potential for these as the game is patched, inspired modders take the reigns and expand your vision in new and exciting ways, and we await the first expansion with baited breath!" (my bold)

I agree!
I totally agree with the OP. It is a whole different game and a very interesting one.

There are some things that bug me (esp. the AI is a letdown) but I really have a hard time understanding people spamming the forum with their dissatisfaction. I mean, it is OK to voice concerns, but why come and spoil the fun in a thread like this? Haven't you people complained in like 1000 threads already?
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