Help improve the expansion pack!

That settler-policy icon is fantastic! I'm not very talented at creating vector art. Could you attach the photoshop file or email it to me? I would also love to add any changes you made to other icons in the game, if you could post/email the code or artwork for the rest. :goodjob:
Just as a thought, could we swap the infantry and conscript art for the civilopedia? Conscripts aren't on a tech line with SMGs and the modern infantry probably wouldn't look like they're crawling out of trenches ;)
Might be a bit strange question. Thal's mod(s) - with help of others not to be offended :) - had three rough stages:
1. getting it together
2. playable, implementing suggestions
3. very playable, removing bugs, hammering details

Are the additions for G&K in the 2nd phase yet? Didn't buy G&K yet and I don't want to until addons are stable enough to be as playable as towards the end before expansion.

Great work Thal and others. I'm just a user so I'm waiting (patiently) for a comparably good, stable version. :)

bump :)

Are we in phase 3 yet?
No. Closer to mid stage 2.

No one has seen Thal in several weeks.

At this point assuming he is either on vacation from modding, testing the new patch, perhaps waiting till the new patch arrives before starting up again. Maybe that new job finally came through and he just doesn't have time.
Yeah, we're stuck somewhere in phase two. What's most annoying that is missing (besides the occasional bugs) to me is the leaders which seem one of the few things that haven't been adapted yet at all.

But I got time so no hurry ;)
I tried to check if the leaders portion of the VEM mod could just be switched on and see what bugs result (and what changes would remain for GK leaders or changes to vanilla leaders in GK) but I haven't heard back yet.

I think if we can iron that part out and hammer the major bugs, the mod would be basically done and we could move on to finishing adding/changing wonders (there's some lua stuff I haven't figured out how to do), finishing military balance, debating and implementing any new ideas that Thal has (on things like espionage or CS quests?) or are made possible with dll access, etc.
But I got time so no hurry ;)

In some ways I think the break is a blessing. While the breakneck pace of changes was very exciting, its not a good recipe for the finished product as you never have enough time to really test out the changes.

This current patch has gotten more games from me then probably the last 10 releases combined and I think gives me a more genuine viewpoint of what is good and bad.
if the leaders portion of the VEM mod could just be switched on and see what bugs result (and what changes would remain for GK leaders or changes to vanilla leaders in GK)

I plan to do this sometime this week. I've been spending time with family, traveling for job interviews, and trying out the patch. I'm starting to get back into the modding mindset again. As Stalker0 pointed out, breaks can be a good thing, though I agree we need the Leaders part of the mod implemented. :)
I have terrible memory. I forget what my long-term plan is. I forget things I need to address. I forget to buy stuff when I have enough gold. I can never save and continue a game later, because I've forgotten everything about it.

The game isn't helping. Map pins at first appeared like a solution, but turned out not to be. I play with the cities panel open so I can see what's going on, and forget to check the pins panel before ending my turn, so I can't use it to take notes. It also doesn't help that pins are geo-local and don't display their text on the map itself.

It'd be great if you could... take notes, somehow. Notes that were visible and persisted on the screen at all times until dismissed. This way I could track my grand strategy, short-term goals, things I needed to remember.
Civilization-unique buildings should have their tooltip describe which regular building they replace, like unique units do.

Would like to help with DLL mods, I was looking at this one, "Military Base increases city range to 3." waiting for the update SDK so I havent test it, but this should work:

CvCity.cpp inside CanRangeStrikeNow

	int iRange = GC.getCITY_ATTACK_RANGE();
	// City range +1 (3) if has military base	
	// End

CvDangerPlots.cpp inside UpdateDanger

int iRange = GC.getCITY_ATTACK_RANGE();
	// City range +1 (3) if has military base			
	// End

CvUnit.cpp inside setXY

// if there is an enemy city nearby, alert any scripts to this
	// City range +1 (3) if has military base, check range + 1 before knowing if it has military base not efficient	
	int iAttackRange = GC.getCITY_ATTACK_RANGE() + 1;
	// End
	for(int iDX = -iAttackRange; iDX <= iAttackRange; iDX++)
		for(int iDY = -iAttackRange; iDY <= iAttackRange; iDY++)
			CvPlot* pTargetPlot = plotXYWithRangeCheck(getX(), getY(), iDX, iDY, iAttackRange);
			// City range +1 (3) if has military base	
			if(pTargetPlot && pTargetPlot->isCity() && pTargetPlot->getPlotCity()->IsHasBuildingThatAllowsRangeStrike())
			// End
					// do it
					CvCity* pkPlotCity = pTargetPlot->getPlotCity();
					auto_ptr<ICvCity1> pPlotCity = GC.WrapCityPointer(pkPlotCity);
					DLLUI->SetSpecificCityInfoDirty(pPlotCity.get(), CITY_UPDATE_TYPE_ENEMY_IN_RANGE);

The attibute AllowsRangeStrike in CIV5Buildings.xml should be changed to false for some buildings.

Walls, Castle, Arsenal, Mughal Fort, so only the Military Base has it to true.

I don't think the attribute was really used, correct me if I am wrong. Also need to verify the AI will use it.
That sounds awesome! :thumbsup: (One might even turn the whole city combat on its head and have one-tile range until Walls/Castles? That'd make them that much more important).

I love the crap outta your mod. Is the todo list in the OP of this thread still accurate? Should I dig in?
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