Help Me w/ Civ2 .Txt Stuffs


Civ2ToT Modder
Feb 1, 2012
Hi, I'm currently trying to explore more of civ2 modding stuffs. I'm helping someone to finish his E`Earth mod. There are things I'm having problem with, so, please help me with these. :)

1 In the "Rules.txt", I set the Shield rows from 10 to 5. Then the cost of warrior from 1 to 3, I think. So the previous cost was 10shields and the new one is 15shields. In the build menu, the production works as expected, "14turns for 1shield per turn". But the civilopedia says it's 30shields, instead of 15. They contradict, and I can't find the quick fix for this.
2 Some units are missing. Keshik, given the proper prereq., horseback Riding, in the rules.txt.
The unit appears in the civilopedia and there's no "You Cannot Build this Unit" phrase. But when I go back to build menu, it isn't there.
Hey there!

1Civ2 Test of Time? Hope so... please NOT MGE!!! Use Test of Time, please.
The Civilopedia, simply, lacks. I use my Terrain Concepts for advanced Terraforming, for example,
but Civ2 does not use the Values i gave... there, sometimes, is a Difference between the
Terrain Values i gave, and the Terrain Values existing in Game!!! And sometimes the Civilopedia
fails to tell the Unit Values i gave, and existing in Game... simply incorrect.
For further Informations ask Catfish, he is the God of the Game...

2Ahem. Could it be, that your Empire hasnt researched yet, a Tec called Horseback Riding?

Civ2 Test of Time is a simple to mod old Game, and gives smooth Results...
simple to mod, for a PC Game, but tricky sometimes, and sometimes much Work...

In the "Rules.txt", I set the Shield rows from 10 to 5. Then the cost of warrior from 1 to 3, I think. So the previous cost was 10shields and the new one is 15shields. In the build menu, the production works as expected, "14turns for 1shield per turn". But the civilopedia says it's 30shields, instead of 15. They contradict, and I can't find the quick fix for this.
There isn't one. That's probably because although the cost has effectively been increased to 15 by halving the shield box and tripling the cost, technically, it still costs 30 shields. Best to make a note in the Readme file that the shield box has been halved for increased production rates across the board.

2 Some units are missing. Keshik, given the proper prereq., horseback Riding, in the rules.txt.
The unit appears in the civilopedia and there's no "You Cannot Build this Unit" phrase. But when I go back to build menu, it isn't there.
See this guide.
There isn't one. That's probably because although the cost has effectively been increased to 15 by halving the shield box and tripling the cost, technically, it still costs 30 shields. Best to make a note in the Readme file that the shield box has been halved for increased production rates across the board.
Ah, that's it. It's the sheild box, not the sheild cost. :mischief:
The second one has already been fixed, I just screwed up a little.

Thanks for the explanation, Catfish. :)

Uhm, and, is there schism in ToT? If I'm not mistaken, 21 tribes are only group into 7. And there is no other way to put 8 civs in the game. I asked because I want to know what the trigger word "NoSchism" means in ToT!? :)
Sometimes when a tribe loses its capital city, it will split into two tribes. This can only occur when there is at least one tribe slot available. It's impossible to create more than 8 tribes (7 players + barbarians) in Civ2.

From macro.txt:

In the uncommon case when someone captures or destroys the capital city of a large empire (the defender civilization), a schism might occur. In that situation, this trigger does two things. First, it prevents the schism from happening. Second, it activates any actions associated with it.
I have another question, please. :)

In research, is the next tech always much expensive than the past no matter how it's advanced or ancient? Like, when I beeline Lit then want to tech Hor, then Hor costs much beakers than Lit? :confused:
They're treated equally. You could test this by switching from one class of tech to another. The beaker cost for the next tech depends on how many techs you already own, regardless of epoch. That value is modified depending on how you compare against the key civ. If you're ahead, you'll be penalised, if you're behind, you'll be compensated. Map size is also a factor. Of course, you can further modify the rate by adjusting the tech paradigm.
I believe the bonus is versus any unit with a movement factor of 2 AND a hit points factor of 1. Therefore only the Horseman unit is covered as later cavalry have 2+ HP. I may be wrong, but I'm sure I remember this from somewhere. Its a real shame as the Pikeman capability would be really useful for scenario building, but 1 HP cavalry are fairly useless.
You're right, but there's a way to get around it (sort of). You'll be happy to know that the pikeman bonus works against units with firepower greater than 1. You could create a cavalry unit with a firepower factor of 3, and the defensive bonus would apply.
No, I mean that the bonus will apply to all FP values (as long as the HP factor is 1 and movement is 2). For example, if you adjusted the cavalry unit stats to have HP=1 and FP=2, then the defensive bonus would take effect.
Yes, as per McMonkey's first post. One thing he omitted was the size of the bonus. It's +50%, not +100% (x2), as listed in the rules file comments. If you really want links, see Marquis de Sodaq's Combat Guide and Nethog's Civ2 Reference Pack. The Combat Guide contains a few minor errors, perhaps because testing was performed on an unmodified vanilla game. For instance, it lists the attacker's FP as a factor for the pikeman bonus. As Minipow pointed out, it isn't.
We tested it. I realized it's a crucial info. Thanks for all of your help. :)

The next is having problem with unit slots.
I understand about partisans and fanatics. But. . .
a) When I was modifying a certain unit(Mobile SAM), placed it on the "crusader" slot and was given the right req(Las) and exp(nil) tech. Disabled it for the barbarians in the @unit_advanced, like
"0000001", right?
But barbarians keep spawning these units during medieval era.

b) Does "Gun" obsoletes any ground unit with movement of 1 and attack of >0?
I changed the exp tech of "pikeman" from Gunpowder to Rifling. But when "Gun" arrives, it disappears in the production menu. However, cities keep building these units instead of upgrading the production to musketeers.
a) When I was modifying a certain unit(Mobile SAM), placed it on the "crusader" slot and was given the right req(Las) and exp(nil) tech. Disabled it for the barbarians in the @unit_advanced, like
"0000001", right?
But barbarians keep spawning these units during medieval era.
The 'tribe may build mask' applies to city production. The barbarian spawns are governed by another set of rules. See William Keenan's Barbarian Paper.

b) Does "Gun" obsoletes any ground unit with movement of 1 and attack of >0?
I changed the exp tech of "pikeman" from Gunpowder to Rifling. But when "Gun" arrives, it disappears in the production menu. However, cities keep building these units instead of upgrading the production to musketeers.
From William Keenan's ToT Advance Slot Properties:
[Gunpowder] Makes obsolete all defensive role units with a defence strength less than that of the unit in the musketeer slot of the RULES.TXT.
Cities won't automatically switch production unless a unit's obsolescence tech is the same as another's prerequisite tech.
Okay, I forward the links to him. With this new discovery, fixing lot of things has to be done. ><"
BTW, Thanks Catfish. :)

In technology part of rules.txt, what do social and applied mean?:hammer2: Do they have something to do with diplomacy and happiness? :confused:
AFAIK the settings for Social and Applied just change the icons displayed in the games tech tree, but they have no effect on the game-play. It is the AI Value and Civilized Modifier values that effect how the AI will pursue technologies.
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