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Help on finding last unit....


Apr 13, 2009
I am in the middle of an awesome game and kicking some serious butt.

However, I have run into a problem.

A bunch of AIs ganged up on a Persian/Malinese alliance and were set to throw in everything but the kitchen sink into the war. Unfortunately, the P/M empire (or what was left of it after I laid a smackdown on them) is in my back yard, and many of these AIs who previously didn't have any territory on my continent would end up gaining footholds in my area where they previously did not have. In essence I had a choice - defend the Perisian/Malinese or throw my killer force against them first and take the land before the others do.

Since the Persian/Malinese already hated me, I elected to do the latter, and swept most of their empire into my clutches preventing any of the non-native AIs from gaining ground. When the dust settled I owned about 80% of their land, while the Chinese/Aztec alliance took the remaining 20% (they are my NE neighbors).

However, there was an unforseen side effect of this unplanned war. When I started the game I checked the "Require Complete Kills" button, and apparently after slaughtering the remaining Malinese forces, the civ didn't die. The Persians did on the spot, so its probably not a bug, but now I'm stuck at war with a nation that has no force, city or units apparently left.

Finally it hit me, they must have a spy somewhere. But where I don't know. None of the AIs are making peace with the Malinese, and they won't go to war until the current war is over. So now I am stuck in a semi-peaceful zone, where the AI players are gaining strength. Usually when their power looks close to dwarfing me I pay one side to fight the other which knocks them both down a few notches, but this "phony war" with a malinese spy is preventing me from doing so.

I have tried searching the whole world, I even revealed the map using cheats, and i STILL CANT FIND THE DAMNED thing. Can anyone help? I really don't want to end this game as its getting ready to get REAL GOOD, yet I can't take on all of these other AIs at once and while they are united, declaring war on one would put me in the same position as the Persian/Malinese (oh man it was a slaughter).

So please, anyone want to help? A quick kill, revealing of units, Spy trick? ANYTHING?

Thanks :)
Mind telling me which forum this belongs to then?
Mind telling me which forum this belongs to then?

Well, since you're talking about the Persians and Malinese, I assume you're talking about Civilization IV, not Civilization Revolution, because they're not in Civ Revolution. So if your question is about Civ IV, then you want to post in the Civ IV forum. This is the Civ Revolution forum.
Are you serious? How the hell did I mess that up?

HAHAHA okay I'm going to the CIV 4 forum. :goodjob:
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