Help with Adding/Disabling/Updating Technology's


Aug 26, 2013
So I have been looking on Youtube, and all through the forums but there just isn't any information I am finding to help me with my Mission.

I want to take the Era's after the Renassaince and Replace them with more Renassaince related Technology and units.

Its seems to me that it would be easiest to just take the current Tech and Rename/ Re-Purpose them but I don't see a way to do it.

So I have instead attempted to Disable and move outside of the view and create a new and shift already existing techs a bit with Zero success....

Here is an example of what I have attempted but when I actually run this nothing happens at all in the game when I test it.

So any idea's what I am doing wrong or any advice on how to do what I want or maybe you know some refrence material I have missed about adding/updating Tech somewhere?
	<!-- Test Tech -->
			<Set Disable="True"/>
			<Where Type="TECH_ARCHAEOLOGY"/>
			<Set GridY="27"/>
			<Where Type="ARCHAEOLOGY"/>
			<Set Cost="1600"/>
			<Set GridX="8"/>
			<Set GridY="1"/>	 
			<Where Type="Navigation"/>
			<Set PrereqTech="TECH_SQUARE_RIG"/>
			<Set Cost="1150"/>
			<Set GridX="7"/>
			<Set GridY="1"/>
			<Where Type="Astronomy"/>
			<Text>Square rigs allowed the fitting of many small sails to create a large total sail area to drive large ships. Fore-and-aft could be sailed with less crew and were efficient working to windward or reaching, but creating a large total sail area required large sails, which could cause the sails and cordage to break more easily under the wind.</Text>
			<Text>Leads to the Caravel the first Ocean going ship and the ability to embark on water.</Text>
			<Text>[NEWLINE][ TAB ][ TAB ]"The crew of the caravel Nina also saw signs of land, and a small branch covered with berries. Everyone breathed afresh and rejoiced at these signs."[NEWLINE][ TAB ][ TAB ] - Christopher Columbus[NEWLINE][ TAB ]</Text>


Thank you for your time and I appreciate any help at this point I am just pounding my head against a wall...
Multiple "Set" words within the same <Update>. Restructure them as in:
<Set Cost="1600" GridX="8" GridY="1"/>

No such Technology in the game as ARCHAEOLOGY or Navigation or Astronomy. The names of the Techs have to be presented exactly as Firaxis created them, as in:

Any one of these errors will cause the game to discard the entire file where the error occurs.
I appreciate any help at this point I am just pounding my head against a wall...

What LeeS said, and as there will probably be other errors, enable logging (first link in my sig) and check the logs ;)
Thank you very much guys,

On a side note is the most effiecent way of going about this replacement of the industrial era and latter techs with new tech's disabling and moving them out of view and creating a new tech in its place?

Or is there a way to rename and reassign the attributes of the already in place techs?

Hope that makes any sense and you understand what I am trying to say...

On a side note I made the changes but nothing took...

I belive it has to do with:

OnModActivated>UpdateDatabase>File dropdown greyed out and empty (as if there is no xml file to select. I have saved several times and I do have a xml file... not sure why its not populating...
I cut and pasted the code into a new project and it all of a sudden let me select the xml file to activate....

However the test still isn't working with when launching the mod... tech tree remains the same.... nothing has changed in the log....

Is there no refrence material for adding updating disabling tech's, that I can read maybe cut and paste snippets etc.... Or a mod that has done alot of what I am trying to do that I can Hijack idea's from???
Finally there is a visable effect in the Tech tree....

Quite wrong but atleast there is a sign that a Mod is active,

The New Tech Square Rig is showing up in the Midevil Era between Compass and Education but it should show up in the Renassaince!

I must be missing something in the code again....

			<Where TechType="TECH_NAVIGATION"/>
			<Set PrereqTech="TECH_ASTRONOMY"/>
			<Where TechType="TECH_ASTRONOMY"/>
			<Set PrereqTech="TECH_SQUARE_RIG"/>				   
			<Set Disable="True"/>
			<Where TechType="TECH_ARCHAEOLOGY"/>
			<Set GridY="27"/>
			<Where TechType="TECH_ARCHAEOLOGY"/>
			<Set Cost="1600" GridX="8" GridY="1"/>
			<Where TechType="TECH_NAVIGATION"/>
			<Set Cost="1150" GridX="7" GridY="1"/>
			<Where TechType="TECH_ASTRONOMY"/>
			<Text>Square rigs allowed the fitting of many small sails to create a large total sail area to drive large ships. Fore-and-aft could be sailed with less crew and were efficient working to windward or reaching, but creating a large total sail area required large sails, which could cause the sails and cordage to break more easily under the wind.</Text>
			<Text>Leads to the Caravel the first Ocean going ship and the ability to embark on water.</Text>
			<Text>[NEWLINE][ TAB ][ TAB ]"The crew of the caravel Nina also saw signs of land, and a small branch covered with berries. Everyone breathed afresh and rejoiced at these signs."[NEWLINE][ TAB ][ TAB ] - Christopher Columbus[NEWLINE][ TAB ]</Text>
In the table <Technologies> you must use Type and not TechType.

Hint: Changing too many things at once will simply cause you to have no idea what is and is not working as you try to fix errors and refine your code. So fix only the TechType errors within the table <Technologies> before attempting any more changes. And then do not go back to using TechType within the table <Technologies> even if that does not seem to fix all your problems.
Thank you LeeS,

With your help I almost have it all fleshed out and it only took like 12 hours to get three techs done lol..... but atleast the rest should go faster now that I have a clue....

And I will also post the fleshed out code when I get there so other poor saps like me can learn from this thread...
I am starting to think this is impossible, I have deleted the connection's that use to be between Education and Astronomy and Compass and Astronomy completely.

I have changed those same connections to now connect from Square Rig, I have deleted 1 and connected 1, and vice vrsa I have created brand new prereqs too Square Rig that seem to do nothing no matter what combination of I do I cannot get Compass and Education to link too Square Rig and then Square Rig too Astronomy,

There closest I get is everything minus compass connecting to Square Rig or Compass skipping Square Rig and connecting too Astronomy.....

Everything that makes sense in my mind doesn't work and everything that shouldn't work kinda does...

And this is just the first 4 Tech's I have started with.... This plan of mine is really starting to look overwhelmingly impossible...

Please is there someone who has mastered the disabling, updating and creation of technology's and getting the prereq's set correctly... That would teach me lol....
So I promised I would post the code of what I was doing when I got it to work correctly, so others who are having my same issues can read and see what I did.

I do want to point out that the Prereq link between Education and Astronomy that the game normally provides for is Not there when this code runs. (Odd)

Because I haven't taken it out with a delete line. And when I do well things get messed up so while thee end result is exactly the way I want it. It still doesn't make perfect sense in my eyes lol...

			<Set Disable="True"/>
			<Where Type="TECH_ARCHAEOLOGY"/>
			<Set GridY="27"/>
			<Where Type="TECH_ARCHAEOLOGY"/>
			<Set Cost="1600" GridX="9" GridY="1"/>
			<Where Type="TECH_NAVIGATION"/>
			<Set Cost="1150" GridX="8" GridY="1"/>
			<Where Type="TECH_ASTRONOMY"/>
		<Delete TechType="TECH_ARCHAEOLOGY" PrereqTech="TECH_NAVIGATION"/>
		<Delete TechType="TECH_ASTRONOMY" PrereqTech="TECH_COMPASS"/>	
			<Where TechType="TECH_ASTRONOMY"/>
			<Set PrereqTech="TECH_SQUARE_RIG"/>
				Square Rig
				Square rigs allowed the fitting of many small sails to create a large total sail area to drive large ships. Fore-and-aft could be sailed with less crew and were efficient working to windward or reaching, but creating a large total sail area required large sails, which could cause the sails and cordage to break more easily under the wind.
			<Text>Leads to the Caravel the first Ocean going ship and the ability to embark on water.</Text>
			<Text>[NEWLINE][ TAB ][ TAB ]"The crew of the caravel Nina also saw signs of land, and a small branch covered with berries. Everyone breathed afresh and rejoiced at these signs."[NEWLINE][ TAB ][ TAB ] - Christopher Columbus[NEWLINE][ TAB ]</Text>
Attaching the actual mod (as suggested in post #5) and not just pasting parts of it (and therefore leaving us to guess what may really be happening) will make it more likely to receive a solution.

Techs can be repurposed, deleted, added, moved, etc, etc - and many mods, including several DLC scenarios, do this - so the problem must be with your mod.
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