Hermetic Lore for FFH DI5

No I wasn't going to include multiple nations under different leaders unless someone requested it. I figured I'd just use the most well known. Unless anyone wants to make a request before tomorrow?
I don't even know what God I'd like to be yet, let alone what leader would suit my plots. I would suggest including two extra Amurite civs, led by Dain and Valledia, so that if the Amurites have revolutions or civil wars as part of the story that there's space available for it.
I don't even know what God I'd like to be yet, let alone what leader would suit my plots. I would suggest including two extra Amurite civs, led by Dain and Valledia, so that if the Amurites have revolutions or civil wars as part of the story that there's space available for it.

Going to post the thread today. I will try probably wait a day before throwing the save up as well. When I do I will try to include multiple Amurites and Multiple Clan & Doveillo nations.
Could you have the Sheaim led by Tebryn, not Os-Gabella when you start? Though I'm not sure I'll be Ceridwen again.
I've put up a Hermetic Lore to go with the new DI6 thread Ravus made.
All those wishing to claim a god, please head over to the Hermetic Lore for DI6 to claim them before someone else snags them.

apenpaap, I'd post on the main DI6 thread Ravus created since he'll be the one creating the game. Have to get him to set that.
Could you have the Sheaim led by Tebryn, not Os-Gabella when you start? Though I'm not sure I'll be Ceridwen again.

oops? darn, just made a save file. Like 10 minutes ago. Is it really important? :p I only ask as it was fiddly to manually put in those twenty something nations.

EDIT: But yes Derf is right, lets move everything to the other threads so as not to clog this one up.
Not knowing when this DI story is going to kick off again and having seen how fragile phones are over the week-end, I've decided to upload my drafts for Esus as is so I can find them when Verdian returns.

Spoiler :

Turn 150, MP-III, Morpheus in the Underworld
Spoiler :

The mercenary was daydreaming as he sauntered through the Market of Cevedes. The words of an orator broke through his revery.
"Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?". The speaker had a good delivery and a sizeable crowd around him. He was a tall man. Half his body was black and charred. All of his body was covered in scars. They crisscrossed over the burnt and unburnt flesh. He wore only trousers so that none could deny the torments that he had obviously been subjected to.
The mercenary nudged the man next to him, "Who's he?"
"That's Morpheus, one of the greatest heroes this land has ever known."
"I thought Morpheus was killed by the great Dragon, Acheron."
"That's the one. He's back from hell now or if you listen, he reckons we're all still in hell."
The mercenary focussed on what Morpheus was saying. He described the teeming, terrible City that was Mammon's hell. He told how he'd escaped that to find himself in the Vault of Camulos. There he fought, as all must fight, lest they just become playthings for the torturers. He told of the Angel of Sirona who'd tried to help him, who was herself destroyed by Balors. Finally, he thought he'd broken free and returned to Erebus.
He soon realised that this is not Erebus. This is the most cunning hell of all. This is Shadowfel. This is the Vault of Esus. This is a land of lies but Morpheus had seen the truth and would try to share that truth with as many as he could.

Morpheus's message and many of his words stuck with the mercenary as he made his way back to his camp that evening. Morpheus had said that Shadowfel was the world that had been pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth. As the mercenary pondered this, he knew the world would never look the same again.

MP-IV, Turn 200, Honourable War
Spoiler :

"My lord, as I predicted, the Calabim emissary has arrived. He's not as controlled as usual but then his family were among those who settled in X."
Crossos enters. As always, he is immaculately turned out. The puffiness around his eyes betrays that the man has been recently crying. White knuckles show, where he grips his cane too tightly.
"My lord Dallarin, I must ask if you had any foreknowledge of this despicable Amurite attack."
"No, emissary, we did not know of the Amurite plans. We only heard X had been conquered."
"Conquered!? X was stolen. It's people have been butchered. Only a fraction of the population have been left alive. The Amurites attacked without provocation. Valledia even dined with our emissary on the night of the attack. How can you still entertain such vipers in your court. You must cast them all out. Then join us in a just war of retribution."
"I will consult with my advisors. A war is not something I choose to enter lightly."
"The Calabim did not choose war. The people of X did not choose to be murdered. The treacherous Amurites have denied us the luxury of choice."


"Gracious Lord Dallarin". The Amurite emissary bows low with a flourish.
"The war called for by the God Lugus against the Calabim people has begun. We ask that the noble Kuriotates join us in this blessed war."
"Did this holy war for the God of Honor begin unannounced with a massacre of the citizens of X?"
"No, no. Those are lies spread by our enemies. Valledia advised the Calabim that we were at war before the first attack."
"And the people of X?"
"Obviously it's difficult to get clear news from the front. I understand that X was particularly hard fought for. The people of X are now cared for, the same as anyone else in the Amurite realm."


Dallarin looked over the note from his Spymaster
Many nobles surprised by war
Rumours Valledia not in control
Hero Morpheus leading army

C. caught off guard, marshalling forces

Unaware of attack plan
B. considering position

A. flag over X
3/4 X people gone
Conquering army moved on from X
L. not getting involved

S. have no interest in this war


"So Lord Rabish, what do you think of this war?"
"I think I am glad that the burden of leadership is not mine. You must choose the path of our people. All I can do is hope to shed light on the options.
We have had peaceful, good relations with our neighbours the Amurites. Joining them in this war would doubtless strengthen that relationship.
It's possible that this war was prophecied in your vision. If so, the Bannor will join the war against the Calabim. You could wait for the Bannor response or act decisively now in the hope that Sabathiel will follow your lead.
There are certainly question marks over how the Amurites have conducted this war so far. Whether we join them, join the Calabim or decide to take a less active role in this war, the Amurites will require close scrutiny in the future.
The Calabim have done no wrong to the Kuriotates. I understand that the privileges enjoyed by powerful Calabim relative to deprivations of the less powerful are more extreme than in our society. Is this reason enough to go to war? Is the attack by the Amurites reason enough to go to war?
Further, you must consider the logistics of a war. The Calabim are far removed from us and sending troops all that way will doubtless be difficult. A simpler way to confirm your support of the Amurite aggression would be to donate some warriors to help them in their war without openly declaring war on the Calabim ourselves.
A war on the Amurites is a practical option. While they are fighting on another front, there is opportunity for the Kuriotates to attack on their Eastern border. This would certainly guarantee strong relations with the Calabim and provide the possibility of expanding our own territory.
The safest, most diplomatic response is to try and maintain our connection with both nations whilst not getting involved in this war ourselves. It's however, probable that both will view us with disfavour for not supporting them in their time of need.
If we cancel our trade agreements with one, this would possibly allow us to maintain our current level of friendship with the other, even if we do not join the war effort."

Spoiler :

War on Calabim:
+++ diplo bonus with Amurites
--- diplo malus with Calabim
War on Amurites:
+++ diplo bonus with Calabim
--- diplo malus with Amurites
Donate troops to Amurites:
++ diplo bonus with Amurites
- diplo malus with Calabim
No action:
- diplo malus with Amurites
- diplo malus with Calabim
Cancel trade agreements with one civ:
-- diplo malus with Nation that deals are cancelled with
Relations with other CIV maintained

OOC, For Divine Eyes Only
Spoiler :

City of X reduced to population of 1 and given to Amurites. All units in it removed.
Miscellaneous Amurite units moved closer to Calabim border
Amurites and Calabim both given a unit to help in the war effort
Held barbarian Angel of Death, named Iaegus, with smelly lots of promotions created on Bradeline's Well. (completion of an appropriate Lugus quest could reveal that this is not the arch angel Iaegus as it appears to be but is a much weaker Sceadugengan).
Roads on BW removed.

Turn 200, Iaegus,
Verdian, this spoiler is only to be opened when you see the Archangel Iaegus unit on the map.
Spoiler :

You didn't see him at first. When you did, you wondered how you could have missed him. He's a towering dark angel of shadows.
As you look on him, a dozen memories worm their way to the top of your consciousness:
Your commanding officer recommending to the captain that you be kicked out of the army as you put the lives of your comrades at risk.
Your father hitting your mother and saying that you weren't his son.
You never beat your second in command at cards, so he must cheat.
You forgot to sharpen your weapon when you were meant to.
Your wife waving good-bye and then looking lustfully at your brother.
The best fighters didn't think it was worth their time sparring with you.
The soothsayer in Kwythellar telling you an angel would strike you down and kill you a long way from home.
The first two shots you take with a bow always go wide of the mark.
Terb and Sami are dead because of the mistakes you made leading them.
No prayer of yours has ever been answered.
They provided you with the cheapest armour available.
You're too old to be trekking across the country to fight Dallarin's battles.

You realise that you could never hope to defeat the angel. You slink away, praying to every Good God you can think of that he does not notice you.

"The arch angel Iaegus has been seen in Erebus. It was only to be expected that Esus, the God of Distrust, could not be relied on to keep the terms of the Compact. Now that it is broken, we must expect that the others will follow suit, allowing their archangels to re-enter Erebus. Soon the land will certainly quake under the feet of dragons and titans once more. If we had the ritual for Summoning a God into Erebus, we could ensure our God's supremacy and earn a great reward."

Cahir Abbey
"The reports have now been confirmed. Esus has chosen to break the compact. He has allowed Iaegus to enter Erebus. Iaegus is currently based at Bradeline's Well. I fear that soon others will also break the compact, perhaps some mortals will be persuaded to summon a God into creation."
"Your fears are justified. We must check our records. The location of the God-Slayer must be rediscovered so that we can get it in readiness for our worst fears."

OOC, Divine Eyes Only
Spoiler :

The Iaegus is not the real arch angel. It is a Sceadugengan masquerading as Iaegus. Completion of a suitable quest for Lugus could reveal that it's not the real Iaegus. (i.e. the unit on the map gets replaced with something more easily beaten). The other Gods would not know that it's a fake unless Lugus tells them or they visit Shadowfel and have some dealings with the real Iaegus.

Turn 230, MP-V, Witnesses
Verdian, this spoiler is not to be read until you have played at least 30 turns of this round (i.e. at least turn 230)
Spoiler :

The Witnesses began to appear in every major city of Erebus. Those who travelled furthest said the Truth gave them wings. The tale they all told was of the returned hero, Morpheus. He had led his army across the continent, fighting when forced to. Their focus was not conquest. They sought only to reach Bradeline's Well. Morpheus had experienced the Hells of Mammon and Camulos. He had realised that he and all of us were trapped in the Hell of Esus, the father of lies. Morpheus had realised the Deception that was all around them. He discovered that the way to escape Esus's Hell was to leave through Bradeline's Well. What better way could Esus hide the exit from Hell than convincing everyone that it was the entrance to Hell. When Morpheus and his followers neared the Well, Esus realised that he was going to lose these brave souls. He roused every demon and changeling from the nearby towns and cities. Morpheus and his flock had to fight their way through them all. They succeeded and reached the Well. Then, the great escape began as Morpheus led his people out of Hell.
There were thousands escaping. Morpheus had gathered many from his homeland but his preaching as he travelled to the Well had opened the eyes of more.
Then the sky darkened and from the black skies, the arch angel Iaegus descended. Many courageous souls tried to stop him. To fight Iaegus, is to fight phantasm. Wherever a weapon should have struck him, he wasn't there. No-one could land a clean blow as our perceptions could not be relied on to tell us where he was.
He could easily have slain those that dared to challenge him. In truth, they were no challenge to him. He ignored them and continued to the Well. He sealed it, cutting us off from our salvation.
We, the survivors, the Witnesses of Morpheus's exodus, who know the truth of this false realm, scattered from that place. Wherever we go, we will tell the truth, in the hope of opening everyone's eyes so that all may recognise the Lie that this Hell is.
The Witnesses spread the word as much as they could. Some preached in squares and markets. Others spoke to smaller groups.
In the city of Y, a Witness took a prominent position, standing on a cart in the square, so that he would be seen and his Truth would be heard by many. He had gathered a small crowd when the local Vicar knocked his legs out from under him making him fall unto the dirt. Before he could get up, the Vicar pounded and pounded on his head with a mallet he'd grabbed from a stall. Those closest backed away as blood and brains splattered over them. When the watchmen came and dragged the Vicar away, he kept screaming that the man was a blasphemer and no-one should have listened to his lies. Curiosity was aroused among those in the city who hadn't heard the Witness. Soon anyone who had been there was recounting the Witness's story and the tale spread throughout the whole city. Many wondered what had made the Vicar respond so violently.

When the Ecclesiastic found the small statue of Esus in the chambers of the imprisoned Vicar, he immediately informed his superiors. They ordered him not to speak of it to anyone. He didn't understand their reasons but as a follower of the God of Order, he only needed to obey, not understand. Still, in the dead of night, the doubt in his mind grew.
If the Vicar truly worshipped Esus, then he silenced the Witness to silence the truth.
If the Vicar worshipped Esus, who else in the Temple of Order did?
If his superiors serve Esus, is he bound to follow their orders?
If this is Esus's hell, can the true God Junil hear his prayers or is it only Esus's demons who mockingly listen?

"Finally, a most merry jape,
Methinks we've found our newest ape."
The appointment of the God Esus as the official court jester to the Balseraphs caused some to begin worship of Esus in an attempt to curry favour with Perpentach. Everyone denied ever worshipping Esus, when a bear was subsequently appointed to the jester's position.

Divine Eyes Only
Spoiler :

If CoE has been founded, it spreads to Jubilee on the next God turn.

Turn 250, MP-VI, Alternate Paths to Freedom
Spoiler :

The walls of every prominent building in the city had been graffitied. The same slogans appeared everywhere. They were impossible to avoid.
"Hear the Truth
See the Lie
Free Yourself"

He'd tried to explain to her that it was over. He'd tried to make her understand that he loved someone else.
She had raged. She had sobbed. She had screamed and swore at him. Now, she had calmed.
Wiping the tears from her eyes, she approached him.
"I understand now."
As he breathed a sigh of relief, she plunged the knife into his chest. She pulled it out and repeatedly stabbed him with each word.
"The real Derk loves me."
"Derk would never say he didn't love me."
"Derk would never say he loved another."
"You're not the real Derk."
"You're one of Esus's changelings."
"You want to break my heart."
"You want me to damn the man I love."
"You want me to give up on love."
"I see through you."
"I know this is Hell."
"I know the way out."
Looking up to the sky, she screamed, "Esus, you can't lie to me anymore.", and drove the blood-stained knife into her own heart.


Witness: Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more.
The Witness put a red vial and a blue vial on the table. . .
Witness: This is your last chance. After this, there is no going back.
Seeker of Truth: What happens now?
Witness: You have to choose. You drink the blue vial and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe. You drink the red vial and you die.
Seeker of Truth: Die??
Witness: You die in this false world but in that act of dying you declare your unacceptance of Esus lies. If you don't believe Esus's lies, he has no power over you and can not keep you in this hell. Your spirit will be free to enter the Vault of Arawn and find peace there.

Some people found happiness and then wondered if this was Esus's way of making them accept where they were.
Some people found sorrow and thought that this could only be Hell.

Typically they acted alone. Occasionally, a couple might recognise each other through their actions. It was very rare for a group as large as this to form. They met in a warehouse. All wore hoods. They began to pray.
"Father of Lies, hear our prayers."
"Lord of Deception, thank you for your Hell."
"Master of Shadows, we ask you to see how through our actions, deeds and words, we strive to persuade others that this is the true Erebus."
"Greatest God, bless us with deceptions of joy and pleasure."
"May the lie come easily to our lips. May belief come easily to our victims."

OOC questions
Spoiler :

If you tell the truth, but intend to lie, is it still a sin?
If you do the right thing for the wrong reasons, are you damned?
If you do the wrong thing but believe you are doing right, are you always justified?

Rabish would then outline options to avoid population drops in all major cities (due to the increases in murders and suicides

Turn x (when two or more civs have Poisons), Brotherhood
Spoiler :

Dallarin awoke in darkness. He could feel the point of a knife at his throat and a glove over his mouth. His heart raced and fear gripped him. As his eyes adjusted to the gloom, he could make out the masked, hooded form looming over him.
"Don't be afraid. You wouldn't have woken if the Brotherhood was going to kill you", drawled a distinctly foreign accent.
"This is just a demonstration of what the Brotherhood can do and this . . . is an antidote". The glove which had been over Dallarin's mouth now held a small bottle which glistened slightly, catching what little light there was. The blade was still pressed to Dallarin's adam's apple.
"Make a sound before I leave the city and this bottle will be smashed along with your guards' hopes of ever wakening. I'll leave it at the west gate. An associate will speak to you tomorrow."
The dark figure backed away and then leapt out the window, dropping down to the ground below. The still stunned Dallarin looked out the window. He doubted that he could have survived the drop but the assassin was already disappearing around a distant corner. Drops of rain began to fall through the night sky onto Aerie.
Looking out on the city, nothing looked different. Had it actually happened? Dallarin had had strange dreams before, which had seemed almost real.

Dallarin shook himself. If it was real, he needed to check his guards who might already be dying from poison. When he opened his door, the first guard, Talerick asked, "Is everything alright lord Dallarin?".
"Are you alright? And Mercer, is he okay?"
Talerick looked quizzically at Mercer. "We're both fine."
"Has anyone been here this evening?"
"No my lord, not since you retired."
"Tell the captain of the palace guard to report to me. There's some matters I wish to discuss with him."
Dallarin went back into his room. He looked out into the darkness, believing that an assassin was loose in his city and then closed the shutters on the window, just as he had earlier.
So, there was no poison and so no antidote. There may have been an assassin. He'd see if the promised meeting happened on the morrow. If it didn't, could Dallarin trust his own senses or memories?

There was the usual queue of people seeking this or that favour from
Dallarin. An unexceptional man in a non-descript cloak finally reached the front.
"I represent the Brotherhood, the first truly continental organisation. Our members are present in every
city. You've been shown what we can achieve. Now we are offering our services to you, just as they have been offered to every other leader of note on the continent."

Spoiler :

A Hidden Nationality assassin called Nameless Brother has been added in Aerie.
If you refuse to employ the Brotherhood, just kill the unit.

Ignore the guards named in the story. They are just extras.

OOC, Divine Eyes Only
Spoiler :

Similar hidden nationality assassins, reflecting the races of the civs which have discovered Poisons are being given to all of the other civs with the exception of (some of the good guys, where a God asks that they not get a Brother).

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