Heroes of Might and Magic Civ2 & ToT scenarios development


Oct 3, 2001
Nest in the top of the World
Moderator Action: This very old abandoned thread by Skuall has now become the tracking & development thread for Heroes of Might and Magic Civ2 & ToT scenarios. - Blake00

MetroPolis & Blake's 2019 Civ2 MGE HoMM2 Mod Project - RELEASED! :

Blake's 2022 Civ2 MGE HoMM1 Addon ModMod Project - IN PROGRESS :

Blake's 2023 Test of Time HoMM2 Mod Conversion Project - IN PROGRESS :

Blake's Test of Time HoMM3 and HoMM4 Mod Projects - NOT STARTED:
While Blake has had discussions with MetroPolis over the years about attempting HoMM3&4 mods in ToT with underground levels it's a lot of work is probably unlikely to happen.

Skuall's 2001 Civ2 MGE HoMM3 scenario project - DEAD :
No link as Skuall never released a finished version and this old post below and another thread he made is pretty much as far it got!

Skuall's Original Post:

For all fans of Heroes of Might and Magic :p
I recently finished my new scenario. It's about the game Heroes of Might and Magic III. I only discovered this beatiful game only a few months ago, and I became crazy for it. So I decided to share my apreciation for this game by creating a scenario on the best game of all. And here is the final product.
I will send it in the next Friday (preparations and arrangements).
I hope you enjoy it. PS: Attached is a screenshot.

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Nice picture, but i see still a lot to do here. What's with terrain? Change it to look heroes-like (snow, wasteland etc.). Resources could be also taken from heroes (like mines or all these learning places.)
2023 EDIT: This post kicked off a huge Civ2 HoMM2 mod project between MetroPolis & myself that would take over this thread and continue for 4 years until it's final release in 2023!

Original post:

I'm guessing @Skuall 's scenario was never finished? I can see he had another thread with more pictures but no files sadly:

I also just found this Civ2 HoMM mod over at civforum.de which also appears unfinished although more recent:
EDIT: And an old CivFanatics thread here too:

I'm a HUGE Heroes of Might & Magic fan so if anyone has information on either of these 2 scenarios or any other HoMM scenarios/mods out there for Civ please let me know!!! :)

So far the only finished one I've found is the amazing Conquests of Might & Magic the HoMM3 mod for Civ 3.

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Hi, those graphics are mine. As only few showed any interest in that one and things got tougher, I skipped it and made a Star Control 2 scenario and Star Trek Mod instead. Unfortunately I almost never reached the levels I wanted to.
Interested in working on a new one?
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Hi, those graphics are mine. As nobody showed any interest in that one, I skipped it and made a Star Control 2 scenario instead.

OMG!! Now that is lucky!!! I didn't think I'd ever find you! I even messaged every single person on this site with Metropolis in their username but you weren't one of them as I didn't find you due to the space haha! In the end you found me instead woot!

Thank you kindly for your reply! I run a Starflight Fans facebook group which is full of Star Control fans so I'll have to let them know about your other scenario. :)

That's a real shame that you didn't finish your HoMM2 scenario. Also that you were ignored over at Civforum.de . I suspect if you'd posted about it here or at some of the HoMM forums you would have got more interest. Tom's HoMM3 Civ 3 scenario has been hugely popular here.

I'm currently working on a few graphics conversion packs and scenarios for Civ 2 and was seriously considering a HoMM one so your screenshot got me very excited haha. It look better than what I probably would have come up with.

Got a few questions for ya if possible:

1. I was puzzled at first as to why you turned off the tile dithering but then I realised it was to stop weird graphical glitches around the custom hills right? The dithering is causing me grief with some tiles in a C&C graphics pack im doing right now but I don't want to turn it off as then everything else looks crap haha.

2. What were your plans for the scenario? eg story and how cities worked etc

3. How did you plan to work Hero units into it? Were they just another unit? or some sort of super civ ruler unit that would kill their civ if they died?

4. Do you still have the assets? Presumably to make this cool shot you had a nice terrain1 & 2 file and maybe a units & cities file too. Even if you don't release a scenario it looks like you've done more than enough for a graphics pack release.
Here are some leftovers I found in another thread, I must have saved them somewhere on my computer, too. But hte graphics are really the thing that goes fast and neat and is set easily. The tech tree and story take much longer.

Answers to your questions, as far as I can remember what I had planned so many years ago:
- Heroes were units you couldn't build, but who appeared randomly (a one-in-a-hunderd chance) in the scenario. If they were a Kill'em-all unit people would be too afraid to use them in combat. Maybe a diplomat unit?
- I planned to omit the settlers, so no new cities could be build and no roads. Maybe allow them to appear randomly, too.
- I don't think I really knew what to do with the cities. First I thought of them looking like mines and have the city graphics turn into units that could only be attacked by flying units (and maybe turn the home city into a Kill'em all unit), but I really had no plan when I started to work on that scenario.
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Here are some leftovers I found in another thread, I must have saved them somewhere on my computer, too. But hte graphics are really the thing that goes fast and neat and is set easily. The tech tree and story take much longer.

Answers to your questions, as far as I can remember what I had planned so many years ago:
- Heroes were units you couldn't build, but who appeared randomly (a one-in-a-hunderd chance) in the scenario. If they were a Kill'em-all unit people would be too afraid to use them in combat. Maybe a diplomat unit?
- I planned to omit the settlers, so no new cities could be build and no roads. Maybe allow them to appear randomly, too.
- I don't think I really knew what to do with the cities. First I thought of them looking like mines and have the city graphics turn into units that could only be attacked by flying units (and maybe turn the home city into a Kill'em all unit), but I really had no plan when I started to work on that scenario.

This is great stuff!! I found your PM over at civforum.de so I'll PM you here now so we can chat about it all, exchange our ideas and see if we want to go anywhere with them. :)
Meanwhile: here is a fine Star Trek Mod for Civ2-TOT and the StarControl2 Scenario for Civ-MGE. And some pics of the units. I was very proud of them, especially of the terrains and the way they were used, but everything was way too late. In 2015 there was only a very small CIV2 community left



  • Star Trek Mod - TOT.zip
    2.2 MB · Views: 287
  • StarCon_v1.1 - MGE.zip
    414.1 KB · Views: 239
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Ah, the terrains in the file above look pretty horsehockey, they seem to be reduced in colours while saving. We can't use those, I have to rip them again and pay more attention to saving this time.

I think I know what happened: MGE worked with 8bit grahics and TOT with 24bit. I tried to work with 24bit graphics for MGE and now the terrains are messed up.

Edit:Hey cool, this forum automatically recognizes bad language! horsehockey turned automatically into horsehockey! Ha, ha. :D
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Maybe it was a TOT scenario after all! :confused: Because I don't have anything saved on a disk I only have the original pictures to work on. They are 24bit, so they have to be original TOT graphics! If we were sane, we would stick to TOT, but we aren't, are we?:lol: I think the original HOMM2 was had 8bit graphics, too. And the graphics that were ripped and posted on that website we talked about are 8 bit, too. So we actually only have to mess around with the 8bit terrain.
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Maybe it was a TOT scenario after all! :confused: Because I don't have anything saved on a disk I only have the original pictures to work on. They are 24bit, so they have to be original TOT graphics! If we were sane, we would stick to TOT, but we aren't, are we?:lol: I think the original HOMM2 was had 8bit graphics, too. And the graphics that were ripped and posted on that website we talked about are 8 bit, too. So we actually only have to mess around with the 8bit terrain.

Yeah I had a look in your old thread and you definitely say MGE however those pics do look a little too good for it haha. Eg your units file has 24 bit HoMM3 demon units it in which would def not look THAT good if they were converted to Civ 2 pallet haha.

I don't mind if it's ToT. I just have no modding experience with that haha.
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