Hippus Mounted Mage

What do you think in making Hippus arcane line really mount horses?

  • Keep it as it is (just pretty graphical change)

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • 2 :move: without free promo is fine

    Votes: 18 42.9%
  • Pie, anyone?

    Votes: 13 31.0%

  • Total voters


Apprentice of Erebus
Mar 27, 2008
Since model for mounted adept, mage and archmage is available now (see here), I want to make Hippus arcane line to be really mounting horses. Hippus arcane line will come with 2 :move:. The drawback is, they don't start with a free promotion.

So, what do you think? Cast you vote, people of Erebus!
Since the lore, apparently, doesn't specifically say about Hippus mounted mages, I am not sure that it belongs in the main mod. However, it's a nice idea for my own personal FfH pie :).
If you're worried of balance you could just give them the mobility 1 promotion for free, that way we won't see 3 :move: adepts.
Since the lore, apparently, doesn't specifically say about Hippus mounted mages, I am not sure that it belongs in the main mod. However, it's a nice idea for my own personal FfH pie :).

The Hippus Knight UU used to be called the Windrider and had magic capabilities... (though maybe only Air magic?)
And what about horse tracked artillery ? That would make sense...
I think giving Hippus Arcane units the Horselord promotion would be a bit much, however.
Since the lore, apparently, doesn't specifically say about Hippus mounted mages, I am not sure that it belongs in the main mod. However, it's a nice idea for my own personal FfH pie :).

I do think so too :lol: Since FfH is feature-locked, I guess this will go into our personal modmod(mod).

If you're worried of balance you could just give them the mobility 1 promotion for free, that way we won't see 3 :move: adepts.

Hm, what if they still valid for mobility 1, so we WILL see 3 :move: adepts, but they lost 3 free promotions (when upgraded to archmage) or 2 (when upgraded to mage). For a starter, beginning-game adepts will have access to Air I and Nature I after they level-up. So, basically, they will be able to move more quickly than other adept but more useless (in term of magic).

The same goes with mounted archmage. While they will be able to move thrice regular archmage, they lost 3 magical promotions.

But, to give adepts 2 :move: and Horselord will be too much, IMHO. One of them is sufficient? Otherwise, we will see 4 :move: archmage :eek:

How about cannons that fire horses at the enemy! That's on-theme too!

That would be too-Balseraph-esque :lol:
I think adding the graphics and just make Arcane units recieve the Horselord promotion aswell would make sense.

I agree. Simply granting arcane units for the hippus the horselord promotion will give them a base of 2 move and 10% withdrawal. I don't think its a game-breaking change, although it would open up the possibility for move 3 mages.

Perhaps instead of getting rid of the free promotion, make free promotion always be air. AKA adepts will always have air I, mages will always have air II, and archmages will always have air III. I think being unable to select your first spell is an equal tradeoff. You could even rename the Hippus Archmage a "Windrider" ... or mage could be a wind rider and archmage could be a storm-rider.

I like my idea.
I think that the Hippus should have mounted arcane units, since they have only one UU as far as i know, the Mounted Mercenary, which is useless if someone else builds Got9.
The Hippus are not a particularly magic orientnated civ, therefore giving them UU's for the entire arcane line, encouraging them to take that route, is a bad idea in terms of the effect on gameplay and the Hippus theme. Having arcane units that can keep up (or at least not slow them down as much as before) with the Hippus cavalry stack of doom would be overpowered.

I'd give them the art, or better just have an adept/mage/archmage trailing a pack-horse behind him to carry his supplies. This should not be a UU however, and it should not have any other benefits, including the horselord promotion.
Horselord promotion actually makes all Hippus mounted units UUs. That's at least five UUs, if I'm not mistaken.

There's little point using slow siege weapons with the Hippus so they would get value from fast combat mages. I routinely promote adepts with mobility-I anyway so giving them horseriding wouldn't make much difference to me. I can't imagine that hasted movement-4 hippus mounted mages would break the game when compared to hasted movement-3 mages. Tasunke's mages can get along far enough along enemy roads already.
I hold with those who favor a lowly Hippus adept riding an ordinary saddle or sumpter horse equipped with some healing balms, chapstick and aspirin (basically a Medic 1 promo). Maybe with a level 1 spell that works only 50% of the time and fails in comical fashion the othe 50%.
If someone would make mounted arcane line graphics, I'd make the Horselord trait apply it to the arcane line too and change their graphics. Changing their unit combat or giving any other promotions is too much for them.

Oh, while were at it, I think Hippus settlers should also have the Horselord promotion which should give them the graphics of their old Mounted Settler UU.
The graphic is already exist, Magister. I reskinned some models. The download is here.

I am curious, if Horselord trait apply to arcane line, wouldn't it also apply to arcane heroes, such as Gibbon and Hemah, if Hippus acquired them? That would be little unbalanced, no? 3 :move: Archmage early?
I definitely think the Hippus, of all civs, should get to have mages with extra movement and withdrawal chance. They're just not a strong enough civ as it is.
The Hippus are plenty strong enough. It's civs like the Sidar and Doviello who need buffs, not one like the Hippus who are already rated as one of the strongest by most players (see tier thread). Giving them mounted mages would put them into "über" territory.
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