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Historic costumes - need help!


Der kleine Prinz
Nov 30, 2003
So I need some help:

I need a historic costume for tomorrow. This could be anything historical, including famous persons (Caesar etc) or just generic person like a legionary or something. I have several criterions:

1. Easy to make: I'm not willing to pay a cent for this, so I will be using material found inside my house. Neither am I willing to invest more then 15 minutes into this.

2. ... Well, that's it actually.

Go go go!
Get the biggest plain-colored T-shirt you can find, the bigger the better. If it hangs on you, that's okay. Put on the plainest pair of pants that aren't jeans or track pants. Make sure neither of these has any logos or other pictures on them. Wear the plainest leather belt you can find -- on the outside of the T-shirt, which you do NOT tuck into your pants. For shoes, you should wear the plainest shoes you have. If you wear sandals (leather), do not also wear socks. Light winter boots would be okay, if they look like leather. For your shirt and pants, it's best to use natural fabrics like cotton.

So what will all this get you? A medieval-style tunic and breeches. With luck, you can round all this up around your house. If you lack some part of it, borrow from a family member or friend.

A nice touch for accessories would be a plain headband (yes, like the '60s hippy style) and/or a cloth pouch hanging from your belt. If you know anybody who plays Dungeons & Dragons, they will surely have at least one pouch they could lend you.

Have fun! :thumbsup:
Then I surmise you yourself don't play D&D (or any of its variants), Steph?

The relation is simple: D&D (or AD&D, etc.) players use polyhedral dice in their games. LOTS of polyhedral dice, and it's customary to keep them in pouches that are closed with a drawstring.

For centuries -- millennia, even -- drawstring pouches are what people used to keep their money in. Open the pouch, insert or withdraw coin(s), close pouch, and go on with your life. Pouches may have been worn on the belt (another handy function of the drawstrings) or concealed elsewhere in the person's clothing or belongings.

As someone who plays Dungeons & Dragons, I own lots of dice. I also own lots of pouches. And I have lots of medieval costumes (due to participating in the Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval recreation society). I have often used dice pouches on my costumes (minus the dice themselves, of course). These pouches can be made of almost any material; most of mine are either leather or velvet.

Of course there are other places one can get a pouch. But the OP said he wanted it fast and cheap. I reasoned that a role-playing friend might have a pouch to lend for the occasion.

I have determined that the average dice pouch, if sufficiently sturdy in construction, will comfortably hold approximately 25 Canadian loonies ($25.00).
Then I surmise you yourself don't play D&D (or any of its variants), Steph?

The relation is simple: D&D (or AD&D, etc.) players use polyhedral dice in their games. LOTS of polyhedral dice, and it's customary to keep them in pouches that are closed with a drawstring.

As someone who plays Dungeons & Dragons, I own lots of dice. I also own lots of pouches. And I have lots of medieval costumes (due to participating in the Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval recreation society). I have often used dice pouches on my costumes (minus the dice themselves, of course). These pouches can be made of almost any material; most of mine are either leather or velvet.
I played D&D, other RPG and wargames when I was younger and had many dice. However, I did not kept them in a pouch.
So I disagree with "If you know anybody who plays Dungeons & Dragons, they will surely have at least one pouch they could lend you".
Well, I also used to play a lot of D&D, and we never could afford the pouches.;)

I've got them in a glass jar somewhere.
I played D&D, other RPG and wargames when I was younger and had many dice. However, I did not kept them in a pouch.
So I disagree with "If you know anybody who plays Dungeons & Dragons, they will surely have at least one pouch they could lend you".
Sorry, I meant that in the sense that most RPG folks I know do own at least one pouch.

Well, I also used to play a lot of D&D, and we never could afford the pouches.;)

I've got them in a glass jar somewhere.
I've also made my own from scrap material or felt. They weren't as pretty or as strong as the commercially-made ones, but they did the job in a pinch.

Valka D'Ur was lucky with the table of encounter, and fought only two goblins with lots of gold coins, so he could afford the pouches ;)

Are you saying I fought with lots of gold coins, or that the goblins I fought had lots of gold coins?

BTW, please note my title: Valka D'Ur is not a "he." I'm female.
Are you saying I fought with lots of gold coins, or that the goblins I fought had lots of gold coins?.
Either way, you would have had enough to buy the pounches.

BTW, please note my title: Valka D'Ur is not a "he." I'm female

Posting on a computer game forum? And playing D&D? And we are supposed to believe you are a female ;) ?
Posting on a computer game forum? And playing D&D? And we are supposed to believe you are a female ;) ?
I was in the Society for Creative Anachronism for 12 years. It's an equal-opportunity medieval recreation society, and many people who join it also like RPGs and science fiction, computers, and computer/board games. The person who helped get me hooked on Civ I and II saw no problem with women playing computer games, playing D&D, or even making armor and fighting in a Crown Tournament.

I've been a gamer for over 25 years, and into science and science fiction even longer.

And yes, I'm female. :)
Take a piece of cloth
fold the edge slighty
cover your head

Gratz you have the traditional head scraf of Muslim Women, i did that once for a project in school.


Wrap yourself in a towel, TADA a toga
I went to Burger King and bought one Cheeseburger.

Then I asked for the crown.

But thanks anyways ;). Valka D'Urs suggestion could have worked.
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