Hit a gharial, got a golden age, tons of free units!? WTF is this!?

We should implement anarchy such that it is an amount of turns where hammers, gold, culture, espionage and beakers are reduced by 75% (set in globalDefines xml).

In anarchy, both gold income and gold expenses are set to zero. Then again, in later eras there is so much gold players may not even notice a penalty.

I do agree that anarchy is a boring mechanic. But I don't have a better idea for it.
Maybe add a gold cost to civic changes? Makes sense. Or make it a player choice: 4 turns anarchy OR 2 turns anarchy but it costs more money.
I'm not in any way saying units are related to anarchy. I'm using them as an example of a game system that does *not* scale linearly with game speed, but *does* effect the game, way more than anarchy length does. The point being that this refutes any argument that anarchy needs to scale linearly with gamespeed as a matter of course, and necessitates a stronger argument for why specifically its important that anarchy has the same relative cost *between* game speeds.
If anarchy doesn't need to scale linearly then no game system needs to scale linearly....
That is like inviting chaos and making it hard to make all gamespeed balanced as when one is balanced another would by definition be unbalanced as they have different balance.
Unit interaction is the one invariant that does not scale by gamespeed, having one controlled invariant like this makes different gamespeeds differently balanced for sure, but this specific difference is intended and is what makes gamespeeds an interesting option to have.

I am of the opinion that all game systems related to creation and progress should scale linearly so that balance is approximately the same on all gamespeeds where the consequence of the invariant I mentioned is ignored when comparing the gamespeeds.
The reasoning behind similarity in balance is so that it is easier to maintain a general good balance for the mod as a whole regardless of gamespeed options used.
However this just explains what happens if anarchy is different between game speeds, it doesn't give an argument as to why it matters. Maybe you think that argument is too obvious and I must already know it, but I don't. Anarchy length is fairly arbitrary in my eyes. Just a few days ago I think someone casually halved all anarchy times. This to me indicates that it isn't considered a carefully tuned amount of time that if changed suddenly ruins the balance of the game, and this being the case, it shouldn't ruin the balance if it is changed in one game speed relative to another.
Changing the cost of a building or the stat of a building doesn't change the balance between gamespeeds, but if we only change cost or stats of a building in one gamespeed relative to another that certainly change our ability to maintain an overall good balance independently of gamespeed option.
If we e.g. make it so that there is 1 turn anarchy per civic change regardless of gamespeed chosen then that would certainly make difference in the balance between gamespeeds. Doesn't matter if the stat is fine tuned or not on any gamespeeds if we don't treat it equally between gamespeed.

You will need to also reduce all costs in the same proportion, or people will go broke straight away! But if you do this, anarchy might become a desirable thing in some cases (maybe that isn't bad?).
That's true, perhaps it would be better to only reduce hammer by 75% and the commerce yield by 100%, pure beakers, epsionage, culture and gold produced by buildings would then be unaffected and using the commerce sliders wouldn't make a difference as there''s no commerce to distribute during the transition. That seems like the practical solution to me.

A 100% reduction in the yield commerce wouldn't break your economy, but it would make civic transition cost a bit of gold. Most gold income is not from the commerce yield, but some is.
It then imo only makes sense to have a global define for the hammer reduction and have the commerce reduction hard-coded.
Maybe add a gold cost to civic changes? Makes sense. Or make it a player choice: 4 turns anarchy OR 2 turns anarchy but it costs more money.
Not an entirely bad idea to be able to throw gold on the transition process.... Teaching the AI to use it wouldn't be too hard, but figuring out a meaningful and reasonable cost for it may be harder...
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The need for extended Anarchy is a player playstyle driven mechanic. In this case Toffer's play style. Just tellin' it like it is Toffer.
Not to simply argue here but I completely disagree with that. The need for anarchy is to cause a reluctance to shift civics and make other choices as quickly as it may become beneficial to. This way you cannot just hop from whatever is best in one round to whatever is best the next. It is also an additional game mechanic that we can give or take modifiers to on buildings and traits to give those buildings and traits a sense of meaning. If you take the system away, you have nothing to represent a more polished politician's benefit, for example. It gives us a way to model certain 'legal process' benefits, and in the case of the education system, it's providing a way to model how more intelligent people are harder to govern in some ways. The purpose of 'extended' anarchy? I'm not sure what you mean by extended exactly in this case. Perhaps I've answered to this, perhaps not. Regardless, I don't feel it has a thing to do with player 'style' but it does help us give value to certain buildings and traits in a poignant manner. If anarchy isn't fun for you and you hate going through it, GREAT! Make that your goal in play to avoid it then rather than complaining that it exists. It's supposed to be a penalty that sucks and it does its job as that.

I wouldn't be at all against Anarchy being a bit muted so that it means 75% reduction in yields and commerces rather than a full stop to all research and production. That could be a very good compromise I think and would certainly justify allowing for longer periods of anarchy.

I completely disagree that there should be some skewing of the scaling in rounds between a fast and long gamespeed, however. If a building takes 1 round on the fastest gamespeed and 10 on the longest, I am staunchly against doing anything different with Anarchy. This is because I don't want game progression to be any further thrown off by another factor that varies. At the moment, so far as I can see, aside from being able to take advantage of greater time granularity on longer gamespeeds, ONLY unit movement does not scale - because it can't. If it did, it would mean we would have to set up a system of telling the unit to move and then having it maintain that goal of moving for so many rounds before it actually gets to. Either that or enabling such rapid movement on fast gamespeeds that no barrier could stop a unit from moving from a friendly city to attack position on an enemy city in one round on a fast gamespeed. But anarchy? Just because it's 'not fun'? Nah... not buying it.

You will need to also reduce all costs in the same proportion, or people will go broke straight away! But if you do this, anarchy might become a desirable thing in some cases (maybe that isn't bad?).
It already is, and for that reason. Most upkeep is also not impacting you when on anarchy so you CAN use it to save a dying economy for a bit, particularly if you have some merchants just trained that need some time to get to their destinations...

So anarchy doesn't have as high mathematical cost in eternity as it does in normal game speed? So what?
Let me try to explain, although I know how you are going to feel about the answer... the goal is to keep the actual progression pretty equivalent to the progression on the game calendar so that the calendar is valid for all speeds. It probably needs some skewing and adjusting by speed already due to the few things I've mentioned above, but generally speaking, if the ratio of speed is 1:10, and you take 100 turns to get through an age on the faster speed, then it should take 1000 turns to reach the same points on the slower one. When that's actually happening, you have achieved a balance that is quite difficult to achieve but is certainly a goal, which means that all things are scaling just right to produce generally similar results between gamespeeds. This makes it much easier on many other layers of design.

That's true, perhaps it would be better to only reduce hammer by 75% and the commerce yield by 100%, pure beakers, epsionage, culture and gold produced by buildings would then be unaffected and using the commerce sliders wouldn't make a difference as there''s no commerce to distribute during the transition. That seems like the practical solution to me.

A 100% reduction in the yield commerce wouldn't break your economy, but it would make civic transition cost a bit of gold. Most gold income is not from the commerce yield, but some is.
It then imo only makes sense to have a global define for the hammer reduction and have the commerce reduction hard-coded.
We'd just want to make sure that all upkeep costs are also similarly reduced. Or maybe not... that might make it more penalizing in a way which would make it a bit more like the real world when things are not working smoothly in government. The original argument for the change is to represent things more realistically anyhow. (That and fun of course.)
The need for anarchy is to cause a reluctance to shift civics and make other choices as quickly as it may become beneficial to.
Did I say remove Anarchy??? Or did I even say there was no need???
Did I say remove Anarchy??? Or did I even say there was no need???
No, but perhaps I misunderstood you as saying we only needed it to support a particular playstyle? Again, I wasn't directing everything I said at you specifically, just launching off of what you said as a talking point.
Having unit movement scale to game speed would make playing at a different speed to normal pointless. Having Anarchy scale and hence production etc affected make the different game speeds meaningful.

The recent changes made to anarchy and golden age have had a significant impact on the game. Epic was enjoyable now not so. There is no time to do stuff it is all rush rush rush. :(

On other topics. I have already figured out how to make infrastructure wonders, those that provide a free building to all cities, more expensive the more cities you have. (Pity the "free in all cities" is still not working:().

Is it possible, or have we already in place, and how do we,
  • decrease disease by 1 for each 2 excess health in a city (similarly crime and revolutionary sentiment for health)
  • increase disease on a one for one for insufficient health and increase chance of outbreak ( d
Only some cities get the building. This is buildings that don't have any requirements. Water pipes is the classic one. Build the Water Department and most will get them but some wont and you have to build them in that city to get access to the buildings it allows.
decrease disease by 1 for each 2 excess health in a city (similarly crime and revolutionary sentiment for health)
There should be a way to do it but I'm still looking for how it's supposed to be worded in the xml coding and where to put it, as in what XML file it needs to be added to.

increase disease on a one for one for insufficient health and increase chance of outbreak
What's the difference between this and the previous request exactly? I mean numerically it is different but outbreak is based on disease level so basically that's the same thing except on a one to one basis isn't it? Maybe we're talking terms differently?
Having unit movement scale to game speed would make playing at a different speed to normal pointless.
No it wouldn't? That has never been the reason for different game speeds for me, and I expect most people. Game speed determines how granular the game experience is *in general*, and how long you play the same game for, unit speed being fixed is an artifact how how it is implemented. When making the game Firaxis had no choice but to keep unit movement the same, it is just a by product of the engine design not supporting fractional moves, not the purpose. To illustrate further: if this game *did* have fractional movement, do you think Firaxis would not have added different game speeds? The answer is obviously that they would have, if only because some people want to play a game that only takes a day, others want to play the same game for weeks.

It just so happens that this artifact of design also correlates with some peoples desire to move units around more, but that shouldn't be confused with the purpose of game speeds.

The recent changes made to anarchy and golden age have had a significant impact on the game. Epic was enjoyable now not so. There is no time to do stuff it is all rush rush rush. :(
I don't understand this, you only spend <5% of the game in either anarchy or golden age don't you? What do you mean by no time to do stuff?
Only some cities get the building. This is buildings that don't have any requirements. Water pipes is the classic one. Build the Water Department and most will get them but some wont and you have to build them in that city to get access to the buildings it allows.
hmm... I'd like to see a save from the round before the wonder is built where this becomes the result. I don't have any knowledge of this happening in any games I've seen but it's not something I've researched into before either. It's good you identify that it's on buildings that don't have prereqs so there's really no reason they shouldn't get the building. Didn't know there was a problem there - when discussed previously I must've really been breezing through trying to catch up on things.
There should be a way to do it but I'm still looking for how it's supposed to be worded in the xml coding and where to put it, as in what XML file it needs to be added to.

What's the difference between this and the previous request exactly? I mean numerically it is different but outbreak is based on disease level so basically that's the same thing except on a one to one basis isn't it? Maybe we're talking terms differently?
No you are right the benefit is half the malus.
No it wouldn't? That has never been the reason for different game speeds for me, and I expect most people. Game speed determines how granular the game experience is *in general*, and how long you play the same game for, unit speed being fixed is an artifact how how it is implemented. When making the game Firaxis had no choice but to keep unit movement the same, it is just a by product of the engine design not supporting fractional moves, not the purpose. To illustrate further: if this game *did* have fractional movement, do you think Firaxis would not have added different game speeds? The answer is obviously that they would have, if only because some people want to play a game that only takes a day, others want to play the same game for weeks.

It just so happens that this artifact of design also correlates with some peoples desire to move units around more, but that shouldn't be confused with the purpose of game speeds.

I don't understand this, you only spend <5% of the game in either anarchy or golden age don't you? What do you mean by no time to do stuff?
The problem with game speed in vanilla BtS is that everything is scaled so there is next to no difference in playing differing game speeds. In C2C it was the case that you could actually get some time to play with the units before they need to be upgraded on slower speeds. Long anarchy times help in that. It also adds strategy to the game. As to the idea that there is nothing you can do during an anarchy, don't you have units to move and wars to fight?

hmm... I'd like to see a save from the round before the wonder is built where this becomes the result. I don't have any knowledge of this happening in any games I've seen but it's not something I've researched into before either. It's good you identify that it's on buildings that don't have prereqs so there's really no reason they shouldn't get the building. Didn't know there was a problem there - when discussed previously I must've really been breezing through trying to catch up on things.
I built the wonder 25 turns ago and cities still don't have it :(
I don't understand this, you only spend <5% of the game in either anarchy or golden age don't you? What do you mean by no time to do stuff?
I think he's saying that reducing the base GA length has made it a rush to get to techs that enable civics changes much more stressful because if you miss out on the civics change while you're in a GA, you are now saddled with potentially a bit more anarchy than we're previously used to. I'm not sure I agree that's a BAD thing though. It requires a bit more precision in planning and I'm not sure why that's a bad thing. Do people play games to avoid challenges these days or are we just complaining that we are used to those challenges being easier and don't like it because we're not succeeding at them now? I think if it's POSSIBLE to succeed at them, it's all the better that it's tougher. A mountain isn't worth climbing if it's easy to climb.
The problem with game speed in vanilla BtS is that everything is scaled so there is next to no difference in playing differing game speeds.
Um, that's not a problem, that's a goal. The difference should be how fast the game progresses for the player and that's it. Thus the player is choosing how much time to invest into the game, not anything about how it unfolds.
In C2C it was the case that you could actually get some time to play with the units before they need to be upgraded on slower speeds. Long anarchy times help in that. It also adds strategy to the game. As to the idea that there is nothing you can do during an anarchy, don't you have units to move and wars to fight?
I don't think that's changed really. Unit movement is always going to be more granular on a longer gamespeed and you'll always get a little more time to play with them on a longer gamespeed, as well as having more corners to shave due to granularity of the time resolution.
I think he's saying that reducing the base GA length has made it a rush to get to techs that enable civics changes much more stressful because if you miss out on the civics change while you're in a GA, you are now saddled with potentially a bit more anarchy than we're previously used to. I'm not sure I agree that's a BAD thing though. It requires a bit more precision in planning and I'm not sure why that's a bad thing. Do people play games to avoid challenges these days or are we just complaining that we are used to those challenges being easier and don't like it because we're not succeeding at them now? I think if it's POSSIBLE to succeed at them, it's all the better that it's tougher. A mountain isn't worth climbing if it's easy to climb.
No. The separation of Civic changes for a long has meant that this was not possible. You may be lucky to get two changes in that way. I changed my play so that I don't bother changing Civics until I get a GA not teh other way round.
I built the wonder 25 turns ago and cities still don't have it :(
Sure but it's when you built it that will be what I would need to see processing through the code.
No. The separation of Civic changes for a long has meant that this was not possible. You may be lucky to get two changes in that way. I changed my play so that I don't bother changing Civics until I get a GA not teh other way round.
Yeah, I do that too and was going to suggest it. I see you meant something else but that was my initial impression of your meaning.
Um, that's not a problem, that's a goal. The difference should be how fast the game progresses for the player and that's it. Thus the player is choosing how much time to invest into the game, not anything about how it unfolds.

I don't think that's changed really. Unit movement is always going to be more granular on a longer gamespeed and you'll always get a little more time to play with them on a longer gamespeed, as well as having more corners to shave due to granularity of the time resolution.
It is not the movement of the units it is the number of turns you have to build an army and go to war.
The problem with game speed in vanilla BtS is that everything is scaled so there is next to no difference in playing differing game speeds. In C2C it was the case that you could actually get some time to play with the units before they need to be upgraded on slower speeds.
How are they different? The way game speeds work didn't change between BtS and C2C with regard to units. C2C added *way* slower game speeds, but they are just taking the vanilla ones to extreme.

Do people play games to avoid challenges these days or are we just complaining that we are used to those challenges being easier and don't like it because we're not succeeding at them now?
Yeah it is really important to be vigilant against mistaking how you feel about changes as a player to how you should consider them as a designer.
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