HOF III Update December 2017


Still hatin' on Khan
Hall of Fame Staff
Jan 5, 2003
The Farm
The Civilization III Hall of Fame has been updated. 10 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to CKS for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Standard Regent Cultural 100k game for 5450 points.

CKS was the most active player during this update, submitting 7 games, two of which were the top entries in the Gauntlet.

Congratulations to Lord Emsworth for rising from 7th to 6th in the Quartermasters competition.
Commiserations to killercane for falling from 6th to 7th in the Quartermasters competition.

A number of players are working towards the Quartermaster, gaining awards as follows:
Machiavelli : Ozymandius rose from 22nd to 21st, Rustwork rose from 23rd to 22nd and CKS rose from 24th to 23rd.
Pentathlon : Pacioli rose from 23rd to 22nd and The Professor rose from 48th to 47th.
Octathlon : CKS rose from 18th to 17th and Scratcher rose from 25th to 24th.
Histographic : LulThyme rose from 156th to 155th.
Congrats to CKS for submitting 7 games...............And, getting top entries in the Gauntlet! :king:
I do so well when I have no one competing against me! It reminds me of high jumping in track in high school, where I got lots of second and third places because I had only one or two competitors.

Somehow things came together during the fall and I had lots of time to play. Now I still have lots of time to play, but my son wants to play multiplayer with me (which I do enjoy and appreciate) or play his own games. I need to set up Civ on my laptop, I guess.
I need to set up Civ on my laptop
Good Idea!.........Years ago (2011), I bought a Dell Inspiron 1520 laptop, running Windows XP, and loaded Civ III, MapFinder, CivAssist II, Crpmapstat, Crpviewer, Civ3DateScoreCalcs, my own City-Tracker spreadsheet and a text file for annotating my game.....And I was HOF-ready!

I use another, late model, Dell laptop for internet access and everything else! ;)
Pardon the bump... but I noticed that the update states that LulThyme rose from 156th to 155th in Histographic. Which confuses me in a couple ways. I verified that he still has his 0-point victory in the Histographic category (which is good, because that's an accomplishment work keeping on the lists). So on the one hand, I'm not sure how he rose a spot.

But I'm also confused because I only see 88 entries on the Histographic list (http://hof.civfanatics.net/civ3/histographic.php), not 156+. So there seem to be about 70 missing entries if the total is in the 150s. :confused:

Funny you all mention setting up Civ on laptops... like EMan, I also have a Dell Inspiron 1520 laptop with Windows XP, and Civ III set up. These days I usually play from my Windows 8.1 desktop, since the AI turns are faster, but a lot of Civ has been played on this machine.
I expected that LulThyme rose a spot by someone else being kicked off a histographic table, but none of the new histographic games were on full tables, so that can't be it. The histographic list shows best games for each person, but superslug's list could actually count all histographic games. This could be why the numbers are so large. (Since the Quartermaster's histographic score depends only on the score ratio, not the ranking, it wouldn't matter which list was used for the QC.) I have no idea how LulThyme went up a spot, though.

I guess I don't see 2011 as "years ago." In 2004 and 2005, before my kids were born, I played a lot of Civ on my laptop while waiting for my wife to get out of class. We've got newer laptops now, but I dug out the old one to play on recently. CivAssist2 runs tediously slowly on it, but CRpMapStat works great.
histographic list shows best games for each person, but superslug's list could actually count all histographic games.
I believe this to be the case, but to be honest it's been so long since we put all this together, I can't really remember.
I expected that LulThyme rose a spot by someone else being kicked off a histographic table, but none of the new histographic games were on full tables, so that can't be it. The histographic list shows best games for each person, but superslug's list could actually count all histographic games. This could be why the numbers are so large. (Since the Quartermaster's histographic score depends only on the score ratio, not the ranking, it wouldn't matter which list was used for the QC.) I have no idea how LulThyme went up a spot, though.

I guess I don't see 2011 as "years ago." In 2004 and 2005, before my kids were born, I played a lot of Civ on my laptop while waiting for my wife to get out of class. We've got newer laptops now, but I dug out the old one to play on recently. CivAssist2 runs tediously slowly on it, but CRpMapStat works great.

All hail the C++ programmer Dianthus.
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