House Nesiot, Claimants to the Oval Office.

Can I suggest that we name all children after the players on the list? Nesiots will found the future Empire of America.
I'm already on the list, just confirming my interest :p

As for mods, I have all the major ones except Rajas and Charley.
what DLCs do people have? Most of them are pretttttty necessary.

All but the last two, at least with the non-cosmetic stuff.

Have all the cosmetic ones that AtE uses, though.
As shall I, though I wasn't on the list anyway.
Once, when I was sixteen, I rode out to see the mountain carved with the heads of the Great Presidents of old. Where most saw them as nothing but a relic to be worshiped, or a remnant of a dead world best forgot, I saw an inspiration.
As the Judges started their sermon that day beneath the stony faces, so my reign, my dynastee, will start with the same resounding words “I have a Dream.” A dream where one day, my descendants will add my face next to that of the Founding Fathers, Where Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Roosevelt forged the First Great Republic in the face of Evil, so will I forge the Second.

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I am beset on all sides by the worst kind of folk: revelationists, lakemen, and, worst of all, Spirit Listeners, ruled by the great King of the Lakotah. That title will be mine, one day, as will all others.
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There are many things taught to us by the Holy Constitutions, but the first is that it is a king’s duty to be just towards his governors and his peasants. Lincoln’s justice is legendary, as he righted the wrongs of his ancestors by freeing his brothers from the vile slavery of the Reds.
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While I eye the rich lands of the Lakotah, I know that I do not have the money, the strength, the Manpower for a protracted war. My dream would be extinguished before they squaled their first cry. I need to unite the surrounding tribes before I can move against the Spirit Slaves.

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There is only one event of any note to speak of on this campaign. As I lay one night, formulating strategies and dreaming of the day I would rule the Republic, I realized I was not alone. A man stood in front of me, dressed in a light black boiled leather armor. A series of daggers hung from a sash on his chest, and covering his eyes were a semi-transparent black set of... spectacles? I knew that if this man wanted me dead, I would have died without knowing he was there. Thankfully, he had no mission but to inform me that his kind were there to assist the rise of the Republic.

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While I was away, my wife blessed me with a Son, who I named Scott. A good, hearty, American name.

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Meanwhile, the slavering hordes of the papists united under the command of their mad leader, declaring that the lands of the Lakotah were theirs. Where this madness comes from, I do not know, but soon enough, the Spirit Whisperers were no more.

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The presence of the Men in Black reminded me that there is an entire world of America out there, and that I had only ever seen my little chunk. I resolved to set off for Boston, once the last Stronghold of the Filthy Pinko Redcoats in America, and the site of one of the great battles of the past. Nothing would stop me from getting in!

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They will rue this day. One day, me or my son will ride against the city of boston, and reenact the battles of old. We will put the Reds who live there now to the sword!

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Make that Sons!

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The death of my second son, Ryan, was a sad affair. He had always been a sickly boy. Nevertheless, for a while, my wife lost herself in her poetry, and I found myself riding out to gaze at the Presidents of Old. Eventually, though, we found the ardor that had been stilled, and I knew that there was nothing worse in the world than losing a son.

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The Wars of the Papist Hordes were slowly tilting in thier favor, but the Spirit Whisperers still Fought back. The bickering of Traitors to their Country matter little.

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Little Scott is turning out well. He will be a good president one day.

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I try to teach him what it means to be a good ruler. He sits with me when I go over the taxes and records, and he even has some insight.

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One day, I realize that I have the power to declare myself Duke! These lands have fallen to me, and are mine!

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It is time to move against the Papists. They will not put up much of a fight for the northern roaming lands, but those same lands will provide our armies significant farmland and food. The battles are tough, hard fought, but still, I win, and eventually the pope surrenders land he does not care for all that much.

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After that, it is time to clean house. I have a Spirit Whisperer sworn to me, and I know he plots against me. He must either accept the Pledge of Allegiance into his heart, or leave these lands.

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He choses to fight, and choses to lose. His son will sit in his stead, and learn the ways of a proper american.

Scott is coming of age soon, and he needs a good wedding with a good girl.

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For too long have I waited. The lands that belong to me will soon be mine. I set forth a call for brave soldiers, adventurers all ready to fight for a bit of land to call thier own. Many come, hailing from all manners of distant lands, claiming to fight for the stars and stripes.

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Finally, the great host is assembled, and I ride to war, once again. This will be the greatest war of my life. Through snow and storm we ride, The Men in black at my side, my sons and friends behind me, and the zealots of the pope all fall before my blade.

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Again, I need to clean house, but many of those who now serve me are unhappy under the reign of a true american. They all give up thier titles, or die.

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I decide to celebrate. my castle is little better than many of the tribal camps though which I have ridden. I devote myself to making it a better place than it was.

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It is in this time that I hear that the old President, Franklin, has died. I decide to cast my lot into the position. It should be mine and it will.

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By the end of campaign season, there are only a few candidates remaining, the others removed through various means.

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It is I who wins. It is only natural that I am given the oval office, after all I have done for America. The world is a righteous place.

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Attempts to load the save game on my computer have resulted in the invisible man taking over every nation. No portraits are working correctly, so I suggest someone else take my spot while I try to resolve the issue. Move me to the bottom of the play order.
Double posting, but for anyone else having this issue: you have to have Sunset Invasion active when you play After the End. Otherwise you'll get a bunch of invisible people scattered throughout your game.
I have Sunset Invasion active and I'm still getting the invisible people. Is there a portrait pack I'm missing?
The issue has been resolved. If you are getting invisible heads in the save, you are missing the African Portrait Pack, Mongol Portrait Pack and Sunset Invasion. Make sure you have them activated.

In any case, we're back on track, I'll get my run up soon.
Kakkoi! Can't wait :D
"Scott will be a good king." The last words of man who rose from a lowly count to the King of Dakota and the Presidency put a great burden on my shoulders. A burden that would crush the bones of a lesser man and scatter to dust all that my father had worked for. I don't intend for that to happen. My courage and my patriotism will be my sword and shield. Long live Scott Nesiot!

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My brother Thomas was always a selfish, petty man. No doubt he is already plotting against me. I will be sure to watch him closely.

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But my family can wait. Like vultures to the cadaver, heathens assemble to take back what they mistakenly believe is theirs. Jefferson will surely grant me victory against the Blue Sky barbarians and their ilk.

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As heretics run roughshod over my Eastern holdings, good news arrives from home. My wife is with child again. Surely this is a sign from the Fathers that I will triumph.

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As the war drags on, I am forced to retreat to the West. My patriotism is indomitable, but I must accept that I simply do not have the men to drive back the heathen tide. I hold no qualms about seeking help, for I am a patriotic man, but I am not a fool. I meet with Silvan of the Men in Black. He and my father did not agree on many issues, but now he regards the defense of the Americanist faith over his animosity towards my father. He will be a powerful ally in the years to come.

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As we draw nearer to the pivotal battle, more word from home reaches my ears. I have a son, and an heir to my legacy. I know now that I cannot lose, for I would sooner die then surrender my son's legacy to the likes of these infidels.

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My patriotism was not misplace. Praise the Founding Fathers!

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The heathens who dared to oppose my rightful claim were driven off with their tail between their legs and left with nothing but the stain of defeat. My rule was secured by the blood of heresy. Or so I thought.

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I could not believe the news when it reached my ears. My brother, whom my father had loved with all his heart, had been plotting behind my back while I fought tooth and nail against the pagans. The treachery is almost unbearable, but I will not let my bond with him temper my fury. Like the Blue Sky, his insurrection will be put down.

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Does everyone doubt my rule? It seems that way as another Pretender attempts to take my throne as my armies plunge deep into my brother's holdings. My confidence wavers at this news. I place my trust in the Fathers, but it doesn't give me as much comfort as it once did.

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But I was wrong to waver. My brother is pressured into capitulation after years of brutal combat, and while I am forced to hire mercenaries to deal with the other upstart, he too admits defeat. Traitors, one and all, and my brother is among them. My father must be rolling in his grave at the very thought. Thomas will never again know freedom for this betrayal.

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With my enemies driven away or locked in the dungeon, it seems I was wrong to doubt the Fathers. My rule is secure, and as I look upon the four men carved into the mountain, I realize that I must show them thanks for their help in those trying times. What better way then through a pilgrimage? Through stealth and subterfuge, I am able to travel far, but my journey is cut short when I am discovered in Philadelphia. I don't understand. Is it because my faith wavered that my journey was cut short? I cannot give an answer.

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No sooner have I returned then the heathens attack yet again. As I call on the Men in Black for their assistance, I am left to wonder if I am being punished in some way. Fear takes hold of me as I wonder if the Fathers have abandoned me. As news of a Christian rebellion reaches my ears, I consider how I can easily ride alone onto the field and die in a blaze of glory, ascending to the heavenly mansion as a martyr for my patriotism. My duty and my son keep me from carrying out this last resort, but I still feel lost.

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Questioning my own continued existence, I march South to fight against the Catholic insurgents. The battle seemed to last for years. Again and again, I waded into the sea of enemies, awaiting the cold embrace of death as I pressed on. But then the tide ebbed, and I saw the broken enemy before me. A fire burned in me as I saw what I had done that day. I looked towards Rushmore and loudly proclaimed my loyalty to the Old Fathers. Not only had they returned to my side, but they had given me my direction at last. Dropping to my knees, the glint of steel caught my eye. A sword, caked in the blood of Catholic heathens and clutched in the hand of a lowly foot soldier, pointed towards the South. I sent out the word immediately.

The Kingdom of Platte would be mine.

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Adventurers flock to my banner with haste, and with the help of my old allies the Men in Black, we ride to battle. The Fathers smile upon us as the Platte queen is plagued by her own rebellions before I even make my move. I'm amused at how she is in the same position I was many years ago, and wonder if her God will be able to save her. As I emerge victorious on the field of battle, it seems he isn't listening to her. What a shame.

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My confidence in victory is soured somewhat by the entry of the Iowans into the war. I had hoped to secure victory quickly to avoid their entry, but the emergence of Norse rebels over the course of the fighting hampered my efforts. But again the Old Fathers smile on me as rebellion rips through Iowa shortly after their entry. I need the assistance of a few mercenaries, but the Iowans are quickly dealt with. The lands of Platte have been secured in the name of the Fathers. My father would have been proud.

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My son was the first to see me upon my return home. While he does not believe in the Fathers as strongly as I do, he was nevertheless thrilled that I was victorious against the Catholics. My son is a man now, and when my time is spent here, he will no doubt be a strong king, like me and my father before me.

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I began to work towards securing my dynasty thereafter, arranging the marriage of my son to a woman of good stock. It was during this time that my courtiers began referring to me as "Scott the Lionheart". I would be lying if I didn't say I enjoyed the title. Thankfully my checkered past was well behind me otherwise I would have been "Scott the Seducer". I much prefer the former. Perhaps it is a title that my new grandson Ryan will wear someday.

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The next few years are relatively dull, but that is probably for the best. Besides the consolidation of my power and the holy war over Fort Berthold, a relatively easy victory thanks to the help of the Men in Black, I began to urge for the Presidency, a title that my distinguished father held in his twilight years. My abilities on the field of battle are enough to secure my legacy, but to become President is the final step in confirming the strength of my Patriotism. I only hope I am not outlived by the current President.

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I was once again wrong to doubt. With the passing of President Bowser, the position I desired was open for the taking. By Jefferson, I would not let this opportunity slip by.

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Does the birth of a child signify a Father's blessing? As I look on the face of my granddaughter, I wonder if the Fathers have blessed my campaign for the Presidency.

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I was blessed with victory, but my victory is bittersweet. Still I am plagued by Catholic upstarts and Norse raiders during my tenure in the most esteemed office. But they are no longer a threat to my kingdom. I plan a great war against Pembina, one that will finally secure all of Dakota under my rule, but I secretly suspect that I may not live to see such a sight.

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In reflection, my life was not one I would wish upon anyone. At every corner my faith was tested, and it was nothing short of a miracle that I persevered through it all. I never became the King of America that my father dreamed of, but I do hope that in spite of the downfalls, and because of the great deeds I had done, that when I ascend to the heavenly palace I will see my father there, and he and the great Old Fathers will welcome me with open arms. Was I the good king that my father said I was? I will leave that decision to history. Soon I will depart this world, and my son will carry on the Nesiot legacy. He is a good man, and should the Fathers demand it, he will be a great king.

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"Have I played the part well? Then applaud as I exit."


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As Scott ascends the steps to the Great Whitehouse in the sky, all he can hear are these words, echoing about.

"You dun do good, son! You dun good!"
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