How can I make my Marines attack a city?

alpha one

Apr 30, 2002
Bergen, Norway
I have tried and tried and tried, BUT my marines can't attack a city from a transport! I can attack ground units from transports with them but no cities.

Can anyone help me???
Maybe posting a saved game will help. Attacking cities and individuals from a transport with Marines should be the same.
Originally posted by alpha one
I have tried and tried and tried, BUT my marines can't attack a city from a transport! I can attack ground units from transports with them but no cities.

Can anyone help me???

Maybe a dumb question, but are you sure you didn't have some Infantry tagging along in your transport and accidently attacked with the wrong unit?
I have never tried that before but this is one of AIs common strategies. They are very effective on killing my MA's. Does anyone know why?
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