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[GS] How do I mark my mod as compatible with GS?


Nov 5, 2001
I saw this in the patch notes:

Add tagging for mod compatibility. Mods not tagged as compatible with the latest build will be disabled at start-up as well as have a warning dialog displayed when they are enabled. This behavior can be disabled on a per-mod basis or completely in the options dialog. Mods can be tagged as compatible by either adding "<CompatibleVersions>2.0</CompatibleVersions>" to the properties section of the modinfo or by marking compatible versions in the project page of ModBuddy.

But I have no idea how to do this. I have a mod with about 10,000 subscribers who are angry for me to mark this as compatible, but, in typical Firaxis fashion I cannot find any information on how to actually do this.

I've seen several posts about adding the <CompatibleVersions> line into your .modinfo file, but my mod does not have a .modinfo file. My file structure looks like this:

Mod Folder
--> Mod Folder
--> Mod.civ6proj
--> Mod.sql
--> Mod.civ6sln

I've searched around in ModBuddy to try and see any place where I could add this compatible versions and I cannot find it anywhere. HELP?!?!?
Oh man, I'm dumb. I have the project in one place, and the actual mod that I uploaded to Steam in another place. If anyone runs across this same issue, go to your other folder and the .modinfo file is there.
Lol I just did the same, this is the "answer yourself thread". For anybody wondering, the mod folder is found under My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Richards Cornwall
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