how do i win wars?

Great Leader. Try to nurture your elite units to get GLs, use the first one to build an army then win a battle with the army and build the heroic epic. My current game I'm into my third major war and my first GL has just appeared.
Irregardless of what age, you want good kill ratios. This means using terrain and barracks(for repairing units) and positioning defensive units on defendable land while hitting his exposed units with horse or knight or cav.
OK, the beginning is difficult. This is what I would do in the beginning at Mornarch level:

1. Research literacy is your first priority. Set your science as high as possible to get alphbet, writing, and literacy.
2. Find the best production site near a river or a lake, build a "best city" there and start building the temple. Make sure you have a worker on site constantly making land improvement.
3. Get mansonry by trading your initial tech or money if you have any. Then start build a palace in your "best city".
4. Switch to great library as soon as you have literacy.
Make sure your "best city" has at least 2 units on guard to make people "happy". You should be able to finish the GL in less than 20 turn.
5. Once you have literacy, stop researching altogather.
6. Make sure your other cities are making settlers and units (especially units) you don't need a temple yet maybe a barrack in the beginning.
7. By the time you have your GL, you should have tons of troops and 100% tax to keep them going.
8..... you know the rest.

Keep in mind that this won't work at emperor level: you eventually would have to wean off GL. But since you are new to this level, this strategy will get you comfortable enough to try new things.
1. Growth is your first priorety, defense your second. it depends a bit on the exact situation, but in most situations you want to get pottery, then bronze working! Alphabet is expensive, you don't want to waste the chance to get it from a hut! Else trade it with an other civ. You may need to chance this to get mapmaking ASAP in case you find yourself on an island.
2. build your second city to aid you in both growth and military, don't build a temple untill a bit later, don't forget the power of the worker unit!
3. when you have some slack, you may try to get a wonder. If you think the gain is worth the effort.
4. by the time "Hades" completes his Great Lib for you, you have a lot more city's and a bigger army (becouse your 2th city helped with growth) and more roads.
5. Rightfully take over the GreatLib from Hades, becouse it belongs to you anyway!
hmm ill try making my reasearch going down to zero, since i have the great library
Originally posted by scooblerboy
every time i start a war i seem to loose, and i allways have a big army, someone help me before i explode!

Biggest thing for me is to make sure a sizeable portion of your force have retreat capability. They are great for wearing down defenders without getting killed (most of the time), and it makes a big difference over the long term to not have to replace all of those fighters who died in combat.

Also, don't rush into a fight you are not ready for. Always attack with a decisive advantage. If you don't have a decisive advantage, then you should sit back until you have one. Sometimes you can do more damage with a well positioned defense than you can on offense.

And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS utilize geography.
If you are going to rely in retreat capability you would be as well building catapults, they are cheap as you like and if you send a wee stack of them (with defenders and some archers) along with a few workers just park them against an enemy city start bombarding and build a fort to attack from. Takes ore turns to build a fort on a hill but it's worth it, considering it took you five turns to build that archer you want to give him every chance, don't you?
Well, don't you?
If you wait for a decisive advantage you have a good chance of getting creamed, go with what you've got. if it's not enough send your workers to build the advantage you need.
ok, ok, so use teain to your advantage, and put your science researche at zero when u have built the great library, i think ive got it! thanks
I batter my research right up during wars, and I only ever build the great library to deprive others from it. You want money before a war. The AI will always put it's research down in war. Best time to get or cement a tech lead. Early wars treat every unit like your first born son. Give them every possible advantage.
In reply to Mas' "constructive feedback".....

At monarch level, AIs are not aggressive enough to take you out early in the game. So you have room to allocate your second city to build a GL. Also, over expension would invite a lot of aggression from your neighbours and would also difficult to defend. So I would rather build 8-12 cities (on a large map) and start craking out units. AI won't bother you if you building building by barracks, units and a GL. Also, at monacrh level most techs take 40 turns to get anyway so it doen't matter if you choose a cheap or expensive tech, it will take 40 turns.
thanks for all of the tips guys, im finally starting to do good at monarch level!
actually it's the same whichever level you play, expand asap. and be smart. specially at deity level. ;)
Surprised myself by only getting 9 cities on monarch, three of them were turkeys b4 the RR. Just generally amazed by how much difference the size of the map makes. I'd say your best bet when you move up a difficulty level is to start playing on the bigger maps (more cities and units to play around with) and then as you get better try smaller maps to refine the strategies you've learnt.
Originally posted by scooblerboy
thanks for all of the tips guys, im finally starting to do good at monarch level!

I'm glad. I asked the same question when I started playing monarch, but all I got was a bunch tips on how to play deity. Different level requires a different strategy, that's why civ iii is so replayable.
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