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How do you play Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword ?

For my part, I'm in the transition between BtS regular & BtS Next War into Legends of Revolutions. My settings usually are:

BtS regular & BtS Next War:

- Noble, huge map (Earth-likeTectonics or Archipelago+rocky), epic, default # of civs, all victory conditions.
- No barbs, total kills required, no random events.
- Usually play with Mao, Brennus or Pacal.

Legends of Revolution (so far):

- Noble, large or huge map (also Earth-like Tectonics or Archipelago+ rocky), epic, default # of civs, all victory conditions.
- Normal barbs, total kills required, no random events, all the LoR settings (except for start as minors).
- So far, only playing as Meiji (Enlightened + Finnancial is simply the trait combo for techwhores like me!).
I play with the BUG mod and better AI. Most of time I play Rise of Mankind;) and sometimes RFC. I use the Perfect world2 map script and Full of resorces map script.
Standard or large maps.
SP or MP with one or two others. Not competitive, cooperative then.
Immortal difficulty, trying to master it. Emperor's a pushover though.
No mods.
Big & Small map.
Random everything.
All victory conditions, no special conditions.
Simultaneous turns in MP.
Normal speed.
On a computer.
Huge Maps.
Epic speed.
Random Leaders (11 Civs including me.)
All victory conditions.
Random events on.
Barbarians normal.
Maps vary, but often Big and Small or Medium and Small with snaky continents or random. I don't like finding all the other leaders by 2000 BC, so no Terra, Pangaea, etc.
Toroidal maps if the map type allows it. Cylindrical otherwise.
I try to avoid nations with really late or ineffective UBs and UUs. I also avoid combinations I've already won easily with, like Darius of the Dutch. Actually I avoid Darius AND the Dutch.
I usually play with no modifications out of the custom game settings (and for that, Permanent alliances).

For maps it's usually Big & Small, Medium & Small, or Hemispheres.

I should try something different.
Just increased my combination of mods to include Better AI and Varietas Delectat leader expansion. To my suprise it all worked :D
I play lan game with firends. Huge map. Marathon speed. Raging barbarians. Conquest. Prince. 4 of us in 4 teams with + 3 computer each. Random leaders. Good fun. Lots of beer.
Anymore, I play Legends of Revolution mod pretty much exclusively. Marathon, large map, no tech brokering, regular barbs, normal LoR settings (all mods active).

Occasional breaks for FFHII, to scratch the fantasy itch, but been pretty heavy into LoR.

Oh, and Phungus, if you see this - thanks for the work on the mod, I've loved it so far!

(and if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it! Just watch the difficulty on your first few games - it will probably surprise you if you're not a pro!)
I have a Custom Assets mod I use with too many changes to name if I could even remember them all. Blue marble, BUG, and wanting to get Better AI installed back on it. (I never got it again after upgrading to 3.17. (Tonight I am downloading 3.19)

I also play FFH2 for a fantasy break.
Most of the time:
Bug Mod
Standard Map
Emperor (sometimes MP with friends)
Random Leaders
Barbarians, goody huts on
Random Events off most of the time

I sometimes play History of the Three Kingdoms or Rhye's and Fall of Civilization
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