How does going on STRIKE work?


May 16, 2009
In a recent game I went into strike for 2 or 3 turns and lost 1 warrior. How does it work? Anyone strategy to it or is the loss of units random? What if you have no military units? Do workers disappear?
It is random and workers can disappear. Last time I saw it happen was in a gauntlet game where someone won domination circa 100 AD. But it hasn't happened to me since vanilla civ following moonsinger's guide to Julius Caesar. (In the war academy pages I think.)
Actually I have a question, what happened if you are negative but do not pay any unit support/maintenance.
I believe we have N + Population/4 free units.
and 2 free support, and use 0.5 support for units in neutral territory and 1 support in enemy territory.
I always have avoided falling into negative money. But now I realize I don't have to. The effect is not that bad at all. Does it even scale with how bad a deficit you are in? It does not appear to. I had something like 200 beakers per turn at 100% slider vs 90/turn at 0% ( rep scientists) I was -20 gold per turn at 0% slider until currency. I should have just went 100% science since I was going to fall into strike anyway. Hell after an early rush its not a bad way to turn excess units into beakers.
the slider will be automatically corrected w/ min value if one cannot pay the upkeep from the coffers
but you lose one more unit for each consecutive turn on strike.
I have noticed that settlers don't seem to ever be deleted when on strike. Moreover, no matter how big the strike, or how long, it never seems to take ALL your units. Noticed this while going for early domination wins when my economy got up (down?) to -221 per turn at 0%.
They changed that in BtS. In vanilla and warlords, settlers and workers are the first to go.

In BtS you will lose settlers once you have no military units left.
Workers don't go first on vanilla, i've been on strike many times in MP inland teamers and units were always first to go.
Settlers only then, perhaps.
I think you get to have 1 unit garrison per city safe from strike, but units out of cities aren't protected (even if you have no other units left).
Nope, I remember doing a settler Hall of Fame gauntlet where ALL my units were disbanded from maintenance costs after settler spamming for a domination win, and I had to wait for border pops to trigger the win. I had no units left anywhere at the end. Luckily I had the Great Wall ;)
I found where I'd heard that your last unit was safe...

All I can say from personal experience is that I've had a prolonged strike where I ended up with precisely one unit in every city. That might have only been coincidence, and maybe next turn I was going to start losing those units too, but it certainly seemed unlikely enough to be explained by coincidence that I assumed SemiRani and TMiT were right.

There seems to be a lot of debate even in that thread over whether that's the case though. Maybe there's another mechanic at work we don't know yet?
after trying for a faster domination I can tell for sure:
- when on strike for long periods, you will lose all your units except settlers
- you never go under 0, meaning that as soon as you can break even, strike is over (you won't need to pay for the centuries of deficit)
- you can use scientists to produce beakers and you can build science while on strike, meaning that you can still tech and even fast with rep or large production cities. However, with no defense you can get killed by barbs or neighbours, so it's not exactly what I would recommend ...
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