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How is your EU4 Game going?

My Portugal game, where I had been allied with Spain to safeguard myself in Europe. I noticed that the balance of power in Europe had shifted dramatically, with France defeating a coalition of Austria, Spain, and Burgundy twice. So I decided to start plotting to grab Andalucia since it has fantastic trade power in Sevilla.

Allied with France, and after a very difficult war, me and France crushed Spain and Burgundy. Managed to get my army entirely wiped out and had to rebuild it on the fly.

Made them release Galicia and Granada to weaken them some and because I couldn't get them to release Aragon with the warscore I had.
Ought to post my Bohemia game.

Went Saxon and conquered like mad. Ideas made me immune to the reformation pretty much, I could form Germany if I wanted.
first game as Portuguese Empire in 1820 before game ended. I also broke alliance with England because they are tards. Allied with Spain most of the game, there is a 10 year period where I allied France and Spain at the same time for some reason. I killed Morocco and controlled Safi trade node completely. Vassalize all the native americans and integrate/diplo annex them. Also just started to expand to Southeast Asia then game end. :(

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I can't decide if I want to buy this. It feels so expensive after getting all of CK2 for 15$. Well then I paid another 19$ for ToG but still.
At current all of the CK2 DLC costs about triple the current game price.
Anyway, my first game is cheaty Muscovy (just cash and stability, but since it's cheaty I won't post it here) and some weird stuff has happened.
- Naples never got the memo and apparently inherited what Castille had left over from consuming Aragon
- Salzburg is pretty much lord of all Austria
- Friesland owns Holland (and Ostfriesland)
- Byzantium eaten by Ottomans, before causing the Ottomans major indigestion in the form of a revolt which also leaves Bulgaria free
- Monster Serbia/Venice/Croatia/Venice again in the Balkans
- Venice occupying European Ottomans
- Sizeable Trebizond (for a while)
- Alba(nia) is independent again
- England pretty much owns Scotland, Ireland's main players are Munster and Connacht (Connacht owns Meath, Munster owns Leinster)
- Genoa is being diploannexed by Crimea (after losing Liguria to Savoy)

In short: Rise of the Ottomans. Now with less Ottomans.
Meanwhile I've been letting my infrastructure lag behind in favor of MORE TECH. Power is used way to much in this game, I'm thinking of making a little modification so it costs manpower instead of Adm/Diplo/Military Power. I'm on Adm tech level 8, trying to get to 10 to go Russia on earth.
My two idea slots are Exploration and Offensive. I'm aware that Expansion would have been better but by discovering Ming I recently discovered all of Asia (through spread).
Early QFTNW can be really useful sometimes.
After I've finished this cheaty run I'm going to go with Ironman mode as Majapahit or something. It's crazy but will be all the more rewarding if I pull it off. And then I might convert 1066 from CK2 and then play as High American Huron.
Can't find my screenshot file. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Playing as England I crushed France and formed a Union with them. Then my country, due to the high war exhaustion I acquired during the Hundred Years War suffered rebellions after rebellions in mainland England. My army was whittled down from 40k to some 5k and was completely out of manpower, so I was forced to dip into my slowly rebuilding treasury and hire mercenaries to help out. Promptly crushed the Welsh Independence rebellion, the Lollard Herectic uprising, and the Northumbrian and York rebellions.

Also during these rebellions I was mildly surprised to see France assisting me by moving their armies into England and engaging armies I was too weak to engage. Then Brittany declared war on Provence, which I guaranteed, they brought Burgundy into the war and together France and I took Burgundy to the woodshed before turning our attention to Brittany and taking all their land, except their capital. This was the first use I saw of the 'attach army' function when France attached one of their 10k armies to my 20k army to form a 30k army.

Basically I now own half of Ireland, most of France (through vassals, Unions, and outright conquests), allied with Portugal, Navarra and Aragon. Now it is time to turn my sights on Scotland and vassalize them.
Can't find my screenshot file. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Playing as England I crushed France and formed a Union with them. Then my country, due to the high war exhaustion I acquired during the Hundred Years War suffered rebellions after rebellions in mainland England. My army was whittled down from 40k to some 5k and was completely out of manpower, so I was forced to dip into my slowly rebuilding treasury and hire mercenaries to help out. Promptly crushed the Welsh Independence rebellion, the Lollard Herectic uprising, and the Northumbrian and York rebellions.

Also during these rebellions I was mildly surprised to see France assisting me by moving their armies into England and engaging armies I was too weak to engage. Then Brittany declared war on Provence, which I guaranteed, they brought Burgundy into the war and together France and I took Burgundy to the woodshed before turning our attention to Brittany and taking all their land, except their capital. This was the first use I saw of the 'attach army' function when France attached one of their 10k armies to my 20k army to form a 30k army.

Basically I now own half of Ireland, most of France (through vassals, Unions, and outright conquests), allied with Portugal, Navarra and Aragon. Now it is time to turn my sights on Scotland and vassalize them.

Press f12 to save a steam screenshot, then either upload it to the cloud or find it manually by going to EU4 in your library and scrolling down till you find screenshots, locating "show on disk" after hitting "View screenshot library."

Scotland game:

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You people seem to be having a lot more luck militarily in this game than I am. I started a game as Castille last night and went to war with Granada to finish the reconquista. I won that pretty easily cause Granada is obviously weak but while I was occupied with that, Aragon declared on me, and I only just barely BARELY fought them off to a white peace after years of war. What am I doing wrong here? Is there some new trick to war that makes it different than EU3? I've been conducting fights more or less as I did in EU3 and it seems to be not working well at all, what are the differences in this game that I need to be aware of?
Iberia in particular is difficult to wage war in. Lots of rivers, lots of mountains, lots of desert. Aragon always gave me trouble as Castille, even in EU3.
At current all of the CK2 DLC costs about triple the current game price.

I picked up CK II on the 75% off sale on Steam recently, including all DLC except Old Gods for a total of, I think, $20. Chances are I'll pick up EU 4 when it's on sale for a similar price (with or without DLC).
Finally figured out how to upload screenshots from Steam. My England game, alas Aragon broke the alliance and paid for it by being invaded by Castille.

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EDIT: Also anyone want a free copy of CKII? Friend me on Steam and shoot me a message and I will send it to you.
Stupid question, but how do coalitions work ? I joined a coalition against France (which blobed like crazy in the first 50 years of the game - now all of Europe is trying to fight it) yet when someone declares war on it i don't get a prompt to join or something. Is it because i already have LOADS of different CBs against France already ?
I'm confus.
I'm playing Ming and suddenly got hit by Inward perfection, loss of the mandate of Heaven and then peasant revolts at the 1490 mark.

With a lot of money I could at least buy mercenaries to put down the rebellions. How do I get rid of Inward perfection? Is it inevitable?
Having quite an interesting game as Muscovy:
Pskov is being annexed.
Ryazan, Smolansk and Tver are vassals.
I am funding the rebels that are smacking down Danish armies in their Russian territories, paying them 10 gold a month to support their cause. It is fun to watch rebels actually succeed against armies twice their size.

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I have no screenshots cause I'm at work but my Spain game is going pretty good now. After my initial... difficulty... with Aragon, Things have been going much smoother. This is PROBABLY because I've been expanding in Africa and African nations suck at fighting, but ANYWAY. I completely annexed Aragon (and diplo-annexed Navarra). I also ended up in a PU with Portugal and eventually integrated them into my nation, so I have the whole peninsula now. Once that was over I gave up on Europe, France is now huge and I don't think I have a realistic possibility of beating them at this time, so I turned my sites on Africa instead. The whole northwest part of the continent is mine and I'm slowly moving south and east, making progress against Tunisia and Mali. I also recently ended up in PU's with Naples and Denmark. I'm... I'm not really sure how that happened? I guess I had royal marriages with them? I don't really remember making those but I guess I must have at some point? ANYWAY when the 50 years is up they'll be incorporated just like Portugal, I GUESS, unless I choose to keep them independent so that I can use them as a hammer in my wars.

PU's seem really, REALLY good in this game, integrating the other country automatically cores every province they have, so all you have to do is some religious/culture conversions and you're good to go. Maybe... TOO good? But I guess it has to be this way otherwise you'd easily go over the Overextension limit. I dunno, the game seems remarkably complete compared to some of the horror stories I've heard of EU3's release, but it could definitely use another balancing pass or six. PU's seem a little too good, Admin points are too useful and military points are not useful enough, etc.
The AI will never form Scandinavia. You can check ScandinavianNation.txt in the decisions, there it says:

ai_will_do = {
			factor = 0

My first (serious) game as Castile, my goal will be to unify Iberia and colonise the whole of the new world:

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At the start of the game I fabricated a claim in Algarve to go to war with Portugal and to steal Açores and Madeira:

While I don't want to get too entangled in Africa, I wanted to continue the Reconquista as I had a mission for it which gave me plenty of admin power:

Has anyone else noticed that "Castille" is now "Castile"? I can't say I've ever seen "Castile" anywhere else - is this just a misspelling, or is it sometimes spelled Castile?

I do like the successful Hungary in germanicus12's game. Hungary almost always fell so quickly in EU3. Rebels that can actually do something sound good, too.

Has anyone else had difficulty getting the DLC selections to stick? At first mine were disabled (even when I started the game with them enabled in the launcher), now they're always enabled. But I'm not sure if I can trust the in-game menu that they're enabled when I start the game from the launcher (outside of Steam) with one of them disabled. Probably just an early bug, and not that big of a deal since at this point I'd want them enabled anyway, but if there's a Sunset Invasion-like DLC, I'd certainly want the ability to toggle it on and off to be working.
So my first experiences with EU4 after watching some lets plays and doing the tutorials is largely negative. Tried a Japan game around 1610. I can't get Cassius Belli against anyone to start a legitimate war. Not sure how to get that going. My big complaint with the game is that Paradox has sucked the fun out of the game for me by continually giving me a choice between two bad options. My first half hour each event that came up gave me a choice between two things that resulted in negatives. This is poor game design in my opinion. I like being given a tough choice between two good options not bad options. Civ 5 vanilla was similar and corrected that over time very nicely. (Love the expansions) I understand I don't understand the game but man it is discouraging to work at getting my stability up only to be offered two choices where I lose stability either way. Going to try a bigger European player and see if I have more options and fun.
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