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How Many People Have Stopped Playing?

playing sp and pbem, still can't get into lobby without crashing - heard patch addresses that. psst - those people not answering this thread are busy playing game.
I knew I'd quit playing it pretty fast before it was even out so I'm not surprised I've only finished two games. But I still spend as much if not more time on it than many others - modding it. That is what's fun to me now that I've played computer games too much recently... and civ 4 is among the best games I have for modding. Can't wait for the SDK :)

Bugs? I've seen plenty of them... all caused by my modding :blush:
Patch won't change anything unless it makes modding easier and/or more powerfull, which I doubt.
Uty said:
Here's how I gauge whether I made a good purchase: did I get one hour of gameplay per dollar spent? I spent about fifty, and I am absolutely certain I have already gotten my money's worth.

I knew I wasn't the only one who does this! If I pay $80 for a game (in Australia its that high) I expect to play for at least 80 hours. CIV3 proved that it was value for money and chalked up many more hours than that over many month. (many many more hours. ). Likewise I expect Civ4 to last for at least months on my PC, so far what I have seen proves that it will.
Yes, I've stopped playing. My computer is now screwed and waiting for a reformat since I managed to permanently disable AGP somehow while upgrading my chipset/video card drivers in an attempt to get civ IV to work properly.

I will never buy a product from 2K or Sid again.
Stopped playing and waiting for the patch.

Multiplayer is in terrible condition, hopefully patch will improve it!
I stopped playing since I bought "The Movies". At first I was thinking I would switch back and forth between both games, but as long as Civ4 is so extremely sluggish on larger maps (and yes, I have 1 gig of memory), I just can't really find any new challenges in the game. I probably played around 20 games on smaller maps, but that gets less interesting/challenging after a while. I'll give it another try when the patch is out.
I have. This is due to the fact that I can't finish a turn. When I end my turn, Caesar declares war, then I click ok, and the game either CTD after 10 minutes or the computer restarts. This happens everytime I load up that game.
Civ4 works fine on my system, albeit with numerous glitches

so im playing :goodjob:
I've stopped playing for now, I can play small maps with limited Civ's no problem, but I want a rediculously HUGE map and more Civ's than there actually ever have been!! :lol:

I'm also busy doing other things like mapping out the XML files for my XML quick ref (see sig). But I'm now gonna wait for QA to pass this patch before attempting another game!

Lets hope Firaxis has used this time to buy a huge cork to stop the flow of the controversial "memory-leak" :D
I've stopped playing. But only when I need to go to work, or sleep, or walk my dog, or eat. Or play City of Villains. Or be with my wife.

Other than that, pretty much constant. If I could figure out a way to play at work, I would.
Good Omens said:
If I could figure out a way to play at work, I would.

Ditto that. Thank goodness my work PC, which is otherwise high-powered, is crippled with a 16MB non-T&L graphics card. (Obviously the Man knows what he's doing...) Otherwise I'd get exactly no work done!

-- Kevin​
fishlore said:
I'm taking a little break. Not because of performance. Not because of bugs. I haven't had problems with either of those. I'm just taking a break so I don't overplay it. I like the game. I've just spent too much time playing it and need to rest for a while.

I was trying to do the same thing, but failed miserably. I played the heck out of the game, and I over did it. I was playing every night for the first week for many hours at a time. Went to work the next day(s) extremely tired...

Now I start it up and I'm like "meh", not in the mood..... I ruined it. I need to go and pick up a different game for awhile then come back to civ.

Unfortunatly, I'm a game addict. Games like WoW, I hit the lvl cap in a month or so, and end up stop playing. I have no self control when it comes to fun games. And I end up playing myself into boredom.

Hoepfully when the SDK comes out there will be enough to drag me back in. Because I really have no major complaints at all about this game.
microbe said:
I have the same feeling. I was very addicted to CIV3 for a couple of years. Now I've played a little CIV4 (not finished a game), and have to wait, but I don't feel that way about CIV4 anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old.

I think you hit the nail on the head. None of us are the same person we were when CIV III came out. I never had enough time with CIV III to get tired of it. Now I have CIV IV sitting in a box and no pc to play it on, but I just get the feeling it won't be as much fun for me. But guys like us will be replaced with new players who never really got into CIV III but will love CIV IV. CIV IV will be a big hit, but with a lot of different people.
You guys are crazy. I've been playing Civ4 with friends through LAN just about every night since the games release, and I'm still having fun with it. Granted, maybe the human element of having real people to play against adds a lot more to the replay value, but that's part of the reason why multiplayer was included. I won't argue that there are some problems with the game, but you deal with it as is and when patches come, all the better.

So, I'm glad to say that I'm having a great time with the game, and would be playing it right now if other things (like my life) didn't get in the way.
JackRules said:
I think you hit the nail on the head. None of us are the same person we were when CIV III came out.
True enough. I know I'm a little older, a little wiser--and, even though retro-gaming has its charms, I expect a little more of Civ IV than I required of Civ III.

Luckily, Civ IV is indeed an improved game.

And while I may be too old to gather some guys together for an all-night LAN party, I'm not too old to enjoy playing Civ for a couple of hours each evening. I don't think I'll ever be that old.

JackRules said:
Now I have CIV IV sitting in a box and no pc to play it on, but I just get the feeling it won't be as much fun for me.
Man, they must have really blown it on the packaging design if you get that definite a feeling from just the box! :crazyeye:

But seriously...I presume you have gotten this impression from hanging out here in the forums. Trust me--you won't be able to come close to appreciating Civ IV until you've had a chance to dive in for yourself.

Here's hoping you have a chance real soon.

-- Kevin​
I only just finished my first game (started on the 26th) just a couple days ago, because, first it was so damn buggy and it was hideously slow (my computer surpasses all the recommended settings) and also, well, the game sucks. I started a game in each scenario just to peak at it, and cheat to see the game map (why the hell isn't there a darn SCENARIO editor?! When I got Conquests I peaked in at all the conquests to get a feel for them and they were just so interesting at first). My first game never got past the Classical Era.

If this patch is acceptable I might actually play another game, if not, I'll wait for an XP and if it still sucks, then the game is just dead. I partly don't play the game anymore (I haven't started a new game since October, nor loaded an old game except for one I had to featured in the stories and tales forum) because the game itself, it's features, sucks and mostly because it is so slow and full of glaring mistakes (like the interface and civilopedia) and a surprising amount of bugs.
I haven't encountered a single bug or glitch yet and I'm not on a high-end system. Played 4 games to completion so far and having a lot of fun. This game IMHO blows away Civ3 in all aspects.
I've logged 67 hours of gameplay since it came out, according to XFire. It's now my second most played game of all time on Xfire. Money well spent. Multiplayer mkaes it a lot more fun to, and seems to be less buggy than SP.
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