how many social policy points can you save up?


Feb 4, 2008

I m playing with Darius atm and it seems to me I can't save more than 2 policy points at a time (Until oracle, as far as I remember, I had already two SPP, but I could only unlock one tree and one policy, same now for finishing piety, when I had one spare point). Can some1 confirm this? Or does it say somewhere about this?
You can save policies, but I don't know how many or for how long.
I am not 100% sure if I understand the question correctly, but if you check the 'can save social policy points' (sorry, I don't remember the exact wording) box which was introduced with the latest patch, you can save points indefinitely, AFAIK. I used to save all my points until I could unlock the entire commerce tree, and the first couple of polices in rationalism. I have since started playing with 'out of the box' rules, however.
single player - as many as you want
multiplayer - some tiny number (1 time spillover?)
It works fine in multi, I have saved until I had 3 or 4 SP several times (recently also) but only when "Save SP" is checked
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