How to check resources I have

0. You can see resources you have in the city screen, top right.

1. yes, in addition to the improvement specific for the ressource, like a camp for elephants and a pasture for cows.

2. no, only one, except for roads and rails, they can be built onto existing improvements.
I think that resources stuff are badly managed, those tiny icons in the city screen are barely visible. I miss good old resources pointer in Civ3
one of the advisors lists resourses you have. i forget which one htough. click through them all (the row of buttons next to the science tree button) and one of them has an option to show which ones you have in your empire.
also on the minimap/world map window, the rightmost button (or is it second from right) is one that will show all the resourses on the map much clearer (in little speach balloons)
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