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How to Conduct Blitzkrieg in the Modern Age


Jan 9, 2002
Massachusetts, New England, USA
Hi! I thought it would be useful to compile a list of things that can make a war FASTER!!

Ok, here is what I do when I blitzkrieg in Civ III: (especially useful in Democracy gov't..)

1) By this time I have already totally improved all the tiles in my domain. So I send all my workers to the target civ, plus a dozen or so settlers. (thru transports, just keep them in the cities if fighting in Pangaea or Continent blitzkrieg..)

2) I take all the cities that are one (or two, if I have bombers) tile away by bombarding them with artillery and bombers.

2b) If I can afford (win) a nuke war, I nuke all the cities my bombers/ artillery can't reach. I don't nuke straight at the cities but a bit away to preserve crucial rail infrastructure.

3) Then I send in my Modern Armor and Modern Armor armies and take over these cities. I don't raze them.

4) I repeat this until there are no cities within a one tile distance from *my* railroads.

5) After all the border cities have been taken, I search for a spot at the border to build a new city with a settler in the same turn. I do this so that my new 'city' has control of the outlying rails.

5b) If I can make more artillery bombardment / bomber / nuke / Modern Armor attacks, I do so and win myself more cities.

6) If the enemy has infantry and not mech infantry, I attack with Modern Armor to break defenses of all other cities within a 2-tile range. (And I capture the cities)

7) After all my nukes / artillery / bombers have been exhausted, I send in more settlers , accompanied by many mechs, to outlying cities to try to create a one-tile distance between my new cities and the enemy cities (next turn)

7b) I improve the rail infrastructure to reach critical points as well, with my workers. I also send them to build rails in a no-road tile where necessary to establish a link. (if I run out of settlers)

8a) I take as many outlying workers with mech infantry as possible.

8b) While I am doing this, it is important not to stretch oneself. I try not to take more cities than I can defend next turn, if the AI has Modern Armor. I also try not to lose too many mech Infantry. I station Veteran or Elite mech infantry at borders (at least 2 at each tile), building fortresses in weak spots (grasslands plains or desert) with my remaining workers.

9) I would mess with the bic file and set bombard values against cities to be more effective, but i'm not sure how to reduce the city bombard defense values.. :confused:
I didn't want to comment because I didn't want to spoil your fun.:D By the time, I get modern armor and bomber, there is no one left to fight. I usually do the blitzkrieq with cavalries and artilleries. You can read more about it in this thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25078&pagenumber=1

The link to some of my savegames can be located in this thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30095

I think your strategy will work; however, it's not fast enough for me.;)

With all due respect, the blitz style of war is the easiest to implement, no real strategy here, just go out and kick their a$$:lol:
Nothing hugely new. Try adding some cruise missiles and helos to spice it up a bit. You could also leapfrog new cities into the core of the enemy. Enough cruise missiles and you really don't need anything more than conscript mech inf.
I much prefer cavalry war myself. Modern wars always seem to be over in one turn.
Hehe. :)

In my very first CivIII win, I was able to annihalate the really Powerful Egyptians with Cavalry, infantry borders, and a bit of artillery, taking 3 cities per turn.. after I destroyed everyone else, I had only one civ left: England, and it was on another continent. I sent in tanks and mech infantry to their cities and made an RoP with them. I took all of their cities the next turn. Oh the humanity!
To conduct a modern age blitz war you really only need modern armour and a few modern armour armies to crack tough cities. You might also want radar artillery protected by mech inf if you're having trouble taking some particularly well defended cities. Anything else apart from sea transport for off continent invasions is a luxury and not worth building (planes, missiles etc are not worth it, except nukes, but they're not really blitz warfare weapons).
Sometimes you can even try the same with swordsmen/horsemen or knights. ;)

It depends on when you want to fight your war. Normally I want my own continent so I'd kill all the 'intruding' civs first. :lol:
Swordsmen against pikemen, had to laugh, the germans seriously thought I was going to kebab my knights.

I have to say this, you are probably not playing on a level commesurate with your generalship. Up your level (like to warlord) & invade a civ that has bombers. You will get a very healthy respect for airpower. & unless you have modded the Radar Arty you have no buisness using these in blitz warfare (slow and vulnerable) Nothing more powerful than 20 CV's loaded for war!:D
just like what others said...... blitz, it's the way to go when you have modern armor, just go for, and kick ass!!!
A I've said on other threads, I play my fun games on deity :rolleyes: Radar artillery are only used on real tough cities (like on a hill). They don't slow down the blitz much. All you really need for blitzing most cities is a ton of modern armour and a few modern armour armies. If you're really bothered about their airpower, just bring a couple carriers with air superiority fighters on them. I've never seen the AI make much use of airpower though. At least not on my units.
One thing I did see in the original post that I hadn't seen before was the use of Settlers to get access to AI cities for your MA during the blitz. Use this all the time and it works great. Maybe everyone already used it?? I'm interested in the biltz as applied to larger civs on higher levels when you are struggling from behind. That's rather a different operation from the usual case of the human blitzing with overwhelming force. It's still doable with a combined arms approach but it takes some thinking sometimes.
Originally posted by jshelr
One thing I did see in the original post that I hadn't seen before was the use of Settlers to get access to AI cities for your MA during the blitz.

I'm using the settler all the time. That's how I get my artilleries close enough to reduce the AI cities to rubble.:D One settler sometimes will enable my artilleries to access up to 4 AI cities. I think the settler is the most dangerous unit of all, but that's just me.
I've been reading some really poor posts on the uses of settlers. They really make artillery stacks and CMs worthwhile.
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