How to kill Cossacks?


Nov 14, 2005
One of the best UUs is Cossack. its overpowered. Yes, I understand it completely. Now I really want to know, how to kill the cossack? What is the best opposite unit? Let me guess, maybe there are two units; Pikeman(6 +100% vs Mounted Unit) and Spearmen(4 +100% vs Mounted Unit). Unfortunately, these units couldnt kill Cossacks. So Rifleman(14 +25% Mounted Unit) is the last option I thought. But,... I couldn't build a lot of Riflemans(with roads) before Cossacks attacked my cities(2 Movements, +50% vs. mounted). Any good ideas? Anyone can build Rifleman as many as cossack pulled out? How to?
Killing the Russians before they got Cossacks should solve your problem. :goodjob:
Out-tech Cathy/Peter. Tanks vs. Horses is fun. Though, in the immediate situation, you can build two pikes for every Cossack Russia builds. Can you still build pikes by then, or have they been replaced my something?
Grenaiders have 12 str vs everything which is better than 6 +100% vs mounted, and I think chemistry is when they become obsolete.
Pikemen are cheap and dirty by that point in the game, unless you're getting omgwtfbbqpwned in the tech race. Put 6 pikemen in each city. Make sure the cities have decent cultural defense.

Counter attack weakened cossacks with full strength pikemen.
Riflemen are the counter, just make sure u keep up or ahead in the tech race. Once you get infantry cossacks wont present much more of a prob, btw if you cant produce riflemen fast enough, just go on a draft frenzy. it will slow production and harm the economy, but can provide an essential millitary power quickly ( use the right civics as well ie theocracy to counter xp penalty ), just dont draft too many of your best producing cities!
Riflemen make a good counter, or...maybe your best counter-unit is your own Cavalry. The formation promotion is a level-three promotion (you need Combat II as a pre-requisite). If you are an agressive civ, your riflemen get a free Combat I, so then you only need two more to add the Formation promotion. Riflemen with Combat II/Formation should be effective against Cossacks.

Otherwise, a combination of riflemen/pikemen/cavalry might be your best bet.
Smokey McDope said:
Grenaiders have 12 str vs everything which is better than 6 +100% vs mounted, and I think chemistry is when they become obsolete.
Actually they cost 100 whereas Pikemen cost 60, so you can have 10 Pikemen for the same cost as 6 Grenadiers, and their combat power is the same (against mounted troops such as Cossacks and Cavalry).

Anyway the way to beat Cossacks is to have twice as many Pikemen as the Cossacks. Treat the 1st Pikeman as a throwaway. The 2nd one should win, almost always. (Against a stack, you need to send in as many Pikemen as there are in the stack, and then you'll start to win.)

i would say riflemen they counter 3-2 vs cossacks or better redcoats that could win easily.
Pikeman dont get +100% strenght versus cavalry. Cavalry get -50% strengh versus pikeman. This means that against cavalry pikeman are stronger AND cheaper.
Funky how those "bonuses" work isn't it. Although I thiink it works out statistically to the same thing.

But for whoever mentioned building your own Cavalry as a counter, I feel sorry for you. If you every try that, you'll rapidly notice that the Cossack's 50% bonus against mounted units will slaughter Cavalry wholesale. I know, because I've just been on the Cossack side of this arrangement (what eventually stopped my advance was Riflemen, though only after I'd taken 6 out of the 7 cities that I'd originally targeted).

See, Washington was next door to my Russia and went for Mil. Tradition after Liberalism instead of Rifling. His mistake; he now owns 40% fewer cities and I should be able to glide in for the win now.
Anyone who wants to witness Cossack vs Cavalry first hand should tune into Praying to th RNG God SG. We've got about 30 Cossacks and 20 Infantry on Napoleon's doorstep and are about to go to war.

I'm estimating he has at least one Cavalry for each of our Cossacks. Probably also has as many rifles as we've got infantry. If he's smart, he'll stack his cavs and rifles together. Otherwise, it'll be wholesale slaughter.
Pikes with a few canons to take the edge off of the Cossaks should be effective against SODs. If possible get the silly AI SOD of cossacks to charge the pikes in forest or across rivers. (Just declare war and wait for the cossacks to show up. Because the AI thinks the cossacks are so great an offensive unit they will gleefully recieve orders to march into the suicide advance.)
Ah, the age old multiplayer question!

The best solution to cossacks is to hit them with two pikes or grenadiers. The first one will invariably die, but most of the time the second one will be successful in killing the cossack. If you lose one pike and the opponent loses a cossack, well, you've come out very far ahead on lost hammers :).

Beyond that, head for riflemen and draft if you need to.
Nationhood to draft units on border cities? Just how many cossacks are we talking here? 5 10 20 30+? Hmmm always take out the civs with good UU like the Romans or Russians. If you cant make sure your military is strong enough so they dont attack when their UU unit is about. I think i read somewhere 'always keep the Aggressive AI busy so they dont attack you'.

If only you could of paid another AI with free techs to go to war with Russia. You really need a tech and perhaps military lead for that with a good friend nearby who share your religion.

Good luck.
Unpromoted Riflemen (defending) vs unpromoted (=very rare to find) Cossack (attacking)

Rifleman wins.
Corbeau said:
But for whoever mentioned building your own Cavalry as a counter, I feel sorry for you. If you every try that, you'll rapidly notice that the Cossack's 50% bonus against mounted units will slaughter Cavalry wholesale.

That was me. I forgot about the bonus vs. Mounted. Remembered it after I posted. My bad. Ignore my ill-conceived advice.
Part of what makes cossacks so great is that they are a rather timeless UU: a SoD of pinch cossacks is just as good vs. riflemen as infantry (str 16 +25% vs. mounted is equal to 20; the cossacks are 18 +25% with pinch...)

Catapults and cannons don't work against humans who know to scatter their cossacks and pillage. Also like all cavalry, cossacks get +50% vs. cannon...

The only solution as has been said is tons of prebuilt formation pikes. Unfortunately formation is much harder to come by than pinch so you really need an Agg civ + Theocracy. IMO the promotions should be changed so that formation is accessible after Combat I.

I don't know at what tech point the game stops letting you build pikes, but I've quickly learned in MP games that if you can't kill russia off early, you pretty much need to start spamming pikes as soon as you get engineering.

Once you get rifles use them to clean up after suiciding with at least one pike per cossack.
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