[RD] HuffPost: "I Coined The Term 'Cisgender' 29 Years Ago. Here's What This Controversial Word Really Means."

I can’t help but notice, despite your insistence on only being attracted to “afab people,” that none of your descriptions of what you’re attracted to are dispositive of trans women (nor trans men nor non-binary people tbh)
Try to turn that into conclusion using "so" or " therefore".
I caught it.

I also caught the fact that your mind immediately went for a *dangerous* situation as a metaphor. You could have gone with many, but the one you felt was most appropriate was "informing other people of dangers".

The metaphors we chose often say a lot about our thoughts,
I caught it.

I also caught the fact that your mind immediately went for a *dangerous* situation as a metaphor. You could have gone with many, but the one you felt was most appropriate was "informing other people of dangers".

The metaphors we chose often say a lot about our thoughts,

Starting to think they might not like trans people!!!
I caught it.

I also caught the fact that your mind immediately went for a *dangerous* situation as a metaphor. You could have gone with many, but the one you felt was most appropriate was "informing other people of dangers".

The metaphors we chose often say a lot about our thoughts,
This is what a "metaphor" is.
So my example was bit more serious than the actual thing.
Hahaha you got me there!

The only people I've ever felt attraction to were coincidently women who were attracted to men. Except for two lesbians who also found an attraction towards me. Surprising, I know. But it happens.

Mostly smart, sporty, energetic, fun to be with, women.

Take that statement as you wish.
I understand. You think that afab then includes women who then transfer themselves into men.
I wouldnt be attracted to that. Because I am attracted to women.
Congrats on not sounding like a douche lmao.
You’re seriously arguing there’s no difference if someone who’s not an expert can’t immediately detect the difference? This is the strange new world we live in. I’m pretty sure you know what I’m talking about but won’t allow yourself to admit it because of the prevailing dogma.
jumping in here way too late but i'm browsing the latest pages here and may have been answered. and i may have misunderstood the thread of discussion. as always, i'm kinda hazed out, but let's try.

i think the discussion was about attraction to trans people. whether inherently being unattracted to trans people is inherently transphobic. at least if so, in which case, the perceptible difference is literally the whole point. if you drink from a cup thinking it's made of iron when it's infact made of plastic, and you don't like plastic, you will naturally be grossed out when you find out that you were tricked by the perceptible difference.

the question, then, is that you perceived the cup as drinkable before you found out it was plastic. when people say the difference doesn't matter, they appeal to the concrete; trans is just a state. you thought it was iron. why are people all of a sudden then grossed out it's plastic?

you can be attracted to body types, and be unattracted to body types. but being trans does not mean a specific body type. if you like the cup whether it's plastic or not, trans people will stop yelling at you.
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The conversation is not about whether being attracted to trans people is transphobic. The conversation was originally about whether a trans person has an obligation to disclose their trans status to a date or potential hookup (and whether not disclosing constituted rape per se).

And then it drifted into a conversation about whether people are allowed to have preferences, to which we repeatedly responded yes, and were either misread or ignored.

But to use your metaphor:

cis person: I like my beer glass to have a stem
trans person: that’s fine, my beer glass has a handle
cis person: how dare you tell me I have to drink from your beer glass! I only like stemmed glasses!
other cis person: you know, this glass is made of glass, and is used for drinking beer, but the handle does make it somehow not a beer glass. Let’s compromise and say it’s a glass coffee mug. It’s understandable that a beer drinker wouldn’t want to use a coffee mug to drink beer from right? Wouldn’t you say that’s reasonable?
other other cis person: ah but what really is a glass when you get down to it? And what is it to “drink” “beer”. Hmm, I would say there’s actually a distinction to be drawn between those who drink alcoholic beverages - beer, wine, spirits and the like - and those who drink caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee. Now I’m not saying you, trans person, aren’t entitled to have your tea and coffee, but you have to understand we alcohol drinkers are of a different sort, it’s only natural we’d want to drink amongst ourselves, no?
trans person, who left with their beer and is drinking at a table with friends: ???? what?? did you say something?? you guys aren’t being weird again are you?
i believe the cup was novakart's but yea.
i'm genderfluid btw so i relate to some of it. but i don't really have the real experience of transness as such, and can't properly relay some of the things going on. then i'm not as useful as you in the discourse
and yea it's really strange that so often discussions divulge into whether people should bang trans people or not, as if that's the whole purpose of a human being
jumping in here way too late but i'm browsing the latest pages here and may have been answered. and i may have misunderstood the thread of discussion. as always, i'm kinda hazed out, but let's try.
it has veered so far from its source, i'm surprised it's not closed again
i believe the cup was novakart's but yea.
i'm genderfluid btw so i relate to some of it. but i don't really have the real experience of transness as such, and can't properly relay some of the things going on. then i'm not as useful as you in the discourse
and yea it's really strange that so often discussions divulge into whether people should bang trans people or not, as if that's the whole purpose of a human being

The readiness of cis people to line up to tell me that they wouldn’t fudge me is very bizarre, I agree. It stands in stark and hilarious contrast to what my dms look like on any given day tho.
i mean, sex exists, trans people exist, trans people having sex exist. discussing sex calmly is allowed on the forum, and quite family friendly, yes. i'm not sure the tangent (albeit weird as pointed out) is unfit at all, unless it's the idea of trans people having sex that's somehow inappropriate. :p
People in bathing suits not having sex is somehow inappropriate. Topless Germany must be right out. Talk about gross.

Or, that's just guys, I guess? Also, gross.

But heaven forbid they learn to talk and share their emotions and attractions in a way that is relatively unguarded. They might learn not to loudly scream who they think they're too good to ****. Or what women are racist/bigoted for not putting out. Man --- that'd be weird.
i mean, sex exists, trans people exist, trans people having sex exist. discussing sex calmly is allowed on the forum, and quite family friendly, yes. i'm not sure the tangent (albeit weird as pointed out) is unfit at all, unless it's the idea of trans people having sex that's somehow inappropriate. :p

I mean it’s not really about me having sex. It’s about cis dudes declaring in public that the thought of fudging us is disgusting, and then (on Twitter and discord, anyway), those exact same cis dudes turn around and say the horniest horsehocky to and about me over dm, completely unprompted and unwanted. As I said: they say I’m not a woman and I’ll never be one, but that’s sure not how they treat me.
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it has veered so far from its source, i'm surprised it's not closed again
Who wants to talk about word coinage when we can talk about, er, plumbing?

In fact, it's survived so long that if it were a serial thread, it'd be on the verge of turning over!
In fact, it's survived so long that if it were a serial thread, it'd be on the verge of turning over!
So long in length, not yet a month old in time.
jumping in here way too late but i'm browsing the latest pages here and may have been answered. and i may have misunderstood the thread of discussion. as always, i'm kinda hazed out, but let's try.

i think the discussion was about attraction to trans people. whether inherently being unattracted to trans people is inherently transphobic. at least if so, in which case, the perceptible difference is literally the whole point. if you drink from a cup thinking it's made of iron when it's infact made of plastic, and you don't like plastic, you will naturally be grossed out when you find out that you were tricked by the perceptible difference.

the question, then, is that you perceived the cup as drinkable before you found out it was plastic. when people say the difference doesn't matter, they appeal to the concrete; trans is just a state. you thought it was iron. why are people all of a sudden then grossed out it's plastic?

you can be attracted to body types, and be unattracted to body types. but being trans does not mean a specific body type. if you like the cup whether it's plastic or not, trans people will stop yelling at you.

The point was that just because you identify a certain way doesn’t mean your body goes along with it. Like if I identify as a woman does my body automatically become a woman’s body by that identification alone? Was my body always a woman’s body even retroactively before I identified as trans? Some people seem to be suggesting this.

It seems like from what I’ve gathered most trans people will transition but they’re still trans regardless of how far along they’ve come in this transition.

And not many people are going to transition and come out looking like Raquel Welch in Myra Breckinridge.

I entered this discussion when the idea of not wanting to date someone who was trans was compared to not wanting to date someone of another race. And Traitorfish brought up that trans people generally have different sex characteristics than cisgender people of the gender they’re transitioning to (can’t remember exactly how he put it) so it’s different from race.

I don’t really support the idea that not telling someone your trans takes away consent.
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