Hulfgar's Modpacks - Industrial and Complete Edition

All problems are fixed. Thanks for all.

"All other modes is removed, and any scenario - maps removed. Hulfgars Mod working perfectly."

Hello i am pleased to say that i got everything to work finally. Also i want to thank you for giving me the tip of loading a map up and save it as my own. You don't know how happy i am about learning this because it just opened up a whole lot of gaming opportunities for me as now i can play with any of the custom civs that are available here to download as before i could only use just the regular civs and dlc ones which gets boring after awhile. That map you saw is my favorite one to play on.

So thanks a million for this tip.I'm about to do some serious gaming tonight with your mod so I'll let you know what i think. The only issue i see with the little bit i played was that the beer doesn't show on the map as far as i can tell. Anyhow thank you again for all your help i greatly appreciate it. Cheers :)

P.S Quick question can i use a custom civ with your mod like any you can download here on the web site or do i have to use the regular and dlc civs only? Thank you again.
Hello Logik,

you should be able to use any Civ but you may have some side effects if this civ has unique units because those are most certainly coded with vanilla settings (for tech and prereq).

For example a unique tank for Congo wouild require oil instead of diesel and be free of the heavy weapon factory requirement.

If you have any problem just post me a message and we will find a solution, to adjust a custom civ to this mod should be easy enough.

For the beer issue :
There is no beer on the map, it's made from brewery :)
But you probably mean that beer doesn't show up on the resource tool bar.
I don't know why (with earlier versions it appeared and suddenly not anymore, whithout obvious reason). I'm still trying to find out why.

Bobby Digital about the Red Cross National Wonder :
I will certainly change it's requirement to only 1 hospital in the city. For some reason it is coded to 5 hospitals in the Civ but this count doesn't work.
Hi well so far i love your mod it is fantastic. And yes the custom civs work now some of the features of your mod don't apply themselves to them but is no really huge deal. But if your willing and have the time the civs i use are from this great mod, Tomatekh's New Civilizations. I also use the USSR mod and Canadian civilization and Kingdom of Israel and Prussian civilization mods.

I must say this is the most fun i have had playing civ in awhile and i have your mod to thank for it. Fantastic work!!! :)
Hi well i thought that IGE issue was solved but it is not just tried to start a new game and i can't for the life of me can get it to work with your mod. I tried everything i could think off. Don't know what else to do.
Hello Logik,

did you check that IGE has been loaded first ?
Has it been updated perhaps in the last 2 days?

send me please the log files and possibly a save game, there should an explanation and a solution.
You can use this email :
Greetings Hulfgar!

Took quite a hiatus from Civ V. Last time I played I think was your version 5? Anyway, at least 8 months ago.

You've done an amazing job with this mod, I love every minute of it.

Got a pretty late game CTD (v9.2). Log file attached. Sorry, but didn't see your notes on changing the config file, but have done so for any future log files I'll be posting for you. I'm too lazy to try to reload an older save to try and continue the game and so will start a new game.

Let me know if I can provide you any other helpful info.

Thanks, as always, for this great mod!


  • log.txt
    3.6 KB · Views: 41
Hello Bslade, welcome back :)

try version 10.1 it is more stable than 9.2.

Just one note : there is a bug with the pupetting from conquered cities. They can only be annexed, i don't know why yet.
It seems like many AI civs accumulate a massive amount of gold and don't spend it.
Hello Logik,

did you check that IGE has been loaded first ?
Has it been updated perhaps in the last 2 days?

send me please the log files and possibly a save game, there should an explanation and a solution.
You can use this email :

Hi Hulfgar and thanks for all your help so far and forgive me for taking so long to respond real life has been a bit hectic for me of late you know how it is.
I finally have some time to myself so i'll be running another test campaign and see if the problems continue to persist.
I'll also provide you with any useful suggestions i can think off as i play your mod further.

Again thank you and i'll be back to let you know what transpires. Cheers and Regards .... Logik :)
Ok i tried once again to get IGE to work with your mod and it no longer works.
And i do have the latest version of both your mods and IGE installed.
Now when i just start a new game with just the IGE it works fine
but when i start another one with your mods activated IGE no longer works.
I will be emailing you my save game to your web address you provided
and have you look at it. Maybe that will shed some Light into the issue. Thanks...
Hi Hulfgar just emailed you my savegame and log files to the web address you provided. Hopefully it will help out.Thank you once again.Regards... :)
Hi all,

Logik I will look into the files, I come back to you as soon as I have found something :)

GMO : I will look into this. I have not touched the AI code but it may get too much gold between the new buildings and the advantages it has over the player.
Thanks Hulfgar i'll keep checking in to see if you posted any results.
Hi all,

a new version is available : 10.2

Changes are :
Added the Tumulus to mark the 1. city as capital (to correct the bug preventing the puppeting from conquered cities).
The Red Cross National Wonder requires only 1 Hospital now.
Scouts can attack again.

For those interested the Postmodern Expansion has been updated as well.
I'll check again but after I built the Commando Training Ground and got a free commando, afterwards I couldn't find any more commandoes that I could build.
But I'll check again.
Bug report :

once the palace has been build it's not possible to puppet conquered cities, only to annex them.
So has it seems to puppet cities the capital must be defined when the 1. cities is founded and anything that change this afterwards will mess up the puppeting feature.

I will change the mod again to have 1 building as capital marker when the 1. city is founded and the Palace will just be a "common" national wonder with some boni.

GMO : I will check it as well.

Questions to all for the future of the mod :

- Do you think/feel that the AI is doing well with the building requirement for units (is the AI building enough, planes, tanks, canons, ...)?
If no I will remove the building requirements and give those specific buildings a boost for unit production.
Hi all,

a new version is available : 10.2

Changes are :
Added the Tumulus to mark the 1. city as capital (to correct the bug preventing the puppeting from conquered cities).
The Red Cross National Wonder requires only 1 Hospital now.
Scouts can attack again.

For those interested the Postmodern Expansion has been updated as well.

I have version 10.1 and Steam does not show 'update'.
Is version 10.2 in Steam?

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