Hulfgar's Modpacks - Industrial and Complete Edition

hi, In (Hulfgars Modpack Industrial Edition for BNW version 6) some techs are not researchable :confused: like Internet,
Hello Kirushanth if you look at pages 44 to 46 on this forum it says its post modern. meaning there is no internet, no nuke missiles and no techs above 1960's.

Hulfgar is as I'm sure working on the one with the internet and techs above 1960's but if you've been reading it has the save game bug still so he's probably taking a break after working on it for over 6 months and as of now well only Hulfgar knows what he's working on so give him a break.

And no I'm not getting after you, I just find it amusing that people don't take time to read. I'd say give him another 2-7 months to figure it out as I'm sure he'd have it done by them, Oh and I don't speak for Hulfgar. I'm just trying to help..

Hope this answers your question..
Hi all,

Swerve186 thanks for answering to Kirushanth :)

as of now well only Hulfgar knows what he's working on so give him a break.

for now I'm doing 2 things :
- trying to find the reason for the save game bug in the complete mod while playing it further.
- debugging for the industrial mod.

My main priority is to fix ver6, when that's done I will probably work on a medieval only mod and in the future perhaps a scenario reaching from the colonial era to WW2.

Kirushanth if you wish to play the whole mod you can try Hulfgars Modpack Complete Edition for BNW 6.1 (v 6)
The save game bug is elusive it may happen or not (I had it only 2 times in my current game, playing it for 1 month now).

If your not familiar with it here are the signs :

- Saving a game takes no time : check the save file (in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single) if it's 12ko it's corrupt and will be unusable, the game will crash if you try to load the save.
Restart the computer to clear the memory before restarting the game. I recommend save often to be sure that you don't play hours for nothing.
This bug affects all type of saves when it shows up (manual, auto and steam cloud).

- The game get stuck while manual saving or auto saving : end the game with the task manager, go in the save folder (see the path above). The bad save file will be overbig (in gigabyte size). Delete it to free the space on your HDD, it's unusable.
With this bug I could bypass it when I loaded the forelast save file.

And if you want to know why this bug is not fixed after 6 month : it leaves no trace in the log files and the mod is working fine the rest of the time! So I'm blindy looking for the buggy part :(
Have other people that make fantastic mods to Civ V like yours come up with this problem? Or have Firaxis said something about it?

Is there a simple way to allow cities to fire more than 1 tile in your mod? This seems extremely limited especially later in the game. I'd be happy with 2 or 3 max.

Thank you
Hello Gallus,

yes, in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Hulfgars Modpack Complete Edition for BNW 6.1 (v 6)\XML open GlobalDefines.xml with any text editor.

you will find these lines :

<!-- City range set to 1 -->
			<Set Value="1"/>
			<Where Name="CITY_ATTACK_RANGE"/>

Instead of 1 set the value you wish for the city range.

Hello Apache,

I've found nothing related to this save game bug on the net. The only similar bug that I found was due to usernames with specifics letters (such as é à,...). This would make the savegame unusable. But Firaxis fixed this one long ago.

And as for Firaxis : they don't provide support for mods...
Hi Hulfgar was wondering if you can help.

When I use the great engineers manufactory improvement on a tile with gems it seems to disconnect them from my trade network only happens when using your mod is there anyway to fix this?
Hi Hulfgar, I found this little 1 file mod by Ninakoru called Less Warmongering Hate. It would be a very good inclusion (with his permission of course) for people like me who like to destroy everyone. Given the current warmongering penalty is way to severe.
Hey Hulfgar,

I just reinstalled Civ V then your mod (Brave New world version). The UI is a bit messed up where things such as events do not show a proper icon (instead showing a black square). Has this been reported before?
I expect that you will attend to this immediately as I was one of your first followers! :lol:
Hello Bslade,

from the game main menu go in Options/Videos options and uncheck the GPU texture decode.

It should do it :)

To all :

While looking back in this thread I've just noticed that I never responded to some posts.

I apologize for this, I have overseen them or I wanted to answer later and I forgot.
Don't hesitate to ask again if you don't have an answer from me within 2 days :)
Hello Alex_mendes,

I just tested the portuguese units and they appear to work fine. Can you send me the log files and a save game please ?

Are you using any other mod ?
Wolfdog I like your idea, I will put it in the next major update, with the early marines.
is that on purpose or is my game that f***ed up :/

your game is that screwed up :(

To enable logging :

go in : Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ and open config.ini

- Inside this file,
- at the start of the file enable the fire tuner to connect to the game.
Change EnableTuner = 0 in EnableTuner = 1
- search for "LoggingEnabled = 0" and set that to 1
- Save the file and close it.

The Database.log file used for debugging is in :
...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Logs

Save game files are in C:\Users\Gilles\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\ModdedSaves\single

First guess is that you have another mod running that is not compatible with mine.
Can you give me your mod's list as well please?
Hello Kirushanth,

no, or better to say I don't know!
Why? because the bug leaves no trace in the log files and it may appear or not.
I have a version 6.2 that I am playing whithout bug since 2 weeks and that I plan to release for this week end. But I can't be sure that the bug is gone :(
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