
Mirc said:
I was not asking you! I asked unartis because he did like 7 posts in a row in this thread.

My bad than, I just think he thinks this is a chat-room. :)
No, it obvious what he did. He couldn't figure out how to upload this Non-Creation to the Database, so he did it 2002 style, posting all the parts in seperate zips.
Olorin0222 said:
Was I the only person who thought, "HULK COOL! HULK SMASH!"

I am definately with Olorin0222
its not actually recoloured even.
picture the rounded cross on the caravel. right? now picture the corners filled in so the cross is now a circle. thats it.
I guess I read too many comic books too, because I also thought "Hulk Smash". It would be fairly easy to do such a unit, but the problem is that it would have very little use. And who wants to go to the bother of animating something that probably will never get used?
I had thought about making a Marvel Comics Unit pack, if for no other reason than to create my own Superhero faction, maybe for Battle for New York. Wolverine and Captain America take on the commies! :evil:
the hulk unit would be a great mutant unit too. i'd prolly use it in Xfire.
Ha ha, I was hoping it wasn't the Hulk but rather the Northern European ship, and I was right! Only to be terribly disappointed to learn that it's basically the same unit we've had since Vanilla... Poop. :(
that hulk could also be used as a savage orc - or not :D

Phunny thing, I also thought about making some Marvel comic dudes - but I have no idea who on earth would use them (since there's nobody making such mod). Fun things to do would be
Good side:
Fantastic Four, Hulk, Spiderman, Daredevil, Captain America, X-men

Evil side:
Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopussy, Magneto, Kinpin, Juggernaut, Pyro

For example... :)
I just recolored Kinboat's Earth Elemental and made him green like the Hulk. Now I just need to add the Pants. :D
I would LOVE to see what Aaglo could do with Doc Oc...

I will go out on a limb here and say that if someone made these units, that I would make a "Secret Wars" scenario...but I would need a commitment from some people so that it didnt end up like Narnia(laying wounded but refusing to die...all for the love of a Beaver Worker)...

After the initial scenario(Secret Wars I)....I would be willing to continue into Secret Wars II and even the Infinity Gauntlet...but this will also require other units than the listed ones...

The Avengers...(and the lame West Coast Avengers)
The Infinitium (Adam Warlock/puck etc...)
Capt Marvel/Quasar
The Watcher(maybe)
More Villains than I can name at the moment

Several versions of some units(not just recolors) like the Hulk(Green/grey/other green)and spidey...(Red and blue/Black and silver/ white and blue)...

OR (not and)
Id be willing to work on the Mutant wars(featured primarily in "What If!?") which allows the use of mulitiple mutant teams as factions(X-men blue/Gold, X-force, X-Factor, Excalibur, New Mutants, Alpha Flight, BoEM ,Magneto and his Mutants, Gideon and his mutants)...

Just an idea...I used to be a comic nerd, and have ALOT of them still for reference...but Im not actively working on ANYTHING (I think Im "On-call" for BfNY) so Id be willing to do a scenario...
Hmm... I have the above unit ready to animate... Maybe I will try and fit him in. I think I have THOR also nearly done. Was doing it for fun. Just to practise. I don't know if I have other ones ready to go or not.... The Thing would just be a simple texture job of the above.... Maybe a few others.
not sure, not promising.
I'd be really mad too if my pants were as tight as the Hulk's.
I can see how making a superhero scenario would be difficult. You could start with a basic scenario like the secret wars mentioned above, or you could go with the onslaught saga, the marvel vs. dc storyline, or you could even make a unique scenario such as apocalypse attacks or something like that. You could have some generic buildable mutants for the basic units. Since you shouldn't be able to build the notable heroes and villians, you could just preplace them at their first appearances and then just upgrade them to their later versions, or since comics have a habit of reviving fallen heroes and villians, you could just make them so expensive that you'll only want to have one of them at a time. You could have the tech tree coincide with certain events or things in that comic's particular universe. For example, spiderman starts out as just the basic spiderman, with the discovery of the symbiote he would upgrade to the black costume, with the discovery of the sonic ray gun, he would upgrade back to a stronger version of spider man, and then venom would come into the picture. I don't think that this would work out too well with the AI, but I do think that it could make for a really fun mulitplayer game. Just a thought, what do you guys think?
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