'Hybrid Mutant' Found Dead in Maine


Drive-by poster.
Jun 27, 2006
The Edge of Insanity
:eek: Wonder what sort of weird stuff they're doing with their animals up there in Maine.

Residents are wondering if an animal found dead over the weekend may be the mysterious creature that has mauled dogs, frightened residents and been the subject of local legend for half a generation.

The animal was found near power lines along Route 4 on Saturday, apparently struck by a car while chasing a cat. The carcass was photographed and inspected by several people who live in the area, but nobody is sure exactly what it is.

Michelle O'Donnell of Turner spotted the animal near her yard about a week before it was killed. She called it a "hybrid mutant of something."

"It was evil, evil looking. And it had a horrible stench I will never forget," she told the Sun Journal of Lewiston. "We locked eyes for a few seconds and then it took off. I've lived in Maine my whole life and I've never seen anything like it."

It's an evil mutant, that's why.

In other news, looks like Leatherneck reads a lot of the Drudge Report.
I saw that on Drudge.

That crap is freakyyyyyy.

It looks like the wolf man!
Bizarre creature!

I wonder what military laboratory installation it escaped from?

Looks like a Houndour [/pokemon geekiness]
Looks like a dog.
More pictures of this charming creature.

You can see the coyote influence easily.

*In the summer time, when the weather is fine...* lalalalala

Sounds like another story from a creative brain. In France they have this big monster cat, "that is bigger than any cat I have ever seen, must be a predator..." :D
Heres a plot point for Stephan Kings new novel.

Maine + mutants. Add a dimensional rip or a mysterious car in a shed and you're set.
kalif said:
"that is bigger than any cat I have ever seen, must be a predator..." :D

Not a herbivore like ordinary cats ?
It's obviously a hybrid between a coyote, wolf, and/or dog. Or a really scraggly wild dog.
Its just a mongrel dog, there have been stranger looking dogs than that. Dcay might have caused the various maladroit features such as the receding lips and protruding eyes.
Or it could be a dog with some genetic disease that causes it to look a bit funny. The canine equivalent of Down's Syndrome or something.
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