I got the fountain of youth and cerro de potosi


Oct 10, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Ok, I finally played a game with fountain of youth in it. as predicted, it has been an absolute crushing of the ai. and it didn't hurt that cerro de potosi was also close by. yes, my 2nd city was actually cerro de potosi, 3rd city was fountain of youth. oh, and I was playing babylon for the first time in a long time just to see how they have fared post-patch. they did fine btw, though it didn't hurt that I was able to snag the GL, oracle, and PT. I've been #1 in score for basically the entire game. I wish it had been deity instead of immortal, regardless the poor ai has been absolutely toast. cerro de potosi has been nearly as important as the foy, that extra +10 gold every single turn is just absurd.

too bad I got them this game, my last game I was spain :cool:

Surprisingly, the game has still been fun. I still had to play the diplo game by keeping the mongols passive (returned their captured worker on turn 50 or so) on my rear flank, and I've gotten plenty of dow's even though I've been very nice to everybody (except washington). biggest change was being able to sell every single happiness resource a few times before getting too much unhappiness for the fountain to take care of, it's just like 2 untradeable happiness resources if you don't go on a killing spree. I didn't, in fact I have literally no warmonger hate from anybody, most of the ai civs hate me now just b/c I'm so far out in front in 850ad.

I'll post a savegame when I get home later, both from my start and my current situation. I admit that I nearly rage-quit when I saw them both so early, but I'm glad that I played the game out.
here is the original 4000bc save for anybody who wants to play it, then my current status ~ turn 275 (epic speed).


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can someone remind me what the FoY does actually? I have it in my latest game and I settled a city two hex away from it but for whatever reason it doesn't show up as a usuable hex on the city screen like all the other natural wonders do.
500 G for finding it and extra happiness for having it within your borders. I don't know if there are any bonuses for working it. I think its basically an addition free luxury
cerro de potosi has been nearly as important as the foy, that extra +10 gold every single turn is just absurd.

Dude, every luxury resource is 10 GPT. And this one has to be worked. And natural wonders are rarely in an ideal position for a good city; usually far from rivers, deserts, sometimes tundra etc.
can someone remind me what the FoY does actually? I have it in my latest game and I settled a city two hex away from it but for whatever reason it doesn't show up as a usuable hex on the city screen like all the other natural wonders do.

+10 happiness and a free double-healing promotion for every unit you send to it.

The FoY is overpowered, Potosi not so much. 10gpt is nice but as Bibor pointed out you can often get an equivalent sum from the AI for a luxury (on higher difficulty settings at least) and reap the tile yields to boot. It's certainly useful that you don't have to improve the tile to get the 10gpt, though, so it's a very good wonder to have at the start, maybe rivaling Old Faithful (+3 happiness and 2 sci when worked)
Indeed, an improved sugar tile (3:c5food:3:c5gold:) grants additional 9 gpt plus 10:c5gold: every 30 turns. Compared to that, Cerro provides 0 other resources and 10:c5gold:.

The only downside of FoY is the one that plagues all natural wonders - they are usually placed in crap terrain for cities. Be it desert or tundra or simply so close to a city-state that all the good tiles are taken. So even founding a city there costs you immediate 3:c5unhappy: with questionable further benefits. Even Barrier reef will be "great" till like population 6 if its not supported by other adjacent tiles.

It all depends on what's your game, really. Early conquests or playing Spain may make settling these worthwile. Late game is all about population numbers, and I can't see small, underdeveloped, NW cities making a significant dent in the global scheme of things.
500 G for finding it and extra happiness for having it within your borders. I don't know if there are any bonuses for working it. I think its basically an addition free luxury

This is incorrect.

FoY = 10 happiness (same as 2 luxuries) for being inside your borders. The tile cannot be worked.

Additionally, moving military units past it gives them a faster healing promotion.

The only way to get 500g for finding FoY is to play as Spain and be the first to discover it. Spain gets 500g for being the first to discover any natural wonder besides El Dorado (I believe they get 1000g for being the first to El Dorado).

I think you possibly are confusing it with El Dorado, which does award 500g to the first civ to find it other than Spain... who I think gets 1000g for El Dorado, as I said above.
How often will they trade for 10 gpt (if at all) ? Plus the CdP gold is affected by market, bank,....

As long as they are friendly or neutral, but most importantly as long as you're not vastly ahead of them. They will either offer 300:c5gold: or 9gpt + 10:c5gold: in trade.

Yes, the CdP is affected by market and bank for a grand total of 15:c5gold:pT. That still doesn't solve the fact that natural wonders often spawn in godawful city spots (poor overall city value).

It's really okay to capture as a puppet, tho.
Just as a slight aside ... these 'ere wonders which are in the form of mountains ... do they count as a mountain for the purposes of building an observatory? :confused:
I'm sure that you guys know this already but the 500 gold bonus for discovering El Dorado can be massively important early on. In my last game I discovered it on turn 3 (next to a city state of course). I used it to conquer Monty (sword rush) and have a National College by turn 55. This was the first game on King level that I'd won post-patch.
I'm sure that you guys know this already but the 500 gold bonus for discovering El Dorado can be massively important early on. In my last game I discovered it on turn 3 (next to a city state of course). I used it to conquer Monty (sword rush) and have a National College by turn 55. This was the first game on King level that I'd won post-patch.

Massively important indeed, especially in multiplayer. :wallbash:
Is it still the case that natural wonders that aren't mountains count as mountains? In one of my earliest games I had a city build Machu Picchu on Old Faithful.

I want a picture of that!

But good to know those tiles count as mountains! Observatories like that :)
+10 happiness and a free double-healing promotion for every unit you send to it.

The FoY is overpowered, Potosi not so much. 10gpt is nice but as Bibor pointed out you can often get an equivalent sum from the AI for a luxury (on higher difficulty settings at least) and reap the tile yields to boot. It's certainly useful that you don't have to improve the tile to get the 10gpt, though, so it's a very good wonder to have at the start, maybe rivaling Old Faithful (+3 happiness and 2 sci when worked)

ohhh that makes sense...thanks! was wondering how i managed to take a whole continent with one sword, one archer and one catapult. lol.
Cerro de Potosi is however, excellent as Spain - 20GPT is massive, especially early in the game.

Fountain of Youth + March + Khan = STEAMROLL. Seriously. It was awesome.
I want a picture of that!

But good to know those tiles count as mountains! Observatories like that :)

Well fortunately it was in my first Gauntlet game for Civ 5, so I had the save still. For some reason my screenshot didn't capture the interface, but you can see Machu Picchu, and the tile under it is Old Faithful. It even spurted water through the building from time to time.


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Additionally, moving military units past it gives them a faster healing promotion.
I can't get this promotion, i have FoY inside city border but can get units to past it.

Edit: I have the promotion, didn't see first...
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