If you own CIV V can you legally pirate it to play on your home PC?

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Nov 13, 2005
I'm asking this question because I am so BLANKING sick and tired of Steam. I go out and buy the game as a disc, a disc mind you. On installation I have to install everyone's favorite DRM crapware vendor, ie Steam.

The first couple of months I could tolerate Steam it was relatively hidden int he background. But now I can't play the game and I'm forced to go to the DRM Steam Vendor's site to figure out ways to get DRM Steam Vending software to work to allow me to play the game I paid for.

Every time I click to run the game, the screen does nothing and doesn't go to the loading window. I already fixed repeated issues with Steam F'n up my game play but now, I'm done having to spend hour after hour pouring through Steam Forum posts to figure out what else is wrong with Steams DRM set up. I'm bloody sick of it.

What I want to know is if I have the license to the game and all of its expansion packs (and can prove it) and I download a cracked version to play am I legally in the clear?

Mind you, I bought a ridiculously powerful Intel i72600K machine and keep it updated. This isn't a hardware or driver problem, this is 100% Steam Screwing up my machine. I've never had any problems with Civ 2, Civ 3 or Civ 4 but now that Firaxis decided to install DRM software on a disc that I own, I'm getting hosed repeatedly whenever I decide to play the game and bloody well tired of it.
To answer the title: Not really. 2K Games/Firaxis will count the download as someone who pirated the game without paying for it which further "justifies" DRM.

For the rest of your problem, there are a number of threads here on that issue and it is likely a problem with Civ5's coding. Also, did you try reinstalling?
You see that's the problem. I take the time to install the game it should work, end of story. If I install a new driver or Windows patch and it breaks it, that's my issue to deal with. However, I've already fixed problems with Steam's DRM screwing up my gameplay. I'm done with it as of today. I'm not going to spend hours reading forum posts here or on Steams own site just to have the privilege to play a game I OWN.

Instead, I'm searching for ways to crack the game and play it.
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