• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

I'm Taking for requests for models.

It seems like you're interested in city models.
If you want to know how it works, I recommend you to check these mods, it alters some components around unit and city visual:

R.E.D. modpack
Ethnic Diversity
Dolen2's Ethnic Diversity

And I probably might need your help because I wanted to revisit those mods.
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It seems like you're interested in city models.
If you want to know how it works, I recommend you to check these mods, it alters some components around unit and city visual:

R.E.D. modpack
Ethnic Diversity
Dolen2's Ethnic Diversity

And I probably might need your help because I wanted to revisit those mods.
I hate to be that guy but the 3 mods you listed only change units.

They add new unit models not new city set models.
I hate to be that guy but the 3 mods you listed only change units.

They add new unit models not new city set models.
Yeah, I know, but it also changes civ's art style (which change building style). So you could take some inspiration from it.
this is how red mod pack and other add units
using an sql to insert them

INSERT INTO UnitGraphicConfiguration
        (    UC_CivSuffix,    UC_MemberSuffix,    UC_fxsxml,                        UC_TemplateType,                    UC_TemplateMemberType,                                UC_NumMember,    UC_Formation,    UC_Scale    )
--SELECT    'MAYA',        'MAYA',            'unit_model_name',                'ART_DEF_UNIT_ANTI_AIRCRAFT_GUN',    'ART_DEF_UNIT_MEMBER_ANTIAIRCRAFTGUN',                0,                NULL,            0        UNION ALL
what i need is a mod that refences the command line <ArtStylePrefix>EUROPEAN </ArtStylePrefix> and defines and makes a new one you can read here in this post.

Fearun is the closest mod to have ever done it but they stopped shy of defining a new art style prefix they only did the suffix for units
for future reference this is the civ 5 city coding.
figured i would put it on here.

file name "civ5artdefines_citybuildings"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <!-- AMERICA *********************************************************** -->
  <Culture name="America">
    <Era name="Ancient">
    <Era name="Rennaisance">
    <Era name="Industrial">
    <Era name="Modern">

  <!-- ASIA ************************************************************** -->
  <Culture name="Asia">
    <Era name="Ancient">
    <Era name="Rennaisance">
    <Era name="Industrial">
    <Era name="Modern">

  <!-- AFRICA ************************************************************ -->
  <Culture name="Africa">
    <Era name="Ancient">
    <Era name="Rennaisance">
    <Era name="Industrial">
    <Era name="Modern">
  <!-- EUROPE ************************************************************ -->
  <Culture name="Europe">
    <Era name="Ancient">
    <Era name="Rennaisance">
    <Era name="Industrial">
    <Era name="Modern">

  <!-- EUROPE ************************************************************ -->
  <Culture name="Mediterranean">
    <Era name="Ancient">
    <Era name="Rennaisance">
    <Era name="Industrial">
    <Era name="Modern">

  <!-- Ruins ************************************************************ -->
  <Culture name="Ruins">
    <Era name="Ancient">
    <Era name="Rennaisance">
    <Era name="Industrial">
    <Era name="Modern">

and the poly set coding

file name

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <!-- Polynesian ************************************************************ -->
  <Culture name="Polynesian" lighting="Asia">
    <Era name="Ancient">
    <Era name="Rennaisance">
    <Era name="Industrial">
    <Era name="Modern">

changing and adding to this is not enough.
their is 2 more files, at least 1 more that make up the actual defines for the cultures.
overriding the gr2 by adding a new gr2 to the core game files is an easy way around that. but with out being able to add more cultures. i can only replace city sets for now.

as for how the city set links to the city get gr2 file. it is in the file named "CIV5Civilizations"
and looks like this

            <ArtStylePrefix>EUROPEAN </ArtStylePrefix>

the line "<ArtStylePrefix>EUROPEAN </ArtStylePrefix>" corresponds to the city set im not sure what else. this is not a direct link to the city set files. it links to the culture art style defines somewhere then to the above city set files. so that is why adding to it is not enough you need o find the art style defines.

how ever you should be able to fill in the gaps and use the eras that are missing and default to its last set era. like ancient then no classical and no medieval so they use the ancient set. we could possibly change that and add more eras there i don't see why not.

the line "<ArtStyleSuffix>_EURO</ArtStyleSuffix>" i believe is used for units somehow.

if any one does know how to implement city sets via the mod menu inform me how to.
i only know to do it by over riding the game files. either as a "loose" file or writing it up as a dlc pack either way it over rides the core game files.

im still testing out all this myself you all may know a lot more then me.
this is how red mod pack and other add units
using an sql to insert them

INSERT INTO UnitGraphicConfiguration
        (    UC_CivSuffix,    UC_MemberSuffix,    UC_fxsxml,                        UC_TemplateType,                    UC_TemplateMemberType,                                UC_NumMember,    UC_Formation,    UC_Scale    )
--SELECT    'MAYA',        'MAYA',            'unit_model_name',                'ART_DEF_UNIT_ANTI_AIRCRAFT_GUN',    'ART_DEF_UNIT_MEMBER_ANTIAIRCRAFTGUN',                0,                NULL,            0        UNION ALL
Yes, I know. And there is more to it because there is a separate setup SQL file needed to execute the data on the table.
I already made a similar mod, but only for unit scaling (see my signature). I also still have a plan to also revisit the ED mod.

If you know how to add more city art styles, that would be a great addition for my upcoming mod.
UPDATE Civilizations SET ArtStyleSuffix = "_EGYPT" WHERE Type = 'CIVILIZATION_EGYPT';
INSERT INTO "ArtDefine_UnitInfos" ('Type','DamageStates','Formation')
SELECT REPLACE("Type", '_MIDEAST', '_EGYPT'), "DamageStates", "Formation"
FROM "ArtDefine_UnitInfos" WHERE Type LIKE '%_MIDEAST';
INSERT INTO "ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos" ('UnitInfoType','UnitMemberInfoType','NumMembers')
SELECT REPLACE("UnitInfoType", '_MIDEAST', '_EGYPT'), "UnitMemberInfoType", "NumMembers"
FROM "ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos" WHERE UnitInfoType LIKE '%_MIDEAST';

sadly this only adds a suffix to the game for city sets we need a prefix added
that is only half the things we need make to accurate put city sets into the game.

my method to use right now is to override the city set models in your game directory by placing files into the dlc section of your game.
but this does not add to the game it replaces existing sets only
ArtStyleType refers to the city's building art style for the respective civ.
ArtStyleSuffix refers to the unit art style for the respective civ.
As for ArtStylePrefix, I don't even know what it does. Even Nutty (ED creator) don't know what it does.

Only one exclusive type of suffix that you can use for a unit art define, ArtStyleSuffix (refers to the ArtStyleType table) or ArtPrefix (refers to the Eras table). It will apply automatically by the game.

For example, you can't stack like ART_DEFINE_UNIT_CUSTOMUNIT_MODERN_EURO, you have to use either one of them.
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UPDATE Civilizations SET ArtStyleSuffix = "_EGYPT" WHERE Type = 'CIVILIZATION_EGYPT';
INSERT INTO "ArtDefine_UnitInfos" ('Type','DamageStates','Formation')
SELECT REPLACE("Type", '_MIDEAST', '_EGYPT'), "DamageStates", "Formation"
FROM "ArtDefine_UnitInfos" WHERE Type LIKE '%_MIDEAST';
INSERT INTO "ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos" ('UnitInfoType','UnitMemberInfoType','NumMembers')
SELECT REPLACE("UnitInfoType", '_MIDEAST', '_EGYPT'), "UnitMemberInfoType", "NumMembers"
FROM "ArtDefine_UnitInfoMemberInfos" WHERE UnitInfoType LIKE '%_MIDEAST';

sadly this only adds a suffix to the game for city sets we need a prefix added
that is only half the things we need make to accurate put city sets into the game.

my method to use right now is to override the city set models in your game directory by placing files into the dlc section of your game.
but this does not add to the game it replaces existing sets only
So it isn't possible to add a building art style, then? Ugh, bummer...
"As for ArtStylePrefix, I don't even know what it does. Even Nutty (ED creator) don't know what it does."

what it does is tell the game what city set to use for cultural variant buildings
i have tested it a lot.
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I can make a new city set for you but it has to replace an existing one.
It has to be kown I can't add new types of city sets. Just replace an existing one with one of better quality.

So it isn't possible to add a building art style, then? Ugh, bummer...
i have it backwards sorry

ArtStylePrefix is for the cultural variant buildings and the ArtStyleType is for the city sets my bad
Do you know the actual meaningful usage of the ArtStylePrefix?
Ah, those things. I see. I thought it's linked to the ArtStyleType.

i was wrong the buildings except for the walls are linked to the prefix the wall for some reason are an exception and go off of the ArtStyleType
im testing them out at this moment
Hi ghost toast. You're doing great work! Your timing is perfect. I'm working on a big mod right now and have a couple of requests. I need two improvements. The first one is a Lamassu. I'm thinking a pair of statues would do as an improvement. They can be colored as sand or stone. Either is fine.
The second improvement I need is a Hafir or desert reservoir. I'm currently using the oasis model. Hafirs don't appear to have much vegetation around them and they are supposed to have a berm made of mud or sand around them. If you could put something together I would most appreciate it.

Spoiler Lamassu :
Spoiler Hafir :
i started a unit workshop page here.

if you interested in sci-fi units ill slowly start posting my collection.

i have many left to do but ill start by fixing the rest of the 40k units and getting the rest of the beyond earth units and touching up the already converted unit's effect triggers.
i have a few of beyond earth units fixed up but i want to wait until i have all or a lot of them to post them.
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