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Image editing thread VI


Jun 11, 2003
Sadly this thread dies last time :(.......

Okay, all you graphic guys and gals, here’s you chance to show off!

Wellcome to Episode VI of Lyonesse's Image Editing fun! (Image Editing Episode I and Image Editing Fun Episode II and Image Editing Episode III and Image Editing Episode IV!)

So let’s get started!

Your goal is to somehow edit the supplied picture, changing it somehow to make it as funny as possible.

You can do this by adding something to the picture, removing something from the picture, taking parts of the picture and putting them in a new picture, etc. It's pretty much up to you as long as some element of the picture below ends up in your final graphic.

While the goal of this is to have fun, remember it is a “pseudo-competition” and should be taken, at least somewhat, seriously.

-Use any graphic program(s) you like!
-This is an "image manipulation" contest, NOT a "caption" contest. If all you're doing is adding a plain text layer that is not in any way integrated into the graphic, you're not doing enough.
- Entries featuring multiple random anime references without any discernable point or objective are a “no-no”
- Entries that poke fun at other forum members are strongly discouraged. We do not want to poke fun at any of our forum friends! And while an “inside joke” is funny to you, other’s just won’t “get it” and thus miss out on the “fun” of this “competition”.
- Images where the joke doesn't require any text caption are usually better than images that have multiple distracting chat bubbles.
-Invest a decent amount of time thinking of an idea BEFORE you start editing the graphic, and spend a decent amount of time editing as well. We want to produce some “high quality” work, not just something thrown together in 2 minutes.
-Please try not to make the “edited” images too big! Anything above 1,000 pixels (width and/or height) is quickly approaching too big, and you should be able to keep WAY below that without much of a problem! (It would probably be best to keep within the “original” size of the image.)
-The “contest” will last no longer than a week! I will then see about adding a “new” image to work on.
-I will try to give at least a 3 hour "warning" as to when the current "contest" will end. Any entries after that will be considered...just "fun" additions
-Please give your "artwork" a title, this will make voting a bit easier as some "artists" like to submit more than one picture.
-It must be acceptable for CFC. Please remember the CFC “rules” You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

Be creative, but please keep it “clean”!

-Sorry, but no voting for yourself.
-Voting will take place as soon as the next image is posted.
-Voting for an edited image will last as long as the following image is "active" (In other words, there will always be both an active image and an active vote)
-You may vote even if you haven't entered an edited image!
-You may vote for your favorite two edited images only once!
-The images with the highest vote counts win. In the case of ties all images "in" the tie will "share" the rank. i.e. posterA and posterB both get 5 votes while posterC gets 4. posterA and posterB will gain 1st place and posterC will gain 2nd place.
-Any edited image posted after the voting poll has been posted are consider "just in fun" and will not be added to the list of entries. i.e. image1 is now being voted on and image2 is now being "edited" any more entries for image1 will not be added to the voting poll!

Feel free to comment on “entries” but please do not to “spam” the thread! People often "edit" the images into "political humor", which is well within the "image editing rules". Please remember that this is supposed to be comedy! If you can't "take" the jokes (political or otherwise) posted in this thread...please try not to turn this thread into a debate about any one edited image! We just want to have some fun, not debate each other! (debating is for another thread!)

Also if you come across a picture you think would be a good "original" then send it onto me (PM's are good) and I will get it on the list of images to use!!!!! I am always looking for new and different images, which can take a lot of time, so if you find one, that you think would be fun, please send it to me!

With thanks to Lyonesse!
Sorry that this isnt an editing of the picture because I have nothing to do that with but you could add a little soviet flag to his arm and a yellow crve from his midsection to the base of the flag.


  • NEW-1.jpg
    227.8 KB · Views: 992
homeyg said:
Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh and Perfection-good one
Sorry for my lack of image editing software. I had PS 7 but it got screwed up
This ones title is obvious;)


  • moonlanding.jpg
    104.7 KB · Views: 1,266
Err I am no graphics man at all, so I went for something simple. :blush:.

The Idiot's Version :)

(Then I remembered the lack of gravity and realised who the real idiot was :) )
Perfection said:
Umm, there's gravity on the moon.
I mean the lack of :rolleyes:. * checks that everything is spelt properly to avoid further wisecracks * :lol:
Ram, the cold and lack of air pressure on the moon would not only make the urine float away like a puff of vapor, the astronauts penis would also explode. So you see, your premise here is seriously flawed, I recommend that you read some basic chemistry and physics books. Particularly 'Lunar Urination: What A Gas' by Dr. Charles Hankatank.

(hey being a pain in the butt nitpicker is fun, now I know why you all do it to me:lol: )
The lack of pressure would be insufficient to cause the astronauts internal pressure to make his penis explode.

The Urine though, likely would vaporize.
Perfection said:
The lack of pressure would be insufficient to cause the astronauts internal pressure to make his penis explode.

The Urine though, likely would vaporize.
Around here, one out of two aint bad, I'll take it!
OK OK :rolleyes:. I totally accept there were some fundamental flaws in my scenario but ain't that comedy? :groucho:

Here is another. Please note - this is NOT a troll post. I am commenting on certain highly valuable scientists, who had certain valuable secrets, regarding certain technologies.

Rules of this here thread said:
-Invest a decent amount of time thinking of an idea BEFORE you start editing the graphic, and spend a decent amount of time editing as well. We want to produce some “high quality” work, not just something thrown together in 2 minutes.

Now this is nitpicking. :p
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