Immortal Ironworks beeline

This strategy did not work at all when I played as Egypt. I had trouble with both money and happiness. I also think Egypt workers get too efficient and I build lengthy roads too early. I'm not a fan of always beelining regardless of Civ, start, neighbors etc.

I have another game ongoing and I'm Darius another Civ I always think should work well, but don't have much luck with. Ditto for Egypt and Greece.

I've tried the one city National College start and doubling up with Babylon. The changes to the Liberty social policy delaying when you get the free great person has invalidated some of the lengthy strategy threads written here. However the changes to social policies tempted me to take Tradition in my Persian game but then I switched to Liberty. I also think Piety is more attractive though traditionally I go Liberty then Patronage then Rationalism...

I'll need to play a few more games with the latest patch but the changes seem to make my peaceful builder strategies work better.

Gotta run.
I think this strategy is quite strong in clumped up situations even without production heavy start imo. Tried it as Oda in an Immortal game and those Shock 3 Samurais coming from Ironworks + Heroic Epic capital gave me the hump to push through my nearby rivals(Germany and Rome..:Dl).

I spawned on a riverside hill, floodplain area and got GLb by chopping. Lost HG badly(some one took it before I even started it. Ruin luck maybe?) but was growing OK thx to lots of cows and riverside farms. Saved my GE + GS to grab PT for the RA spam to catch up science and I had a lot of gold to spare(thx to river Plantations + lux). My Ironworks capital wasn't super strong due to no manufactory(used GE for wonder) + only 2 hills but still I was producing the most hammer when I got Ironworks.

Had to capitalize the hammer fast though otherwise having only 2 cities would leave me obsolete very quickly even with PT RA spams.
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