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Immortal University 64 - Victoria

1480 AD, bad things happen :

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Asoka sneaked two Cuirassiers to my shrined holy city, HQ of the Sushi corp, host of Wall Street that was building a wonder... The city yielded about 200gpt regardless of the slider...
Notice the Great Engineer 2 tiles away from Mutal, ready to fund Mining Inc. when Railroad comes in...

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Wall Street has been destroyed as well... I just noticed. I used a GE to rush it... :lol:

I was going for a space win and it doesn't make much sense anymore, if I lose te benefit of that city for 10 turns whole turns then have to rebuild infra. It's also tedious to manage the Empire. Maybe I should have just aimed for domination.
Overall, I built far too few troops. Wars should be over by now and cities building infra at full speed. As things are, some cities are well developped, others are backwards, it's a mess.
If ever I play through the end of the game, I guess it will be to domination.

Too bad, I was closing on the end of military moves :
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Hey folks,
i thought i give this IU a try. Thanks for the map. That was my playthrough:

The HA-Rush:
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I decided to take out the Kahn with a classic HA rush. I made my way to HBR and math-chops with a GS and got a soso attack date:

I think it was not bad given the crappy startlocation and as you see my odds were fantastic. I was surprised that the Kahn had no metal anywhere. This resulted in a cakewalk:

Mouseover is over his capital with GW and mids in it. I took peace for ten turns to get 4 techs from him and finished him off shortly after 1AD.

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State of the empire at 1AD. I`d say its pretty solid especially with mids.

The game fell apart
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From here the game kind of fell apart for me... i was playing fast und unconcentrated and made some serious mistakes:

-i lost southern city block location to the east because of bad settler movement
-i lost some ocean food tiles to barb galleys because i did not spawnbust
-in an epic fail i wasnt able to create at least one great scientist for education
-lib would still have been possible but i forgot to check AIs techstatus and lost it two turns to Asoka
-i payed no attention to WFYABTA and couldnt backfill as i wanted to
On the plus side i was able to cash in about 800 gold from failure wonders.

Drafted coats:
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So i was basically researching all stuff by myself: PP, RP, Rifling, Nationalism. Then it was time to get the draft going. I drafted like no tomorrow and whipped every unhappy pop into trebuchets and the party was on:

It became nasty when i faced machine guns:

This took me some casualties but it was worth it... note the settled great persons and the awesome shrine:

Catching up:
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I made again mistakes... like researching steel then not using it because everyone was teching away (well... not Monty ofc). How to catch up from here? Infrastructure all the way and:

as well as this:

and a nice city for making some money:

It ended in a 1906 space victory... Even then i managed to forget researching Ecology for the life support module and realised it only when i had all other parts ready:

Some stats:

And yeah redcoats came exclusively from drafts.

In all the good land from the first conquest and drafted coats were my lifesaver...

Nice game, Knightly.
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Going for space without doing any mistake is a wager. I sure couldn't even though I seem to play 3x slower than you. Space race in 4 hours is a feat in itself !

Interesting thing you also moved your capital. The spot Genghis settled is rather good, even though it is somewhat food poor for a capital. You have much more riverside than the one I got in my own game : I picked the hill 2E of your city for defense and blocking purpose but Cyrus settled nearby and had control of the banana most of the time. I can't remember who settled first, though.

Regarding the "the game fell apart" part, does that have anything to do with worker count ?
In retrospect, I'm sure I underbuilt workers badly.
Hmm, my images wont' show stack sizes, or much other info, so I'll only post a couple..

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Despite playing my opening very horribly, GK was a total push-over...

Unfortunately the screen show can't show it here, but Pacal got raped down to the last infantry standing in his city, then decided to FRIENDLY VASSAL to me. I then let India capture his capital, and then stole it away from the both of them, haha!

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