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Impressions so far from new gameplay videos

Yes, indeed, but I haven't seen them saying those short phrases yet. But I have seen a denouce screen, and no. There is not even a lip sync.

They said explicitly that voice work isn't done yet.
Given everything they've shown us and what these tidbits of information imply about the depth of the experience, I think this is the most comprehensive Civ iteration yet.

The shifting of happiness and health to amenities and housing allows for a more engaging, immersive experience. The fact that tiles are now also marked by there "Appeal" validates what thousands of civers have been doing for ages for their own storytelling purposes. The adjacency bonuses that exist outside of civ/policy specific bonuses, that apply across the board, seem to be aimed at giving a feeling that this world is living and breathing. The hidden agendas, as IGN reported, make the AI seem more human than ever before.

I'm so excited. Every civ seems malleable enough to go for more than just one type of victory. I've never wanted to play all of the civs in the game until this iteration. I'm so so so pleased and, although design verges on cartoony at times, I think this game feels more gamey (with clear references to Ed's board game background) while also feeling more immersive in this world that will be formed every time you play.
The diplomatic stuff seems to be really broken. Can't wait to see how it looks once it's sorted.
The more I think of it the eurekas bonus are a nice idea but the bonus is just too high at 50%. I'm not sure we want 50% of our teching be about optimizing these mini quests.

I was thinking that might be the case also, but it seems like there is so much to do that strictly focusing on getting nothing but these tech/civic research bonuses might not actually be the optimal thing to do.

Most of the youtubers were rushing to do this or that instead of playing a long term strategy so I'm not really sure yet how it's balanced.
The more I think of it the eurekas bonus are a nice idea but the bonus is just too high at 50%. I'm not sure we want 50% of our teching be about optimizing these mini quests.

It sorts out the massive tech gap that made games boring as you entered the modern (or earlier) era unchallenged by technologically inferior civs who had no chance to fight back,
I was thinking that might be the case also, but it seems like there is so much to do that strictly focusing on getting nothing but these tech/civic research bonuses might not actually be the optimal thing to do.

Most of the youtubers were rushing to do this or that instead of playing a long term strategy so I'm not really sure yet how it's balanced.

Not only focusing on it but the bonus is so good that a lot of time will be dedicated to make them synchronize with other stuff. I'm on the fence. While it has a strong gameplay impact and forces to think about more stuff I'm not sure it's really fun.

A bit like how you try to synchronize renaissance and your next policy in civ5. Sometimes throtling down on culture to avoid getting a policy too fast. That is not very natural nor fun imo. I feel eurekas are that but on steroids with all techs/civics. They could also make the bonuses harder to get so that you get only a few of them when you have to strongly diverge due to another game feature.

It sorts out the massive tech gap that made games boring as you entered the modern (or earlier) era unchallenged by technologically inferior civs who had no chance to fight back,


How ? Eurekas are not a catchup mechanic. It's as available to the tech leader as well as the last guy. And when your tech is booming, your economy should too giving you no excuse to not continue to grab them.
The fact that units don't have any special purposes (in the build shown) is a real downer. For instance: Catapult doesn't have any bonus against cities, it's just a ranged unit. Spearmen don't have a bonus against mounted units. That may be an early build issue, because info on that subject seemed somewhat conflicting, but as it stands, that's a real downer.
I'm assuming this is simply a lack of tooltips as in the dev stream when they were considering which promotion to give a spearman when they were currently being attacked by barbarian horse units they stated that the spearman already had a bonus against horsemen when they chose the other promotion. So either their brains are stuck in CiV mode (which seems unlikely after they've been developing this for years), or tooltips aren't completed (which seems very likely).

I'll add my voice as an echo to the posters above who said they wanted a darker tile for undiscovered territory. I was really having difficulty with the fog of war covered tiles.

I'm also a little alarmed that at one point Ed Beach said he couldn't remember whether he'd founded his capitol on a hill; I was looking from across the room and couldn't tell but I'm hoping it's obvious enough when actually looking at the screen. I did occasionally in CiV have to enter the strategic view just to see if something was a hill or not, I'm hoping for more clarity this time around.
Personally, I am really happy with how the game is turning out! :D

The tech tree's eurekas and civics tree's inpiration system seems to be really interesting, and the way your government is shaped thanks to the civics you unlock and the policies you use will make for very interesting decisions!
Also dead-end techs are back, which means the tech tree is far more flexible for modders than Civ V's

Yes, it's good to see Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs & Steel" helping to influence how Civics and Technologies work ;).

I'm... a bit disappointed at how the diplomacy screen works - or, more precisely, how leaders' animations are not continuous. You meet the leader, they have their introductory animation, screen fades to black and then they return in a completely different pose. They come to tell you they don't like you, they have their pissed off animation, the screen fades to black and then they return in a completely different pose.
It's weird, it's a bit jarring, and it's something that none of the previous games ever did... :(

Some of the play-testers did mention that everything is running in Debug mode, so that might explain that issue. Hopefully it's something that will be much better upon release. Early builds are never a good indicator where graphics are concerned.

I also agree that undiscovered territory needs to be a darker hue, especially on the minimap. I can't tell at all the difference between fog and undiscovered on the map. In fact, I feel the map shouldn't show fog of war areas any different from visible lands. CiV didn't distinguish on the minimap did it? As far the fog in actual gameplay, eh, it's not as bad as I first thought from the early screenshots, but it's still not as readable as the CiV way of fog.
In the lets play of america by BAStartGaming you see england declaring war for no reason. She even says she is happy because we share the same continent. and likes us but you are still at war


Didn't he denounce England a while before she declared war? :p Video 4, Victoria was actually trying to be really friendly with him (offering friendship every turn due to a bug) until he randomly denounced her. I think your view might be a bit skewed.
Didn't he denounce England a while before she declared war? :p Video 4, Victoria was actually trying to be really friendly with him (offering friendship every turn due to a bug) until he randomly denounced her. I think your view might be a bit skewed.

Well, the diplomatic side isn't near finished yet. In quill's video he took a city from Egypt and a couple of turns later, while still at war, she smiled and said "nice military".

Someone else mentioned London fell and Queen Victoria said "I am glad to see you on my continent"....while at war and having just lost her capitol.
Well, the diplomatic side isn't near finished yet. In quill's video he took a city from Egypt and a couple of turns later, while still at war, she smiled and said "nice military".

Someone else mentioned London fell and Queen Victoria said "I am glad to see you on my continent"....while at war and having just lost her capitol.

Well, yeah, those random bits of dialogue being friendly during war are oversights/bugs, but they're not necessarily tied to the AI's logic. England had good reason to declare war in the BAStart video, he (the player) denounced her (the AI). The AI may still like some things you're doing even while at war/hostile to you, but those should get overshadowed by other negative modifiers (like, say, being at war). Most likely they're just having misfires.
Vicky may also be just giving an indication of her (hidden?) agenda (or respect) for after the war is over. So it might even not be removed after game polishing.
Yes I know but you will still try to get them before researching the tech and try to optimize both around them. That was the point I was trying to make.

I think you get the Eureka even in the middle of the tech, so you could sit there with four or more half-finished techs waiting for the Eureka.
At the moment, remembering that this is a relatively early build, my only real concern is that they have got the numerical values for your diplomatic bonus and penalties-as they had in Civ4. This was one key area where I believe that Civ5 did things better than Civ4-by only letting you know that you had bonuses and penalties.....but not actually telling you *specifically* how big they were (as I recall, in Civ5 the size of the font-for each bonus/penalty-gave you a rough indicator of how important it was to the AI....but that was it).

I really......*really* hope that they hide the numbers before the game goes to release!
Aussie Lurker:
Same, I also dont need any numerical values, I also noticed that when the AI denounces the player in Civ 6 there is an explanation below it (you are a warmonger).

Also the Chinese leader notified the player about how the player was annoying chinese agenda by building many wonders.
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