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Industry Zones Clarification


Jun 27, 2008
I have been reading alot here and on reddit, and it seems that the people who have test the new patch agree that a city will either receive bonuses from local factories OR other factories in range.


Does the city still get the bonuses from a local indy zone's ADJACENCY BONUSES and WORKSHOP?


City A has an indy zone with every single building in it.

City B is in range of City A's indy zone, BUT it has built its own indy zone in the middle of a massive field of mines. City B has also built a workshop in its indy zone but no factory. Does City B get the bonus for its own indy zones adacency bonus and workshop AS WELL AS City A's factory and powerplant in its indy zone?

If so, it might still be worth it at time to build an indy zone in most cities but not add power plants and factories.
IIRC the patch notes say you will only receive the best bonus.

To be fair, the patch notes are worded so awefully I do not care what they say. I am wondering if someone can verify in game while I am traveling.
I think the OP is correct in their assumption. Cities still receive local production from zone adjacency and workshops, however, you only receive the benefits from a single factory and power plant - either in your district or within tile range. The factory and power plant choosen are the ones with the best bonus - for example if you used a great engineer to give +2 production

That's at least how I understood it from the patch notes. Haven't tested it yet.
It seems kind of weird that the highest bonus wouldn't stack at least once with the local bonus. Otherwise there will be a lot of people that don't understand the change building useless buildings.
What ? A whole list of things got "improved" ! Are you not happy ?

What the heck are you talking about? I said the patch notes were worded and explained terribly not that I was unhappy lol.
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