Info Addict

I am getting a message across the top of the screen that is telling me that the UI didn't load. I am playing a new game, and nothing else seems to be broken, except for all of the UI that the mod provides. If anyone could help that would be great.

I am getting a message across the top of the screen that is telling me that the UI didn't load. I am playing a new game, and nothing else seems to be broken, except for all of the UI that the mod provides. If anyone could help that would be great.


Any other mods your using?
I noticed the same. Is that true with any mod, though?

@RobK I was wondering, would it ever be possible to add an option tracks unit losses and killed over a game? Kinda like what they had in CiIV? Just curious about that.

Maybe this would be a more realistic option. Since you list military manpower can you add another list to show how many units each civ has? Like you do with science output and technologies.
Hey everyone, I'm having a little issue here. I changed computers. On the old computer I was subscribed to Infoaddict. On my new PC, I installed Civ5 with Steam obviously and it shows that I am still subscibed to Infoaddict. However, I don't see it in the Mod section when I start Civ 5. Am I missing something?

I tried unsubcribing and re-subscribing but still a no-go.
First of all, thx for this great mod and sorry for my poor english. I 've downloaded the last version of this mod (1.9) and I play Civ G&K 1.01.705 in french... I saw that there are several language avalaible (InfoAddictText_FR.xml)in XML folder, but while I play, only english is displayed. How could I switch to french...? I tried to remove all other "InfoAddictText_XX.xml" file except french, but it doens't work. Nothing is readable.... If I use only "InfoAddictText_FR et InfoAddictText_EN" Only english is displayed. Is there any special manip to switch in french...?
Since the mod appears to log data as the game progresses (hence having to use the mod from the beginning), would there be a way for someone to access the raw, unanalyzed data? I've done a bit of searching around to see if someone else has asked this with no luck.

The idea of using population data (i.e. don't have to adjust for sampling error AND you get to use the fancier-looking variable labels) is enough to make me giggle like a school girl. Any way I could make this happen?

Right off the bat I'd be most interested in seeing how well the expected AI flavors (their "genotype", so to speak) match up to their actual in-game behavior (phenotype). I believe infoaddict collects plenty of variables I could use in this pursuit, and countless more.

Not to mention I have to come up with my own data for my stats homework (doctoral program), so I could be productive and nerding out at the same time. Win/win.
I translated the mod in Italian.
Before submitting to the community I'd like to test it.

I created the file InfoAddictText_IT.xml in XML folder, modified InfoAddict (v 19).modinfo with the references to this new file (md5 calculated with ExactFile):

I tried to unload and reload the mod but the language is still English.

What am I doing wrong?
This is my modinfo file:

Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Mod id="aec5d10d-f00f-4fc7-b330-c3a1e86c91c3" version="19">
    <Teaser>Historical graphs, global relationships and tons of extra info.</Teaser>
    <Description>Adds time-based graphs showing civilizations' score, gold, military power, etc., visual representation of global relationships and tons of extra info on each civ. Please note, this mod only works correctly for games started after the mod has been enabled.
[NEWLINE]v19 Changes:
[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET] Updated German translation.
[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET] Removed reliance on overwriting stock civ files for adding buttons to Leaderhead screens.
[NEWLINE]Check the InfoAddictReadMe.txt file included with the mod or the Info Addict thread on forums for more information:[COLOR_CYAN][ENDCOLOR]
    <SpecialThanks>My awesome wife</SpecialThanks>
  <Dependencies />
  <References />
  <Blocks />
    <File md5="76FB22538641E8233E2D022C2C9C40B3" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="54749C2E542A9DD8C39CCBFE3A8EB832" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="F580F9EE6EBF47713116041AC2AD1D19" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="32D8A775385DDADB644703A0C71AC6EA" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="387D090035142861E49DF38B81379EEA" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="7E7387C93AF8771F91A5DE80550246EF" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="2C6F6BED6FF41756B3F84762E1FF80BA" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="45A58E074B30BF151319E21B8605E1AE" import="1">Art/</File>
    <File md5="ED6E5974B964A42132DE21DD479FFA28" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictCivRelations.lua</File>
    <File md5="44190B01B5A9F6396CA1229DB2405396" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictDataManager.lua</File>
    <File md5="2460992C455A996E0305622E174601DF" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictFactBook.lua</File>
    <File md5="BEF95ACAA87DB2FC2DDF51EDDCE9A67F" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictHistoricalData.lua</File>
    <File md5="FD6891AD1CCCBE3ACDECAD233D9A4C97" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictHooks.lua</File>
    <File md5="0C3DFDCC80B50BE5BC2A2966DB6E0775" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictInit.lua</File>
    <File md5="A0CD2109CD802CAFAEE5797A22F156A4" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictLib.lua</File>
    <File md5="B6825562C36E27481D9BFFD8ED7B9157" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictOptions.lua</File>
    <File md5="DC4FFFDEB9551A8ACE953E720FCFA616" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictScreen.lua</File>
    <File md5="AB5943FCDD150B84E70D19E706BBB48A" import="1">Lua/InfoAddictLogger.lua</File>
    <File md5="F6C2EBFE076175634647501C3F927712" import="0">InfoAddictReadMe.txt</File>
    <File md5="7FDD12D855D277A862FBA99990E32FE0" import="1">XML/InfoAddictCivRelations.xml</File>
    <File md5="B21CC0AE5BDAE8C897EB0C88C995C86B" import="1">XML/InfoAddictFactBook.xml</File>
    <File md5="B085E956A90716DD243652C09344F858" import="1">XML/InfoAddictHistoricalData.xml</File>
    <File md5="D8DB592AF64F00C025330E60704D0402" import="1">XML/InfoAddictHooks.xml</File>
    <File md5="CB652DD4ABC0E839E90FAFE3B2F9FF36" import="1">XML/InfoAddictOptions.xml</File>
    <File md5="6CB0249AD7AA418954C23A6A1CD1AC55" import="1">XML/InfoAddictScreen.xml</File>
    <File md5="CD0E73BBD6042C6F3EC3A8433AE3B8A3" import="1">XML/InfoAddictText_DE.xml</File>
    <File md5="DFA010B5763489DFE2585C67BE3EB5EB" import="1">XML/InfoAddictText_EN.xml</File>
    <File md5="3679A065BD0E48210371E22D8FF63FEA" import="1">XML/InfoAddictText_ES.xml</File>
    <File md5="2A60918CA71C810A573DDA9BD31AB7A1" import="1">XML/InfoAddictText_FR.xml</File>
    <File md5="FAFB1702E128C6B522517C46A7B73DE0" import="1">XML/InfoAddictText_RU.xml</File>
    <File md5="f80a3297e695253bc40191c99b8d7b57" import="1">XML/InfoAddictText_IT.xml</File>
    <EntryPoint type="InGameUIAddin" file="Lua/InfoAddictInit.lua">
      <Name>Info Addict Init</Name>
      <Description>Loads all Info Addict lua contexts</Description>
I still fail to understand why this hasn't become a default feature for the base game. And a few other UI mods too, helps improve CiV's terrible UI vastly...
So, does this mod still work with BNW respectively what sort of updates are required to incorporate the new tourism yield and other new features? I don't have BNW yet, so I'm just asking because I've time :)
So, does this mod still work with BNW respectively what sort of updates are required to incorporate the new tourism yield and other new features? I don't have BNW yet, so I'm just asking because I've time :)

Only played a few hundred turns and haven't looked at all the possible screens but the military and score graph works so far!

Surprisingly, the whole thing seems to work fine on my end.
No tabs for tourism but that's not a tragedy.
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