Ingame Editor

, you can make a screenshot by hitting the "print screen" key on your keyboard.
Thank you. Now how do I get it here? All I know is copy and paste, and that is not working. It is in a rar file.
See the "go advanced" button when you're writing a reply? Click this. On the bottom there is a "manage attachements" button, it opens a popup where you can upload files. Once it is upload, just send your message.
ou can make a screenshot by hitting the "print screen" key
thank you. Now how do I get the screenshot here? It is in a rar file, but when I try copy and paste nothing happens. And yes, I do realize I am a pain in the ass. Sorry:stupid:
Spoiler :
maybe this is it. OMG I got it right. I am the smrtest man in the world.
Congratulations! :goodjob:
So... You were talking about *that*.

Well, basically, IGE allows you to setup the terrain in ways that are not supported by civ5. In such cases, civ5 does not really know what to with it and it produces those kind of artifacts. The same can happen with natural wonders sometimes. Of course none of that is documented anywhere. So one day I will have to take time to run many tests and try to figure out which configurations are not supported by civ5, then modify the IGE UI so that it does not allow you to do them (provided it's not too restrictive). All of that in a way comprehensible by the end-user.

Meanwhile, well... You can try to alter your terrain, save and reload, until you finally reach something that works but it's a pain. Less painful that what I would have to do but... ;)
OK. Just wanted to make sure nothing abnormal was happening with my game. Thanks for the help and for the mod.
I just stumbled across this IGE. Downloaded and unzipped it in the right place. clicked to enable it in game and then clicked the next button. Nothing happens, just shows the background artwork indefinitely. am i doing something wrong?
Hello Ronjon. :)

Looks like the bug Mars83 encountered during the beta, but it was fixed before the final release.
* Do you use the latest version (downloaded from Steam, from the first page of this thread or from the CivFanatics download center)? Rather than a beta I mean.
* Did you test without other mods?
* Do you use a legal version of them game? With G&K or not?

If it's a problem on your own side (wrong IGE version), you know how to fix it. If it's because a mod, please tell me its name. Otherwise I need a lua log, please look at this post (last section).
DonQuiche if you mind me asking, how does the "take seat" control work. I've always tried it but with no luck. I am asking becuase i've always wanted to play a historically accurate game on tsl. And i like to hear to potentials of something like that happening
Well, the take seat control relies on one specific method in the Civ5 API to do so. Gameplay-wise you're suddenly playing another civilization, see their units and not yours, their cities and not yours, their fog etc.... However it just doesn't work on some computers (a civ5 bug) as you know, and since the pre-G&K patch it never works with barbarians and city-states, on any computer. Also it's limited, there are many things you cannot do like changing cities' construction, although some of them are caused by the original UI and not by hardcoded constrains, and could there fore be modded. Besides, you cannot end the turn while you're taking a seat, you need to switch back to your original civilization. Finally, some of those constrains may not apply if you're taking the seat of a human civ in a hot seat game.

So, no, it's probably not the feature you want. Its main purpose is to let you see the other civ's fog but aside of that it's about nothing more than a toy.
Hello Ronjon. :)

Looks like the bug Mars83 encountered during the beta, but it was fixed before the final release.
* Do you use the latest version (downloaded from Steam, from the first page of this thread or from the CivFanatics download center)? Rather than a beta I mean.
* Did you test without other mods?
* Do you use a legal version of them game? With G&K or not?

If it's a problem on your own side (wrong IGE version), you know how to fix it. If it's because a mod, please tell me its name. Otherwise I need a lua log, please look at this post (last section).

compared to the 1000's of pages of the lua i'll take that over guessing in the dark of my units and cities...:lol:
Here I am.

And this, attached, is the v30 translation for Italian language.

Sorry I've been on holiday for 2 weeks :p


  • IGE_IT_IT.7z
    5.1 KB · Views: 92
Have a bug that resulted from my own mod...

I'm on a pc, G & K and DLCs. Legal copy.

The bug started after I had deleted the Pantheon religion, so I think that is the cause. Here is that portion of the lua file. I had just added the first entry... the others caused no problems previously.

		[COLOR="Red"]<Delete type="RELIGION_PANTHEON"/>[/COLOR]
		<Delete Type="RELIGION_JUDAISM"/>
		<Delete Type="RELIGION_SHINTO"/>
		<Delete Type="RELIGION_SIKHISM"/>
		<Delete Type="RELIGION_TAOISM"/>

I also changed a belief from follower to enhancer:

			<Set Follower="false" Enhancer="true" />
			<Where Type="BELIEF_PAGODAS"/>

Here's the log file:

Spoiler :

[1072.272] Initializing Lua 5.1.4
[1149.462] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1149.462] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1149.493] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1149.493] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1149.508] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1149.508] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1153.112] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1153.112] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1156.357] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1156.357] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1196.402] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1196.402] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1196.418] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1196.418] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1202.970] SelectMapType: Americas
[1202.970] SelectMapType: Asia
[1202.970] SelectMapType: Mediterranean
[1202.970] SelectMapType: Mesopotamia
[1202.986] SelectMapType: Ancient Lakes
[1202.986] SelectMapType: The Viking Age Huge Map
[1202.986] SelectMapType: Bering Strait
[1202.986] SelectMapType: British Isles
[1202.986] SelectMapType: Caribbean
[1202.986] SelectMapType: Eastern United States
[1202.986] SelectMapType: Japanese Mainland
[1207.385] SelectCivilization: table: 14608D68
[1209.990] SelectCivilization: select civ
[1214.030] WorldBuilderMapLoader: Map Generation - Adding Resources
[1231.799] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(12)
[1231.799] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryTerrain].DisplayList
[1231.908] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(1)
[1231.908] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryHomePage].DisplayList
[1233.016] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\DLC\Expansion\Tutorial\lua\TutorialInclude_Expansion1.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmImprovementRebuildPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\NetworkKickedPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\CityPlotManagementPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCommandPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivEnterTerritoryPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\LiberateMinorPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ReturnCivilianPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\AnnexCityPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\BarbarianRansomPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmGiftPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCityTaskPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarRangeStrikePopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmPolicyBranchPopup.lua
[1234.389] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivGoldPopup.lua
[1235.262] ChoosePantheonPopup: -252
[1235.262] ChoosePantheonPopup: 963
[1235.262] ChoosePantheonPopup: 711
[1235.746] IGE_Controller_All: ****************************************************************
[1235.746] IGE_Controller_All: Starting...
[1236.276] IGE_Overlay: loaded
[1236.323] IGE_CityBanner: loaded
[1236.370] IGE_MiniMap: loaded
[1236.432] IGE_TabsBar: IGE_TabsBar
[1236.448] IGE_ActivePlayerSelection: IGE_ActivePlayerSelection
[1236.619] IGE_RiversElement: IGE_RiversElement
[1236.651] IGE_TerrainPanel: IGE_TerrainPanel
[1236.682] IGE_CitiesPanel: IGE_CitiesPanel
[1236.729] IGE_UnitsPanel: IGE_UnitsPanel
[1236.760] IGE_PlayersPanel: IGE_PlayersPanel
[1236.807] IGE_TechsPanel: IGE_TechsPanel
[1236.853] IGE_PoliciesPanel: IGE_PoliciesPanel
[1236.916] IGE_ConfirmPopup: IGE_ConfirmPopup
[1237.056] IGE_Window: IGE_Window
[1237.056] IGE_Window: IGE_ShareGlobalAndOptions
[1237.056] IGE_Window: IGE_SharingGlobalAndOptions, IGE=...
[1237.056] IGE_Window: IGE loaded
[1237.524] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[1237.524] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[1237.633] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1237.649] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1237.711] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1237.727] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1237.836] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1237.899] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.039] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.039] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.055] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.055] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.055] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.070] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.070] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.070] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.070] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.070] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1238.148] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1258.007] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1262.172] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1295.681] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1357.458] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(2)
[1357.458] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryGameConcepts].DisplayList
[1357.536] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(12)
[1357.536] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryTerrain].DisplayList
[1357.551] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(1)
[1357.551] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryHomePage].DisplayList
[1362.075] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(4)
[1362.075] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryUnits].DisplayList
[1374.961] IGE_Window: IGE_PingAllVersions, data=...
[1374.961] IGE_Window: IGE_Initialize
[1374.961] IGE_Window: IGE:Gods and kings=true
[1374.961] IGE_Window: IGE_TabsBar.OnInitialize
[1374.961] IGE_Window: IGE_TabsBar.OnInitialize - Done
[1374.977] IGE_Window: IGE_TerrainPanel.OnInitialize
[1375.024] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="TERRAIN_EDITION", name="Terrain (F1)", icon=0, group="edit"
[1375.024] IGE_Window: IGE_SelectedPanel, ID="TERRAIN_EDITION"
[1375.024] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="TERRAIN_PAINTING", name="Terrain (F3)", icon=0, group="paint"
[1375.024] IGE_Window: IGE_TerrainPanel.OnInitialize - Done
[1375.070] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="CITIES_AND_UNITS", name="Cities And units (F2)", icon=1, group="edit"
[1375.070] IGE_Window: IGE_UnitsPanel.OnInitialize
[1375.086] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="UNITS", name="Units (F4)", icon=2, group="paint"
[1375.086] IGE_Window: IGE_UnitsPanel.OnInitialize - Done
[1375.086] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="PLAYERS", name="Players (F6)", icon=3, group="change"
[1375.102] IGE_Window: !!!!!!!!! Cannot use vanilla layout for techs. Causes:
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Acoustics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Printing Press
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Gunpowder
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Navigation
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Architecture
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Economics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Metallurgy
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Chemistry
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Archaeology
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Scientific Theory
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Industrialization
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Rifling
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Military Science
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Fertilizer
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Biology
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Electricity
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Steam Power
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Dynamite
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Refrigeration
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Radio
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Replaceable Parts
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Flight
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Railroad
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Plastics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Electronics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Ballistics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Combustion
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Penicillin
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Atomic Theory
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Radar
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Combined Arms
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Ecology
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Nuclear Fission
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Rocketry
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Computers
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Telecommunications
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Mobile Tactics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Advanced Ballistics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Satellites
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Robotics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Lasers
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Globalization
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Particle Physics
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Nuclear Fusion
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Nanotechnology
[1375.102] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Stealth
[1375.133] IGE_Window: IGE_TechsPanel.InitializeHelp
[1375.133] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="TECHS", name="Technologies (F7)", icon=4, group="change"
[1375.133] IGE_Window: IGE_PoliciesPanel.OnInitialize
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="POLICIES", name="Social Policies (F8)", icon=5, group="change"
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_PoliciesPanel.OnInitialize - Done
[1375.148] IGE_Window: Initialization completed
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_Showing
[1375.148] IGE_Window: Failed to open IGE:
[1375.148] IGE_Window: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_Utils.lua: 134 (FormatError)
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 101
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 249 (UpdateCityBanner)
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 481 (OnCityCreated)
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 516 (OnAllCityDirty)
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 563
[1375.148] IGE_Window: C function
[1375.148] IGE_Window: C function
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 80
[1375.148] IGE_Window: C function
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 131 (Open)
[1375.148] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 611
[1375.148] TextPopup: one
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_PingAllVersions, data=...
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_Showing
[1378.315] IGE_Window: Failed to open IGE:
[1378.315] IGE_Window: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_Utils.lua: 134 (FormatError)
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 101
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 249 (UpdateCityBanner)
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 481 (OnCityCreated)
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 516 (OnAllCityDirty)
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 563
[1378.315] IGE_Window: C function
[1378.315] IGE_Window: C function
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 80
[1378.315] IGE_Window: C function
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 131 (Open)
[1378.315] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 611
[1378.331] TextPopup: one
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_PingAllVersions, data=...
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_Showing
[1415.475] IGE_Window: Failed to open IGE:
[1415.475] IGE_Window: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_Utils.lua: 134 (FormatError)
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 101
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 249 (UpdateCityBanner)
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 481 (OnCityCreated)
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 516 (OnAllCityDirty)
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 563
[1415.475] IGE_Window: C function
[1415.475] IGE_Window: C function
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 80
[1415.475] IGE_Window: C function
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 131 (Open)
[1415.475] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 611
[1415.475] TextPopup: one
[1527.296] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1527.296] Runtime Error: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1800.360] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1800.360] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1800.391] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1800.391] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1800.423] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1800.423] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1804.494] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1804.494] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1810.422] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1810.422] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1912.650] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1912.650] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1912.681] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[1912.681] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[1917.361] SelectMapType: Americas
[1917.361] SelectMapType: Asia
[1917.361] SelectMapType: Mediterranean
[1917.361] SelectMapType: Mesopotamia
[1917.361] SelectMapType: Ancient Lakes
[1917.377] SelectMapType: The Viking Age Huge Map
[1917.377] SelectMapType: Bering Strait
[1917.377] SelectMapType: British Isles
[1917.377] SelectMapType: Caribbean
[1917.377] SelectMapType: Eastern United States
[1917.377] SelectMapType: Japanese Mainland
[1924.646] WorldBuilderMapLoader: Map Generation - Adding Resources
[1940.184] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(12)
[1940.184] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryTerrain].DisplayList
[1940.184] CivilopediaScreen: SetSelectedCategory(1)
[1940.184] CivilopediaScreen: CivilopediaCategory[CategoryHomePage].DisplayList
[1940.371] Tutorial: Loaded Additional Tutorial checks - Assets\DLC\Expansion\Tutorial\lua\TutorialInclude_Expansion1.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmImprovementRebuildPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\NetworkKickedPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\CityPlotManagementPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCommandPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivEnterTerritoryPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\LiberateMinorPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ReturnCivilianPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\AnnexCityPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarMovePopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\BarbarianRansomPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmGiftPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmCityTaskPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\PuppetCityPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\DeclareWarRangeStrikePopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\ConfirmPolicyBranchPopup.lua
[1940.621] GenericPopup: Loaded Popup - Assets\UI\InGame\PopupsGeneric\MinorCivGoldPopup.lua
[1940.870] ChoosePantheonPopup: -252
[1940.870] ChoosePantheonPopup: 963
[1940.870] ChoosePantheonPopup: 711
[1940.995] IGE_Controller_All: ****************************************************************
[1940.995] IGE_Controller_All: Starting...
[1941.026] IGE_Overlay: loaded
[1941.026] IGE_CityBanner: loaded
[1941.026] IGE_MiniMap: loaded
[1941.042] IGE_TabsBar: IGE_TabsBar
[1941.058] IGE_ActivePlayerSelection: IGE_ActivePlayerSelection
[1941.058] IGE_RiversElement: IGE_RiversElement
[1941.073] IGE_TerrainPanel: IGE_TerrainPanel
[1941.089] IGE_CitiesPanel: IGE_CitiesPanel
[1941.089] IGE_UnitsPanel: IGE_UnitsPanel
[1941.104] IGE_PlayersPanel: IGE_PlayersPanel
[1941.120] IGE_TechsPanel: IGE_TechsPanel
[1941.120] IGE_PoliciesPanel: IGE_PoliciesPanel
[1941.136] IGE_ConfirmPopup: IGE_ConfirmPopup
[1941.167] IGE_Window: IGE_Window
[1941.167] IGE_Window: IGE_ShareGlobalAndOptions
[1941.167] IGE_Window: IGE_SharingGlobalAndOptions, IGE=...
[1941.167] IGE_Window: IGE loaded
[1941.494] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[1941.494] Demographics: Dequeuing demographics
[1941.588] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.588] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.666] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.666] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.697] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.697] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.728] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.728] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.728] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.728] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.728] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.744] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.744] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.744] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.744] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.744] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1941.791] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1950.527] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1969.325] IGE_Window: IGE_PingAllVersions, data=...
[1969.325] IGE_Window: IGE_Initialize
[1969.325] IGE_Window: IGE:Gods and kings=true
[1969.325] IGE_Window: IGE_TabsBar.OnInitialize
[1969.325] IGE_Window: IGE_TabsBar.OnInitialize - Done
[1969.325] IGE_Window: IGE_TerrainPanel.OnInitialize
[1969.372] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="TERRAIN_EDITION", name="Terrain (F1)", icon=0, group="edit"
[1969.372] IGE_Window: IGE_SelectedPanel, ID="TERRAIN_EDITION"
[1969.372] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="TERRAIN_PAINTING", name="Terrain (F3)", icon=0, group="paint"
[1969.372] IGE_Window: IGE_TerrainPanel.OnInitialize - Done
[1969.419] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="CITIES_AND_UNITS", name="Cities And units (F2)", icon=1, group="edit"
[1969.419] IGE_Window: IGE_UnitsPanel.OnInitialize
[1969.450] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="UNITS", name="Units (F4)", icon=2, group="paint"
[1969.450] IGE_Window: IGE_UnitsPanel.OnInitialize - Done
[1969.450] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="PLAYERS", name="Players (F6)", icon=3, group="change"
[1969.450] IGE_Window: !!!!!!!!! Cannot use vanilla layout for techs. Causes:
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Acoustics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Printing Press
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Gunpowder
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Navigation
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Architecture
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Economics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Metallurgy
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Chemistry
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Archaeology
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Scientific Theory
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Industrialization
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Rifling
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Military Science
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Fertilizer
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Biology
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Electricity
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Steam Power
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Dynamite
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Refrigeration
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Radio
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Replaceable Parts
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Flight
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Railroad
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Plastics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Electronics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Ballistics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Combustion
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Penicillin
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Atomic Theory
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Radar
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Combined Arms
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Ecology
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Nuclear Fission
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Rocketry
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Computers
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Telecommunications
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Mobile Tactics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Advanced Ballistics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Satellites
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Robotics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Lasers
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Globalization
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Particle Physics
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Nuclear Fusion
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Nanotechnology
[1969.450] IGE_Window: * gridY = -10 for Stealth
[1969.497] IGE_Window: IGE_TechsPanel.InitializeHelp
[1969.497] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="TECHS", name="Technologies (F7)", icon=4, group="change"
[1969.497] IGE_Window: IGE_PoliciesPanel.OnInitialize
[1969.497] IGE_Window: IGE_RegisterTab, ID="POLICIES", name="Social Policies (F8)", icon=5, group="change"
[1969.497] IGE_Window: IGE_PoliciesPanel.OnInitialize - Done
[1969.497] IGE_Window: Initialization completed
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_Showing
[1969.512] IGE_Window: Failed to open IGE:
[1969.512] IGE_Window: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_Utils.lua: 134 (FormatError)
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 101
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 249 (UpdateCityBanner)
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 481 (OnCityCreated)
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 516 (OnAllCityDirty)
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 563
[1969.512] IGE_Window: C function
[1969.512] IGE_Window: C function
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 80
[1969.512] IGE_Window: C function
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 131 (Open)
[1969.512] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 611
[1969.512] TextPopup: one
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_PingAllVersions, data=...
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_Showing
[1990.666] IGE_Window: Failed to open IGE:
[1990.666] IGE_Window: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_Utils.lua: 134 (FormatError)
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 101
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 249 (UpdateCityBanner)
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 481 (OnCityCreated)
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 516 (OnAllCityDirty)
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_CityBanner.lua: 563
[1990.666] IGE_Window: C function
[1990.666] IGE_Window: C function
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 80
[1990.666] IGE_Window: C function
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 131 (Open)
[1990.666] IGE_Window: IGE_Window.lua: 611
[1990.666] TextPopup: one
[2011.851] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[2011.851] Runtime Error: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[2268.067] Runtime Error: [string "Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame\CityBannerMa..."]:204: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
[2268.098] Runtime Error: [string "C:\Users\Craig and Nancy\Documents\My Games..."]:249: attempt to index local 'religion' (a nil value)
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