Instant messengers... a nightmare!


Mar 13, 2001
Far from the 2 idiot posters in FPT
Ah yesterday it was really hard for me. Now I almost regret having installed MSN and Yahoo Messenger. It's really exhaustive. Having to deal with several chats at the time is challenging. Yesterday I reached a record. 26 opened windows. I wonder if anyone can do the same without having his/her brain melting down First, blonde girls are excluded. Anyway, I had
_ a conversation with Shadowdale and Kira
_ a chat with Kira's friend
_ 2 Hotline clients running
_ a technical chat with a guy to help him install a game
_ a chess with a Canadian guy
_ playing cards (hearts) and tetrinet with Shadowdale and Kira
_ another technical chat with Arash. He was installing a Macintosh emulator to play Civ for Mac.
_ and finally the phone rang. A friend.

So it was hard to type with one hand, the other one handling the telephone. But I was really surprised that I could deal with so many things simulaneously. And switching between each window was really a pain in the ***. I think I've a fantastic preemptive multitasking neurone. No, seriously it's true. And I even have the protected memory I mean I perfectly knew what I was doing and what I had to say each time I switched to another window. Well, I think I was really using 90% of my capacities yesterday. And I didn't crash contrary to some OS. Btw, I think I should sell my brain to the Wintel duo so they can do better processors and more stable operating system . Anyway I think the only time I'll be using my brain more intensively is when I'll try to beat Stormerne at chess (ok it's impossible to beat him, I'm dreaming but who knows).

And for those who wonder, yeah I left my office at 22.30! I wanted to have Arash' macintosh emulator work. After 3 hours of technical chat, it did. This morning I'm still tired. But delighted. But tired. Anyway, at least I've well performed my Civ evangelist task, because now, LowLander and Arash are addicted to Civ. And are about to become active posters in CFC. Eh eh eh.

Today, I'll try to avoid overheating my head.

PS: Ops, forgot the philosophical reflexion: the human neuron is still and will always remain the best processor and the best multitasking and stable OS I've ever seen.

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Yeah thats pretty ridiculous. I had 5 or 6 windows open at once a few times, all blinking, and I thought that was annoying.

Do yahoo or msn have invisible modes like icq?
Sure, there is. It's called:
"appear offline" for msn, and "connect invisible" for Yahoo. Btw, seems to have a big problem with yahoo this past week. I couldn't connect at all and neither could my friends. Yahoo s***, MSN rocks! Ok I stop saying good things about microsoft

<IMG SRC="" border=0>
GK, you played cards with ME and Shadowdale.

I know it seem hard sometimes, but uh...
remember one thing:
through every dark night,
there's a bright day after that,
so no matter how hard it get, stick ya chest out
keep ya head up and handle it.
I don't care to talk to more then one person at a time, but these messenger things get out of hand.

All those windows is insane!

<IMG SRC="" border=0><FONT size="4"><FONT COLOR="blue">All knowledge begins with the Phrase:</FONT c><FONT COLOR="red"> I don't know</FONT c></FONT s><IMG SRC="" border=0>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Tuatha De Denann Tribe</FONT c>
I think it is really exhilerating when you have like 20 windows open and your task bar is so full it has a little arrow for more windows ! I do try not to stay that way long though, it gets annoying pretty quickly and then I start shutting down windows, trying to pick out the weakest link.

<IMG SRC="" border=0><FONT COLOR="green">If you cross the border, you better have your green card!</FONT c><IMG SRC="" border=0>
The most messages I get at one time is if I'm starting a game, especially if there's a waiting involved to start.

It siezes up my squirrel run computer, smoke appears in the room, and crash has been known to occur.

It's In The Way That You Use It
Tuatha De Danann Tribe
ICQ 51553293
Well the big problem with MSN is that when you go invis (appear offline) then you can't talk to other people - not like ICQ!!!

On ICQ I'm invis all the time(12-15 hours a day) and talk to those that I want, when I want to - but that doesn't work with MSN so I have to be busy or away if I don't want to be overwhelmed with messages!!

We are species 8472 - assimilations attempts are futile - the weak shall perish

No wait we are species 5618 and we got beer...... don't harm us!!!!!!
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