Investigation into former British Prime Minister Edward Heath's involvement in murder


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
Story/links originally found at the concurrent thread in the Total War Center. I regard it as a very serious and horrible news story, about high-politicians and oligarchs in the UK. About a former british PM and other politicians involvement in a pedophilia and murder ring..

Total War Center poster said:
Edward Heath was the British Prime Minister from 1970 to 1974. The independent police complaints commission (IPCC) are investigating allegations dating from the 1990s that the former PM sexually abused children.

Context: many other British politicians and senior civil servants have been found guilty of being part of a pedophile ring that operated ca. 1975-1990.

At the Elm Guest House and in apartments at Dolphin Square children were raped in sex orgies. Two children were found to have been murdered for sexual gratification and one was murdered to intimidate others. "Prominent British men alleged to have attended the Guest House include former government ministers, senior MPs, top police officers, judges, pop stars, and people with links to the Royal Households" according to Wikipedia.
Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher helped cover this up: "Margaret Thatcher told officials not to publicly name a senior diplomat connected to a paedophile scandal despite being fully briefed on allegations made against him, a newly revealed secret file has shown."
Lord Greville Janner, a current member of the House of Lords, sexually abused children in state care as part of this ring but he will not be prosecuted due to his severe dementia. He still shows up in Westminster today.

You really can't make this up. There are Nazis and Roman Emperors who would blush at this.

Edward Heath, British PM 1970-1974:


This is incredibly nasty.

As a sidenote, though, it reminded me of that conspiracy-alien theorist, David Icke, who had often publicly claimed that Heath is a monster and is into such practices, rape/murder etc. Sort of ominous, regardless of Icke's infamous theories which aren't tied to this dreadful news...
From the stories as they're coming out, I can't see that any evidence has actually been brought forward, and the woman whom they originally said made the initial accusation has denied knowing anything about it. Unfortunately, though, whether true or not, a large chunk of the damage has already been done.
I wouldn't be at all surprised at the existence of some pedophile ring including politicias. It's been talked about for years and something happened. But There had better be evidence before going around charging specific individuals. And I'm very skeptical about any murder claims: sounds too much like the which hunts over pedophilia and "satanic rituals" of the 1980s that were proven false later.

There's honor even among crooks, and murder (bombing foreigners doesn't count) is a line that even your typical corrupt politician doesn't like to see crossed by one of his peers... the protection they enjoy tends to be withdrawn very fast when that happens.
Surely the most shocking thing here is that someone with SEVERE DEMENTIA still appears to be a serving member of the House of Lords.
EDIT: Stand easy - see PhroX's post below

I suspect you've got the wrong person there (Edward Heath is dead, and never sat in the House of Lords), but a valid enough point.
He's probably referring to Janner, who is mentionned in the article in the OP.
What? Just a murder? They couldn't find anything really damning, like running an e-mail server or having sex? Clearly the Brits need to send their investigators to the US Republican party for some advanced training.
What? Just a murder? They couldn't find anything really damning, like running an e-mail server or having sex? Clearly the Brits need to send their investigators to the US Republican party for some advanced training.

^Well it actually is at least two murders, taking place as intimidation against the other children molested by the politician/oligarch ring. So it is quite more messed up :(

Btw: Can any British posters fill us in on the latest news on this story?

Links given by the original OP are pretty clear that the official line is that there was group rape going on, by members of the house of commons as well like Janner at the time. From one of the links there (this one in wiki) :

Wiki on former House of Commons MP said:
Fourth investigation and original CPS decision

In 2013 and early 2014, Leicestershire Police searched Janner's home in north London and his offices in the House of Lords in connection with an enquiry linked to historical child abuse allegations. Janner insisted on his innocence.[17][21][33] A file of evidence against Janner was sent to the Crown Prosecution Service, but he was not interviewed by the police.[1][34]

On 16 April 2015, the Crown Prosecution Service issued a statement indicating that they would not charge Janner owing to his poor health.[35] During Leicestershire Police's Operation Enamel more than 20 men were interviewed who claimed Janner had abused them before they were adults.[36] The Crown Prosecution Service stated that the case met their evidential test for prosecution and they would have otherwise have prosecuted on 22 counts of indecent assaults and buggery, against nine persons which are alleged to have occurred between 1969 and 1988.[1]

However, they decided that it failed the public interest test, as Janner was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2009 and the associated dementia had progressed to a point where he could not engage with the court process, and his evidence could not be relied upon. This meant that a court case could not proceed.[1][35] Four specialist medical practitioners, two acting for the prosecution and police and two for the defence, have confirmed the severity of Janner's dementia.[37] Just over a week later, it emerged that although the four doctors agreed Janner was suffering from severe dementia they were not unanimous on the six points listed in the CPS statement. Only one was asked if Janner could be faking the condition, a suggestion which was categorically dismissed.[38]

Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, stated that the earlier decisions made by police and the CPS not to prosecute were wrong.[1][39] A retired High Court judge, Sir Richard Henriques, has been appointed to carry out an independent investigation of all matters involving the CPS which relate to the case.[1]

Saunders told the London Evening Standard a week later: "My job is not to be populist. It’s not to make decisions on the basis of what people want. It’s about making the right decisions."[40] On 16 April 2015, a few hours after the CPS decision, the Labour Party suspended Janner from membership of the party.[35]
(1) Children were abused in England last week, children are being abused in
England this week, and children will be abused in England next week.

(2) IMO investigating a person who died ten years ago is merely a waste
of police time; and diverts resources from investigating current abuse.

(3) This will merely lighten any current abusers concerns of being caught,
and is of absolutely no comfort to their victims.

(4) Who is Edward Heath supposed to have murdered:

Name? Date? Location? Method?

Professor Plum: Yesterday: Billiard Room; Lead Piping

If no one can complete the pro-forma, it is despicable muck raking.
(1) Children were abused in England last week, children are being abused in
England this week, and children will be abused in England next week.

(2) IMO investigating a person who died ten years ago is merely a waste
of police time; and diverts resources from investigating current abuse.

I kinda think it's important to know if a pm, current or retired, living or dead, was or is a pedophile/murderer.
Just something to note, as far as I am aware, Heath himself has not been accused of murder, only paedophilia. The murders have been linked to this "paedophile ring" but not him in particular.
I kinda think it's important to know if a pm, current or retired, living or dead, was or is a pedophile/murderer.


As the accused the late Edward Heath has been dead for ten years,
please consider moving this thread to the "History" section.
Hey, the OP is not just about Heath, but other british politicians (who actually are still alive). Lord Janner was whitewashed twice for the same thing, and now new evidence placed him firmly into the guilty area. The crown prosecution announced these days (a bad decision in my view) that they only are not proceeding with a trial cause Janner is examined to suffer from 'severe dementia'. Yet they now run an investigation on why Janner was protected by other politicians in the time (including Thatcher, then PM).

Was there any penal procedure against lord Janner at all? Such as taking over assets, house arrest (which i suppose won't change his own status, but it would be a good move symbolically), etc?


Btw, as for massive pedophilia/murder ring including high politicians, there was a hugely infamous case in Belgium, in the late 90s-early 2000s, so it is not unheard of.
Hey, the OP is not just about Heath, but other british politicians (who actually are still alive). Lord Janner was whitewashed twice for the same thing, and now new evidence placed him firmly into the guilty area. The crown prosecution announced these days (a bad decision in my view) that they only are not proceeding with a trial cause Janner is examined to suffer from 'severe dementia'. Yet they now run an investigation on why Janner was protected by other politicians in the time (including Thatcher, then PM).

Was there any penal procedure against lord Janner at all? Such as taking over assets, house arrest (which i suppose won't change his own status, but it would be a good move symbolically), etc?


Btw, as for massive pedophilia/murder ring including high politicians, there was a hugely infamous case in Belgium, in the late 90s-early 2000s, so it is not unheard of.

I think the decision for him not to stand trial has actually been overturned in the last few days.

EDIT: On further reading, that decision is now being reviewed by the High Court today.
Hey, the OP is not just about Heath, but other british politicians (who actually are still alive). Lord Janner was whitewashed twice for the same thing, and now new evidence placed him firmly into the guilty area. The crown prosecution announced these days (a bad decision in my view) that they only are not proceeding with a trial cause Janner is examined to suffer from 'severe dementia'. Yet they now run an investigation on why Janner was protected by other politicians in the time (including Thatcher, then PM).

Was there any penal procedure against lord Janner at all? Such as taking over assets, house arrest (which i suppose won't change his own status, but it would be a good move symbolically), etc?


Btw, as for massive pedophilia/murder ring including high politicians, there was a hugely infamous case in Belgium, in the late 90s-early 2000s, so it is not unheard of.

Margaret Thatcher is also dead and cremated, so topic for History Forum.

I suggest you consider opening a new thread about still living suspects such as Lord Janner, rather than confusing by mixing dead and living accused in same thread.
(1) Children were abused in England last week, children are being abused in
England this week, and children will be abused in England next week.

(2) IMO investigating a person who died ten years ago is merely a waste
of police time; and diverts resources from investigating current abuse.

(3) This will merely lighten any current abusers concerns of being caught,
and is of absolutely no comfort to their victims.

Are more children really going to be abused because law enforcement is investigating this case? Do victims not deserve justice and closure once their perpetrator is dead?

(4) Who is Edward Heath supposed to have murdered:

Name? Date? Location? Method?

Professor Plum: Yesterday: Billiard Room; Lead Piping

If no one can complete the pro-forma, it is despicable muck raking.

So first you accuse any investigation of being a waste of time because the crimes were committed a few decades ago and then you complain because the investigation you'd rather not happen hasn't been concluded yet?

As the accused the late Edward Heath has been dead for ten years,
please consider moving this thread to the "History" section.

It's a recent development about a fairly recent politician and it involves current politicians. It doesn't need to be in the history forum.
The subject of the thread is the (current) police investigation, not the (dead) subjects of that investigation, if we're going to pick details. Definitely more material for OT than WH.

As if to demonstrate, I'd like to come back to the point that investigating dead criminals takes police resources away from investigating living ones. Is that a fair one? How much do we weight giving justice/closure to the victims of dead criminals versus preventing living ones from reoffending?
Interesting, it depends if investigating and naming dead politicians will give them courage to in future not duck doing the same for living politicians, which would be a good thing.
If merely a lightning rod to divert attention away from currently living offenders - not so good.

Twenty or thirty years ago, a number of the politicians whose names have come up recently in various contexts were mentioned in Private Eye at the time. Allowing for the exigencies of the libel laws, it was nevertheless fairly clear what was being suggested.

For whatever weight one attaches to that, it was equally clear that the only problem Private Eye had with Heath was his somewhat tortured vowels - in other words the poor man was simply risen above his natural station and class, as the public schoolboys of the Eye found necessary to point out.

I assume this means they were unaware of anything more substantive to hit him with, although it is conceivable back then that pedophilia was considered nowhere near as damning as being an upstart oik.

Not sure about the murders, I suspect several things are being conflated but are possibly different instances with different groups.
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