Is anyone else appalled by the Eurocentrism in Civ?

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It is dumb as well to believe the Americans were same for 6000 years. If wanting to end the debate Civ should have your culture changing to another as you play like Rome possibly to Italy eventually or various other civs that were obviously influenced by Rome, and have new variations appearing when they do.

To be honest, I've been against this since people were clamoring for it back in the days of Civ III. I don't want to have to do empire hopping. I want to pick my civilization and stick with it from beginning to end. Part of the appeal of the series to me has always been "build an empire to stand the test of time" as the original Civ I box proudly proclaimed, not "build a bunch of empires whenever the game boots you out of office". Making my fictional nation outlast all real, historical ones is part of the fun for me.
You assume that nothing else was happening in the world because you haven't been taught about it, and you have been taught about how great the Romans are. This has been happening for centuries. My beef with the Romans is not that they didn't achieve anything; they did. They're just widely overrated.

Could you give examples of events during Roman empire which were as important and widespread in influence and did not originate from Rome in any way?

You would be hard pressed. Roman influence did not end at the borders of Rome, knowledge of Rome and it's legions being there had deep impact on societies beyond their borders.

Or minor detail how Roman empire forged foundations for much of modern world. Where they went, they took their knowledge with them. Much of this knowledge was lost after the fall, but not all of it.

My problem with Eurocentrism is that we assume that the blip of world history where Europeans have supposedly dominated affairs is any more important than the blips where China or Arabia were dominant, or that Europeans therefore matter more than nations outside our Western perception.

Well, if you think that Chinese history is very introverted it is not surprising. It grew, reached roughly modern size and... Clammed up.

Arabia in turn is noted through Babylon for example. While Arabian influence should not be belittled, it is bit too far in the past for us to make very good civilizations from it. Sumers, babylons... Most would be just copypasted versions of each other. They had too little distinction at that time. Perhaps partially because our knowledge of that time is limited, perhaps because limitations of technology forced them to similar mold.

It would not make sense to build those civilizations and desperately try to invent some differences to make them distinct.

After this, Arabia has not had huge impact on world until age of Islam, when from it emerged forces to compete with... European powers over real estates of Middle East.
It was important as trade route, but then again... We already have this in Arabia in Civ5.

Of course, we could add glorious Inuit Civilization, but how much work and imagination you would have to use to flesh it out into viable civilization in scale of those which already are in the game?
I love history and I love civilization too, but in preveous renditions I was always upset about thee emphasis on European states at the expense of other playable fractions. Over the years civilization has grown to become more inclusive of other histories and I was hopeful that this theme would continue, but after extensive review of the information currently available, I fear this has not taken place.
My primary reason for this conclusion are the Art Deco buttons the designers will be forever remembered in the archives of gaming. In every unit and tech button I have seen with a person they are clearly Caucasian, or if no skin colour is visible, they are put in the European context anyway (Longswordsman). Perhaps all the icons we have seen are for Europeans , but there is still more.
All the civilizations that have two units are European, while many of the other non-traditional civs have one poorly named unit (Siam), a poorly named building (Songhai), or a generic unit (India). This is common throughout the civilization series, where familiar European civs get the specific units, while unknown areas get bland, generic units. (After reading more about Mali military structures and society I am enraged over how they were treated in Civ IV). Japan may be an exception, but with decades of culture diffusion between the West and Japan, the samurai and Japanese aviation during WWII have become part of the mythos of the West. Also, all the known city-states are Western or were at one point, which is a shame because I expected Swahili, and Polynesian cultures to be represented.
My finale point is more of a counter-point and that is although I know the game is not out, the overall aura of this game has been dripping of Eurocentrism. Civ 5 may not be as bad as Civ 4 , 3 etc, in civilization selection, such as choosing Siam, Songhai, Iroquois over Spain, Dutch (although Greece should have been purged too), I still expected better.
I do not like to live in an echo chamber so I would like to here your responses to my claims.
Name another group that was so good at rape pillage and generally screwing people over long distances as much as the Europeans.
I'm actually appalled by threads like this where people are getting all bent out of shape over data in a game.
So basically, it should be Sumeria and Egypt and Crete as the starting Civs?
No offense to the original poster, but "appalled" and "enraged" are not generally terms I use to describe my emotional reactions to video games. I have noticed that Civ does tend to be Western-oriented (what an interesting turn of phrase), but to be honest this has never really bothered me. As long as the game is fun, I think I'll be OK.
I'm depressed that Civ isn't Eurocentric enough. :(
As a percentage of total civilisations Europe is the most under represented continent.

Besides shouldn't the 19 civs be the civs which most contributed to civilisation (arts, science, mathematics, economics, philosophy, political theory, invention), not where they lived, what ethnicity or skin colour they were,or how much land they conquered.
As a percentage of total civilisations Europe is the most under represented continent.

Besides shouldn't the 19 civs be the civs which most contributed to civilisation (arts, science, mathematics, economics, philosophy, political theory, invention), not where they lived, what ethnicity or skin colour they were,or how much land they conquered.

India is most under represented
Eurocentrism in Civ simply reflect the REALITY of European influence on the world.

Stop the PC crap. The whole, entire, world has been under European domination at a time or another, if not outright European occupation. European ideas have shaped the world culture, and European technology have taken over the whole world.
It's pretty normal to have a strong eurocentrism. It's what actually happened in history.

And by the way, I see that the OP has made a single trolling post and never posted afterward. I think it speaks of itself and doesn't need any more explanation.
I don't believe the game is eurocentric. No Spain at launch and the inclusion of many civilizations from every geographic region indicates at least respect for other traditions / histories.

Couldn't Spain be a D2D civ?
India is most under represented

You may be right about that. I was taking the inclusion of india as a civ to cover all of india, but yes the Indian subconient has many ancient and distinct empires which are never seen in civ, and I personally would be in favour several ancient Indian kingdoms instead of the post-1948 settlement India that is currently included (with Gandi as its perennial leader).

I just think civs should be judged by their merits to civilization, not their geographical, military or ethic features.
Also, there's the fact that, all you people opposing the 'Eurocentrism' are constantly quoting China and Arabia. Those two Civilizations are already in Civ.
My point being that, while China and the Arabs may have had a great effect, those are just two Civs, two Civs already in the game. Whereas Europe has many more countries in it, and thus more Civilizations. France, Germany and England combined may ahve had less effect than China on history, but there's three of them, and not one.
Name one non-European Civilization that had an effect on History that isn't ALREADY IN THE GAME.

Except the Mongols, but I also want them in.
lol at people saying the game is centered on europe, theirs plenty of non europe civs.
Well, I am from Europe but that doesnt mean I want a too Eurocentric game.

And its a simulation. A simulation should allow all civs to compete for world dominance. Otherwise you could just get a message during year 1500 "Europeans have colonized your empire since it was not possible for you to develop gunpowder. Game over!"
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