• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Is anyone still active?


Still hatin' on Khan
Hall of Fame Staff
Jan 5, 2003
The Farm
It seems the long-feared death of the HOF is upon us, with not even enough submissions for formal updates.

I just submitted one game to kill time over the weekend and fill an empty slot. I might do another later today...
I know what you mean, I think.

I come back every once in a while in a fit of nostalgia, but my long time dream of seeing the tables filled will never happen. Not with Sid existing...
Sometimes I think about it, but I just can't play it anymore, not sure why.

I tried to start a game lots of times, I just don't have the patience. Sadly I think my last HoF game made me exhausted.

Although Civ 3 stills one of the best games for me I don't feel like playing it any longer.

But who knows, right?
I started back up again recently. Maybe I'll look into putting up some Sid entries and just focusing on completing games.
I've considered doing a game or two to improve my standings, but it seems worth while only if I can get a #1. (I've gotten to good positions in the standings not because of being a great player, but by choosing my spots well.)

The problem is that #1 finishes seem to need an excellent start coupled with luck for getting scientific great leaders to rush wonders. It takes a lot of time, and life gets in the way.

I have Civ 4, but haven't gotten into it. Civ V seems like not such a good development. What do others think?
You probably don't remember me but on the off chance that you do (or are bored and can search some old posts to remind yourself), this is Elear but I've had to make a new account since I have no idea what old info I used. I have an entry or two in the HoF and had some threads about some games I was working, but life caught up with me, I'm afraid, around the time of the the 2nd demogame. Lost most of my old in-progress games and had to reinstall from scratch this last year. I've lurked from time to time since though and I'm proud of what people have accomplished in the past few years even with Civ4 and 5 dominating a good chunk of the community. (I'm looking at you especially Spoonwood).

So yes, still around - guess it's not active persay, but I'd like to be. I just finished a Deity AW game over the holidays so that was fun. :)
You probably don't remember me but on the off chance that you do (or are bored and can search some old posts to remind yourself), this is Elear but I've had to make a new account since I have no idea what old info I used. I have an entry or two in the HoF and had some threads about some games I was working, but life caught up with me, I'm afraid, around the time of the the 2nd demogame. Lost most of my old in-progress games and had to reinstall from scratch this last year. I've lurked from time to time since though and I'm proud of what people have accomplished in the past few years even with Civ4 and 5 dominating a good chunk of the community. (I'm looking at you especially Spoonwood).

So yes, still around - guess it's not active persay, but I'd like to be. I just finished a Deity AW game over the holidays so that was fun. :)

I remember you as an old SABER member :)

Welcome back!
I have Civ 4, but haven't gotten into it. Civ V seems like not such a good development. What do others think?
Good to see you bluejay.

I never really got into IV myself. I'm honestly not sure about V. I've heard it's not so great, but then again, there do seem to be a lot of people playing it.
I kinda had a hunch about that. I'm actually looking forward to trying it, but like I said in another thread, I just can't seem to give up III until I milk Sid.
Good to see you bluejay.

I never really got into IV myself. I'm honestly not sure about V. I've heard it's not so great, but then again, there do seem to be a lot of people playing it.

You know, I heard from some people that Civ5 is fun for those who like 3, but I played it once and never got that out of it. I don't mind Civ4/5 at all, but Civ3 is still my favorite.

@ Calis: Totally knew SABER would win. :nuke::nuke::nuke:
Civ 3 is like Championship Manager 01/02, it doesn't matter how many updates there is, it will always be the best
Have not played CIV in absolutely ages, nor visited the forum, don't know if I will ever play again
You probably don't remember me but on the off chance that you do (or are bored and can search some old posts to remind yourself), this is Elear but I've had to make a new account since I have no idea what old info I used. I have an entry or two in the HoF and had some threads about some games I was working, but life caught up with me, I'm afraid, around the time of the the 2nd demogame. Lost most of my old in-progress games and had to reinstall from scratch this last year. I've lurked from time to time since though and I'm proud of what people have accomplished in the past few years even with Civ4 and 5 dominating a good chunk of the community. (I'm looking at you especially Spoonwood).

So yes, still around - guess it's not active persay, but I'd like to be. I just finished a Deity AW game over the holidays so that was fun. :)

Thanks Elear! Some of the saves from the succession histographic game we played are still up, if you ever want to play around with it.

For anyone who wants to learn a strategy especially helpful for Sid, you might want to see this thread , especially from post # 32 on. The idea involved can get described as a legal strategic use of Emsworth agreements (and I learned a lot from some of things he told me about), though the basic idea also can get found in some notes left by Microbe. There do exist other threads which can give you the basic idea, but it's not buried deep in the thread like in my histographic thread. Also, that one has saves making it easier to practice the basic idea and steps required and see how things work out. If anyone has any questions on that strategy, please ask.
I just took a look and my last HoF game was at Mar 13, 2013, 10 months ago. I didn't even know it has been such a long time like this.

I miss those days when trying to maximize a C3C game was awesome.
I have been playing Civ3 on and off since 2002. Civ4 and Civ5 have not kept up my interest so much. I still learn things in Civ3. Lately, I have been playing Small Sid domination and Huge Sid histographic games. Small Sid domination games are really hectic, fun, and quite quick.

For milking attempts, I have been trying to speed up the tech pace and reach railroads ASAP. I have been able to do it around 110 CE in Archipelago maps. I ran some MapFinder runs for Pangaea maps, but the domination limit turned out to be over 500 tiles smaller.

I have been trying to delay conquest until all key techs are researched (Replaceable Parts, Sanitation) as the tech pace halts when you start the world war. Then blitz with a huge army using combat settlers, artillery and RoP rapes. Key to this is to optimize production. I have been able to build over 25 Cavalries per turn in Golden Age, so troops can be built just before the conquest phase, thus not eating up treasury before hand.

I don't know yet how the later land gain affects the final score, but the domination limit can be reached fast with key techs and enough of troops.
Trying to nail 20k victory, since last year someone beat my 10th place damn it :) It's all about luck of getting leaders! :/
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