Is it dishonourable to restart a game?


Jul 26, 2013
Reading through some of the deity or A/B/C bonuses or other threads on what is effectively a justified "AI cheating," I want to raise a different question from another angle.

We all get the idea that the AI is realistically inferior and that's why some bonuses are there - however at the end of the day, were it possible - it would be wonderful to play against an AI that could "think" and had no cheating whatsoever, or in other words had the capability of a human player.

My realization is, of course, that we as human players are cheating all the time, particularly when we load a game. Sometimes it's necessary (e.g. the game crashes for some reason), and even understandable because we are in fact playing against cheating AIs, but in any case I've made it a sort of personal goal to not do this and just accept the reality of the game as it goes. I've maybe won half of my Immortal games by riding on this. While some might already play without loading, I think those who don't will agree that it is a merciless temptation and not easy to just not do it.

I get, of course, that anybody can do what they want and none of us has control over anyone else, hence my question of "dishonourable" for restarting a game, because it strikes me as a different category. When it comes to starting games, there's numerous "irritants," let's say - that motivate the desire to just re-launch. And some of them I think are actually correctable, but maybe some aren't. I'll illustrate what I mean.

1. I started a Continents game with a random leader and got Songhai. I was on the largest section of the island with very narrow paths to anyone else - and what I realized was that there was scarcely a Horse to be found anywhere on the continent, and none whatsoever in any place I could settle. This almost instantly makes Songhai an epicfail. I don't know what can be done about this other than restarting.

2. Some discussion has already been had elsewhere about the balance of various resources, because it can greatly change how a game starts. Sometimes, you start with a bunch of 2-yield tiles, other times, you get 5-yield tiles. This can have *massive* effects on the start of the game. I also don't know what can be done about this other than restarting.

3. City founding actually is imbalanced, in various ways. While a non-river non-hill start can have a Well, that loss of extra Food can put a city into mega-slug mode where it can barely grow or build anything, especially combined with situation #2. This, however, seems changeable/fixable. If all non-Hill tiles gave the same yields regardless (3 Food, 1 Production, 1 Gold) and all Hill tiles offered something else (2 Food, 2 Production, 1 Gold), the yields would be more standardized for cities and the beginning of the game less brutal if it was an otherwise "barren" start. This also would permit more flexibility in terms of where cities are laid because players would need to be less nit-picky about an exact spot. At the very least, the Capital strikes one as being a city that ought to be as balanced in yields as possible - with too much flux, half the game can be decided on the first turn, which isn't very much fun.

And so when I see a Plains tile with 5 more Grassland tiles around me and one more Plains tile and no river anywhere - yes, I restart, because I know I'm going to be creamed. I've engaged with it at times - but it never goes well.

So meh, this is part questionnaire, and part balance suggestion - but anyways - where do y'all stand in terms of saving and loading games, or just restarting them? How does this affect your interaction with the game and how much fun you have? Do you care? Does it matter? Something about this seems to me to be worth acting.

-G (the other G)
In single player mode it doesn't matter at all. You could even use InfoAddict or Ingame map editor however you please and there is nothing dishonorable in that. You can just treat the game like a sandbox. I'm strongly against cheating in multiplayer, of course.

Those points that you've mention make the game just more difficult than an ideal start (duh), however in case 1 it makes your civ more generic, hence less interesting, so there is more incentive to restart. There is really no point in playing if you get no pleasure or satisfaction from it. The same applies if you are so ahead that it's too boring to continue current game, so it's better to start over to make it interesting again.
What's most important to me is that I can precisely control the difficulty of the game I'm playing; if the game is impossible to win I get frustrated, if the game is too easy I get bored.
So for that reason I try to control my starting conditions as precisely as possible:
-I restart until I have a good starting location using Really Advanced Setup to reveal my immediate surroundings and judge the quality of my first ~4 Cities.
-I either give all Pathfinders the ability to choose Ancient Ruins rewards or I disable Ancient Ruins altogether.
-I restart if I'm essentially isolated from other Civs on a map where it's not intended.
Sometimes I feel dishonorable about restarting. Other times (often) I decide I'd rather have fun and restart the game, because I have a good idea about how the game is going to go. I also restart a turn if I misclick or realize that I forgot to do something really obvious (like when I'm clicking next turn mindlessly and forget to try for a world project).

I wanted to try Brazil with Hero Worship as Trad / Artistry / Rationalism / Autocracy to see if I could win a conquering tourism game as Brazil. It took like 20 restarts on deity to get the combo. Conquering cities gave GAP, which turned into gold and mimicked imperialism. It was interesting and more fin than if I stuck with the other Brazil games.
It is only not honorable when you you claim you are an emperor player while using tricks.

This is a good point. In general, play the game however you want. But if your coming to the forums and say "I routinely beat immortal"....but can only do that after many game restarts and "perfect starting terrain", than you are being dishonorable.

Also, if your participating in a community challenge (CrazyG is doing one such challenge on deity at the moment), than I think reloads are cheating.

Beyond that, your investing many hours of your time into this game, the goal is fun. If reloading makes the game more fun, than by all means do so.
I even reload occasionally to get a wonder that I missed by 1 or 2 turns, because I'm already so fixated on getting it. It doesn't feel great, to then beat the AI on it after going with a production focus for instance, but it feels better than to have not have it at all. In a sense I enjoy the little puzzle of achieving a certain objective by going back a few turns and see what options I have.
@Solic Yes. Dishonor upon you and three generations of your family!

(It's a video game, at least in singleplayer there's no dishonor :lol:)
It depends what I'm trying to do. Generally I restart if the start is too bad or too good, as I can have a reasonably balanced game. I do wonder if non fresh water should just be 3/1 anyway it is probably already a drawback, but you pretty much never have to settle in place and there will always be somewhere to move to even if you have to double move sometimes
I think some of my disagreements with other players may stem from that. Save-scumming is no fun. I make a mistake, I live with it and try to play in spite of that, be it unassigned spy, wrongly placed city, lost units, missing a wonder or religion. If you know Ironman mode from Xcom: Enemy Unknown (excellent, civ-like game) that's how I play. Decisions are permanent. Misclicks when a unit decides to travel entire map are of course exempt. Playing after you know some information is a form of save-scumming in my books and I don't do that. It's not that exciting. It is boring to play what I've already played so I can't see loading a game as any temptation.
If I would save-scum I would hate myself, it's cheating, just like with info addict. It has nothing to do with personal honor, it's just a game. But it is a strategy game so the point is to evaluate your decisions and train you to think thoroughly and analytically before taking them. Save-scumming destroys the soul of this and the point of the game.
About the points you mentioned, they are not save-scumming, and your considerations are valid. With Songhai one, no, you can make successful wars without it, the are plenty of civs with late unique unit that you can warmonger early. But it's more of a time lost already on this game spent dilemma, I would try to play it. But I don't think other examples are that good. Yes, starts are imbalanced, and that's good. It's strategy so you should take decision of policy and what to do after revealing some surroundings, meeting neighbors and how far they are, evaluating capital potential in food, early production to wonders, etc. But again, too some point it's alright to start. Tundra starts are a typical no go on higher difficulties because you don't stand a chance, so restarting should be done. Most of time what you mentioned is completely honorable, if you start a new game and play it without any information. I don't know form where the notion that they might be dishonorable arise?

Also, I would hate myself for save-scumming, but there are worse things. I would kill myself if I had to move those fifteen crossbowmen and ten longswords every turn through the whole medieval era again and recalculate every move again.
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I usually restart if the start is wholly incompatible with my civilization. I'm here for a challenge, but I also want to be able to enjoy the civ I'm playing.

Some people don't mind playing Indonesia in the middle of a Pangaea continent. I just don't find it fun.
I usually restart if the start is wholly incompatible with my civilization. I'm here for a challenge, but I also want to be able to enjoy the civ I'm playing.

Some people don't mind playing Indonesia in the middle of a Pangaea continent. I just don't find it fun.
Do you mean Polynesia? Indonesia is good on land and ironically possibly even better on land than on water, as you have more places for your luxuries to spawn.

As for restarting, I rarely do it as I figure that it's just another challenge that I need to get through. Though I don't really see what we're supposed to discuss in this thread as it's basically completely personal preference.
Do you mean Polynesia? Indonesia is good on land and ironically possibly even better on land than on water, as you have more places for your luxuries to spawn.

As for restarting, I rarely do it as I figure that it's just another challenge that I need to get through. Though I don't really see what we're supposed to discuss in this thread as it's basically completely personal preference.

Haha confused em with Civ6 Indonesia (been going back and forth a lot). Yeah Polynesia or Carthage or Russia in desert or Arabia in snow etc...

I think the OP just wanted to see what others thought. No harm in it.
I only reload if I make a non-strategic mistake, e.g. accidentally right clicking on a far away place that sends my settler the wrong way, or investing on a building in the wrong city, etc.
I often reload...when testing the diplomacy AI to make sure it works. I own my shame :crazyeye:
I reroll sometimes if I just don't want to play what I got. Often it's because I'm on a continent by myself. Sometimes I'll reroll other stuff too, like if I just played jungle last game and I'm in a huge jungle again.
I reroll starts every time I play until I get conditions I like. Interestingly, this isn't about strategy - it's mainly about aesthetics. I strongly favour one of the terrain palletes (strong orange/green contrast) over the others which I find a bit dull. I also strongly favour jungle and forest starts. Why? Because I love hearing the sounds of birdlife they generate - it enhances the roleplaying experience for me :).

I almost never reload saves after the game has begun. Exceptions are when I do something like @azum4roll mentioned: sending a unit off somewhere by accident. I try to play on a difficulty that allows me to make some accidents and still succeed though.

I do quit games I'm not enjoying however. I like that Civ is challenging, but that's not the only thing I play for. After all, life is challenging enough in itself. I play Civ because I like to immerse myself in the experience :). That said, I've been learning to become comfortable playing in more different settings over time. It's slow, partly due to my anxiety. Still, I feel I've come a long way. Once upon a time I pretty much played only one civ (Shoshone) in very particular settings. Now I'm comfortable with a number of different options.
I reroll starts every time I play until I get conditions I like. Interestingly, this isn't about strategy - it's mainly about aesthetics. I strongly favour one of the terrain palletes (strong orange/green contrast) over the others which I find a bit dull. I also strongly favour jungle and forest starts. Why? Because I love hearing the sounds of birdlife they generate - it enhances the roleplaying experience for me :).

I almost never reload saves after the game has begun. Exceptions are when I do something like @azum4roll mentioned: sending a unit off somewhere by accident. I try to play on a difficulty that allows me to make some accidents and still succeed though.

I do quit games I'm not enjoying however. I like that Civ is challenging, but that's not the only thing I play for. After all, life is challenging enough in itself. I play Civ because I like to immerse myself in the experience :). That said, I've been learning to become comfortable playing in more different settings over time. It's slow, partly due to my anxiety. Still, I feel I've come a long way. Once upon a time I pretty much played only one civ (Shoshone) in very particular settings. Now I'm comfortable with a number of different options.
Yours are surely colourful motivations!
playing legendary start really solved the issue of restarting for me,
also some good balanced custom maps like hellblazer map packs. those two together makes me play nearly every game through (unless im just tired of the game) without wanting to restart.

anyways, when playing higher difficulties the player gets the last and worst starting position when loading in. This makes a start unplayable with some civs with tundra biases like russia and trying to roll a workable start. vanilla settings and maps really has some civs with their biases on a choke hold.

I personally feel like legendary start and a custom map engine is a fine way to play the game for just having playable starts in general. I have a bad taste in my mouth when I think about a civs biases or lack of early bonuses to make up for their bad start terrain being major factors in my perspective of the civ's consistent win rate.
In my opinion, reloading when something goes contrary to your expectations is a case of “happy path gaming”. If you believe you absolutely need a certain terrain, resource, or wonder to win the game, then maybe you only think you know how to play it. :)

Reloading is not “dishonorable” since it doesn’t involve other people, but it robs you of opportunities to learn.

But if you believe that a map script gives you bad starts a bit too often, or your favorite civ is a one-trick pony that can’t win unless it has that specific thing, by all means, tell us about it! Don’t just sit there reloading. :)
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