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is the anticipation better than the actual game?

anticipation better than actual game?

  • anticipation is better

    Votes: 12 10.9%
  • game is better

    Votes: 31 28.2%
  • both are equally awesome

    Votes: 25 22.7%
  • i don't care, give me civ4 now!!!

    Votes: 42 38.2%

  • Total voters


Aspiring Sage
Oct 9, 2001
Tucson, AZ
i don't know about you guys, but the anticipation for me is as exciting if not more than the actual game...i'm finding myself checking the web for new previews every hour or so...dreaming of playing the game...telling people how excitied I am about it when they have no idea what I'm talking about...using the idea of civ4 coming out this month as a major mood-lifter ("ah ****, my cat died, well, whatever, civ4 is coming out this month")...you know, the usual :crazyeye:

then again, i think civilization is probably the only thing that has matched if not superceded the anticipation

what do you think?:confused:
Yeah also been thinking this.

So much get overhyped these days. I'm trying to stay realistic in what I'm expecting with Civ4. But with all the previews and screens its hard.

Still Civ does indeed have the potential to outshine the hype. There’s a lot of gameplay, far more then the previews can hope to cover. Main reason for that is that its so random. No two stories will ever be the same. Every game will be a new adventure!

It's so much better to be with people who are just as hyped as you are than it is to be alone in the hype. Suffice to say, hype is the fastest spreading virus in the gaming industry.
NOOOOOOOOOOO, the game will be better then the anticipation. I don't like the feeling of haveing to wait and wait and wait. It will feel much better to sit there and play the game whenever you want for as long as you want.
Game is better. First game bring much deeper feelings for me, than actually waiting.
Depends on the quality of the the game. There were many games where the pre-release hype was much better than the game itself (e.g. MoO3). ;)
The Person said:
Anticiaption. I can imagine myself sitting with a fresh install of Civ4 and wonder "Why the hell isn't this as good as I expected?"
I feel the same way. The last games I have been anticipating where less good. But I hope that civ4 will be better playing than waiting for. To me civ3 where way better anticipating.

Aks K
You forgot an option. If the anticipation is better then the game, the game is going to suck.

Anticipation is only good if there is a pay off at the end.

But I have anticipated many a game that turned out to be crap.
I'm counting every second tel the release day !!

any way , I stopped playing CIV III for more than 4 months so I can play the new game with extra Passion :drool: , so whatever the game will be , unless its not worse than CIV III , its fine with me . Or I hope so :rolleyes:
Acutally Im worrying myself to death, becasue the thing im most scared of is having some hardware problems and not being able to play CIV IV now that would be a killer.
What would be interesting is asking this after the release.. If it met expectations and more or not so much. But I too have been worrying if it will dissapoint me. I think we all know the feeling of that special let down when the game just didn't turn out to be what you wanted it to be.

But then again, I'm confident they did a good job and the preview'ers seem to enjoy it. So hay! :p
i'm definitely an anticipation junky. i have an excel spreadsheet with upcoming events and releases partially to keep track of it all, but moreso so i can count down the days on everything. (i still can't believe that i'll be getting civ 4 and a feast for crows (novel) almost simultaneously.) i change my wallpaper at work to match the thing i'm anticipating. its been the civ4 cover and tech tree for a couple weeks.

now that i've established myself as an expert, i think i'd say that for the most part the anticipation makes the experience even better. guess it makes you appreciate what you have more than you would.
Tarascan_King said:
Acutally Im worrying myself to death, becasue the thing im most scared of is having some hardware problems and not being able to play CIV IV now that would be a killer.
Speaking of this, anyone know the system requirements it's gonna have?
Sorry, I guess that was off topic. "i don't care, give me civ4 now!!!"
I like anticipating upcoming games more than playing the game. It's fun to read speculation on forums, read previews, watch videos, dream what the game will be like etc.

Last year when I got Half-life 2, I was extremely happy and I openly smiled. It was one of happiest moments in my whole life :blush:
I know the level of my patheticism!

At any given point in time I usually suffer some form of "game-lock" where I spend hours each day trying to find out anything I can on an upcoming game, have all sorts of discussions about said game, and then once out SNAG it the second it hits a store in the area (even traveling, in some cases, to a city an hour away just so I could get it before the given weekend and not have to wait until the next tuesday for it to hit locally).

BUT...once I have the game and get in at least a few blissful days one of two things seems to set in:

1) Minor bugs are found that while not gamebreakers in any normal sense, I start obsessing about so much when I play the game that the game simply feels unplayable until the issues are resolved.

2) The next game down the road already gets my lock-on focus. Even if the most anticipated game for me for the last few months is finally in my hands...there is always the next game to obsess on, discuss, etc...so who has time for the current game?

The best I can hope for with Civ 4 is that my "gamer high" lasts a little longer than most of the games I've gone through this endlessly repeating cycle over (which with its millions of ways to play and stuff to explore it should).
Anticipation better than the game? Only if the game turns out to be atrocious.

I find waiting for a game to come out extremely frustrating.
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