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Is this game worth playing again yet?


May 25, 2016
Its been a couple months since I've last played. I haven't felt any desire to fire it back up. eehhh
Civ V was associated with "Just one more turn". Sadly, so far Civ VI is associated with "Think I'll wait another month and check back".
When I'm playing a game in Civ6, I have this "one more turn" feeling similarly to previous versions. But, for some reason, I don't have the "let's play another game" feeling :) I haven't played the game for few weeks already and I probably won't until at least a small patch.
It's not bad when you're playing with actual people, there's that human factor. Makes it much more entertaining.
I havent played since the 1 week it came out. I will not play until they fix the game. AI units not upgrading and attacking wich is boring. and the ai settle only 3-6 cities so you never meet an big empire either. this is my biggest problem for now if im going to play again
Wait till the next patch. Now it feels like fun is hit or miss, depending if you get a somewhat competent AI and good terrain.
I havent played since the 1 week it came out. I will not play until they fix the game. AI units not upgrading and attacking wich is boring. and the ai settle only 3-6 cities so you never meet an big empire either. this is my biggest problem for now if im going to play again
With the AI+ mod or MadJinn's TechTree fix, the AI upgrades it units. AI+ also leads to the AI settling more cities (you can see up to 20) and conquering other civs. It is also better when attacking you. But it is not perfect, of course. It still wars mostly pre medieval era and it has still trouble to take a city with walls. But give it a try - it's (in my opinion) much better than the original AI.
The Better Trade Routes mod and the units report screen help with the UI and make the game slicker. The two patches since week 1 also helped the UI in some ways.
And on top of all that: I think that the AI is much more of a threat if you disable barbarians. The human player can fight them quite effectively, the AI can't. I haven't checked the disable barbarians box often, but when I did, I had a harder time.
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Depending on mods which can be discontinued at any moment seems like a very bad idea
Same with me, i'm also waiting, from time to time check the forums, see if patch is coming, but i don't see myself playing again before major patch.
And frankly, i don't have high hopes even after the patch based on what two patches did to the game, but i would like to see big update that will at least fix !!!known!!! issues and maybe do something with the issues in gameplay.
For me, the creepy feeling of just pressing the buttons and sliding into victory while wrestling with UI kinda killed the whole experience.
I kinda want to play again but i'm waiting for developers to throw me a bone to play with.
Without mods, no, with mods, yes.

My personal mod list:

TCS's Omnibus mod (complete ruleset) - This mod is a general gameplay overhaul, giving more techs and civics, changing district adjacencies, overhauling strategic resources etc.
AI+ - A great mod that vastly improves the AI.
Larger Worlds - Bigger map sizes. Good PC recommended.
Detailed Worlds - More features like bays on maps, also (I think, from what I'm seeing in game) more mountain ranges and stuff. Just general better and more realistic maps.
Deity++ - AI starts with less units but gains more bonuses, also adds two levels above Deity. Works with rulesets, but the creator also uploaded the rulesets as individual mods so that they can be coupled with another mod that uses rulesets (like the Omnibus mod).
I gave up on it, then came back for one more try, then realized, Civ 6 is not worth the effort. It's just a boring game. I will check back here periodically to see if Firaxis does anything to repair this naked money grab. There are many things about the game that are better than any previous Civ. Unlike most of the others however, this game with its worthless AI - simply provides no challenge, no excitement and never and urge for, "just one more turn."

I fear Civ 6 may never be fixed and never worth playing. I will wait for quite some time, once the expansion comes out to read the user reviews here, making certain they are good - before investing in any more Firaxis crap. This is a dev that's set its hair on fire and they'd better move fast to put out the fire. I may never buy another Civ, at this level it simply holds no interest.
Its been a couple months since I've last played. I haven't felt any desire to fire it back up. eehhh

Yes it's worth playing. I enjoy it most on Immortal and Deity levels with the following mods:
  • AI+V9
  • Smoother Difficulty
  • 8 Ages of Pace
  • AI Siege Help
  • Better Trade Screen
  • Milder Agendas and Relations
  • More Lenses
  • RED modpack
  • Research reminder
  • Unit Report Screen
I wouldn't play vanilla Civ 6. However, I don't play many games vanilla now-a-days; most are modded to death.
I am enjoying also but I have it modded as well..the mods I use which certainly improve the base game 100%.
Choraces UI mod
Several map mods
Improvement Patch or TSC Omnibus or QUO's combined tweaks or CivVI NQ Mods Pack v8.1
8 ages of Pace if no conflicts
I would love to see a stickied post with everyone's favorite mods and combination of mods, maybe even with some details as to why they feel it improves the game. I've played around some with mods but have yet to find a combo that improves the flaws of the base game without going a bit too far. I really feel like there is a great game hiding somewhere underneath, just haven't figured out how to bring it out just yet.
I would love to see a stickied post with everyone's favorite mods and combination of mods, maybe even with some details as to why they feel it improves the game. I've played around some with mods but have yet to find a combo that improves the flaws of the base game without going a bit too far. I really feel like there is a great game hiding somewhere underneath, just haven't figured out how to bring it out just yet.
You can go to the Civ 6 Creation and Customization page on this website; there's a lot of interesting mods that would be to your tastes :)
Not really the random severe freezes trying to get back to desktop and the Kongo game breaking bug is still around, that alone one would think a hotfix to be released rather than waiting for a patch. But here we are, religious spam is still around no matter what level of difficulty you play.
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